There are thousands of handbags out there, but only few of them are genuine. So if you're looking for something unique, make sure you get yourself a piece of art by checking this beautiful handmade purse today. Handcrafted in the heart of Mexico, this exquisite handbag has been created using the same techniques used by generations before us. Made entirely by hand and featuring 100% cotton canvas fabric, this gorgeous accessory makes a statement wherever you go. Make a fashion statement like neve Green Woven Bag For Gift, Artisan Rectangular Bag With Zipper Pouch, Bohemian Clutch With Removable Pouch As Gift, Handmade Clutch Pouch, Handmade Clutch Pouch For Personal Use, Bohemian Handmade Coin Purse For Travel, Handmade Rectangular Shoulder Bag, Handmade Clutch Pouch For Daily Use, Artisan Green Shoulder Bag As Gift