
Ways to self-regulate emotions and behavior
44 Pins
Free Printable When I Am Frustrated Social Scripts for Kids
Free printable frustration or anger speech social scripts for kids with autism or hyperlexia from And Next Comes L
Another terrific visual
Art 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- inside circle is Circle of Influence and the outside circle is Circle of Concern. quotes
Improve Emotional Regulation In Just 7 Minutes Per Day
Improve your kid’s emotional regulation in just 7 minutes a day with these animal-themed exercises
Self Monitoring Charts are a great tool that is not used very frequently. Typically, teachers will opt for a standard behavior chart where the day is broken down into subject areas and the teacher gives points, smiley faces, checks, etc when the student is meeting the target behavior. A self monitoring chart can be developed in a very similar fashion, but with the added bonus of starting to put more responsibility on the student for “checking” their behavior.
Think vs. Say: Social Thinking (Speech Room News)
Think vs. Say: Social Thinking
Back to School Activities - Free Sample and Whole Body Listening Download!
Back to School Activities - Free Sample and Whole Body Listening Download!
Make It, Take It--a Weighted Lap Pad for Students
OT Tools for Public Schools: Make It, Take It--a Weighted Lap Pad for Students
Sensory Integration for Children Who Chew - Meet Penny
Sensory integration ideas for children who chew Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources http://pinterest.com/sostherapy.
How Big is my Problem? Classroom Management Poster
How Big is my Problem? Classroom Management Poster
Cool Down Cubes
Cool Down Cubes - great for students who have difficulty with anger. Using a permanent marker, write a safe "cool down" strategy on each ice cube. For example: count to ten, walk away, talk to a friend, take three deep breaths, etc. I also left a few of the cubes blank so that the students could come up with their own strategies.