
74 Pins
Non-Standard Measurement Craft
This is a great craft for Kindergarten and First Grade students working on non-standard measurement. This activity comes with three different versions:- Measuring their fish's length with cubes, paperclips, and comparing their fish's length with those of their classmates- Measuring their fish's length with cubes, paperclips, and comparing their fish's length with other objects - Measure their fish's length with units of their choice, and comparing their fish's length with other objects
Rubber Duck Math Race - Happy Toddler Playtime
Measurement in Kindergarten - Length and Height
Measurement in Kindergarten - Length and Height | Mrs. Albanese's Kindergarten Class
Introducing Measurement Activities for Little Learners
Engage your learners with these measure and compare activities. With these activities, your kindergarten and first grader learners will learn how to measure objects around them as well as compare objects based on measurements. This free resource is a great measurement practice. #measurement #kindergarten #firstgrade #math
Dinosaur Measurement Activities for Kindergarten and First Grade
These free dinosaur measurement activities are great for kids in preschool up to first grade. They focus on using non-standard measurement units such as cubes. #dinosaurtheme #measurementactivities #preschoolmath #kindergartenmath #firstgrademath #nonstandardmeasurent