Plant Care

Houseplant Care #plants #houseplants #care
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How to Keep Moss from Growing on Concrete — 4 Best Tips
How to Keep Moss from Growing on Concrete — 4 Best Tips Moss is infuriatingly difficult to control. Once it anchors onto concrete, it does not go away without a strong fight. The only way to keep moss from growing on concrete is to reduce the moisture content that attracts it. Without treating the source of the problem, repeat treatments with various moss removal methods will only offer temporary fixes. The moss will al…
How to Start Seeds in Rockwool - #1 Guide to Success
How to Start Seeds in Rockwool – #1 Guide to Success I have found that there are quite a few different methods when it comes to growing plants. However, one method that is quite popular is using Rockwool ( in order to grow plants. This method is popular due to the fact that it is quite effective and I can use this method to grow a wid…
When to Transplant Seedlings in Hydroponics - The Answer!
When to Transplant Seedlings in Hydroponics – The Answer! Hydroponics ( is the process of growing plants without soil. The University of Nevada ( states that "hydro" stands for water and "ponos" for labor. In the past couple of years, hydroponics (…
How to Start Lettuce Seeds for Hydroponics [Solved]
How to Start Lettuce Seeds for Hydroponics [Solved] Lettuce is a popular crop for hydroponic systems. It is not only an easy crop to grow, by grows quickly and can provide you with large amounts of lettuce throughout the year. According to the University of Maryland (, lettuce needs 40-80 days to maturity, depending on the variety.
How to Prepare Coco Coir for Hydroponics - Read This!
How to Prepare Coco Coir for Hydroponics – Read This! Coco coir has become the go-to growing medium for use with hydroponic ( hobbyists and those who have traditionally used peat moss in their soil mix. According to Utah State University (, the pH of coco coir is closed to 6 and it is quite …
How to Clean Air Stones for Hydroponics - Do This!
How to Clean Air Stones for Hydroponics – Do This! Unless they are in oxygen-rich water, plants in a hydroponic ( system can encounter a myriad of issues. Air stones supply oxygen to the roots and ensure that the nutrients are bubbled up to the roots according to Oklahoma State University (…
Germinate Seeds for Hydroponics Without Rockwool - Best Alternatives
Germinate Seeds for Hydroponics Without Rockwool – Best Alternatives Germination is the process of a plant growing from a seed into a seedling according to WVU Extension ( A seed will contain everything that is needed to grow into a plant. Instead of growing seeds in the soil, you can also grow seeds into seedlings using hydr…
When To Start Amaryllis For Christmas? Oh!
When To Start Amaryllis For Christmas? Oh! The botanical name of Amaryllis ( is Hippeastrum, and it is originated from South America's tropical regions. Amaryllis is popular because of its large flowers and ease with which they can bloom, which is why they are in demand worldwide. There are several varieties of Amaryllis, which include shades of red, pink salmon,…
12 Best Sansevieria Cylindrica Care Tips - Grow Guide
Sansevieria Cylindrica Care Guide — All You Need to Know! Sansevieria Cylindrica or also called Dracaena angolensisare my all-time favorite plants because of their easy maintenance, stylish looks, and ability to grow in a wide variety of conditions. If you're new to plant ownership or want a houseplant that needs minimal care, a Sansevieria will be your right choice! Sansevieria plants (…
Monstera Subpinnata Care in a Nutshell
Monstera Subpinnata Care in a Nutshell Monstera Subpinnata is a fragmented leaf plant from Ecuador that looks elegant. The foliage is widely segmented and leaves 12 inches long and 8 inches wide when fully grown. As it climbs, the vine appears to remain narrow and thin—a brilliant foliage plant and with its fern-like foliage distinct from many other Monsteras ( Monstera Subphinnata is ve…
How to Get Rid of Hookworms in Soil For Good
How to Get Rid of Hookworms in Soil For Good Dog feces may contain hookworm eggs. Hookworm eggs get into the soil, where they hatch. There is even a risk of you and your family getting hookworms, especially if you are prone to walking barefoot on your lawn. #hookworms #soil
Leaves with Brown Edges on Bird of Paradise – No More!
Leaves with Brown Edges on Bird of Paradise – No More! For those who love colorful plants, nothing is as delightful as Bird of Paradise. This plant is native to the coastal areas of South Africa. It has lovely flowers in which orange and blue petals fuse together. #birdofparadise #brownedgesbirdofparadise
How Fast do Boxwoods Grow? Ooh!
How Fast do Boxwoods Grow? Ooh! If you are looking for a versatile, easy-to-cultivate shrub, Boxwood ( is a good choice. It has a slower growth rate than other types of shrubbery, which makes it ideal for some landscapes and green spaces in your yard. Boxwoods ( add color and visual interest year-round, a…
4 Methods How To Get Rid Of Tomato Worms Fast
4 Methods How To Get Rid Of Tomato Worms Fast Manduca Quinquemaculata ( or Tomato Hornworms are a serious threat to your Tomato crops since they are difficult to identify. They can defoliate the Tomato plants ( in no time. In fact, they are found in all regions of the United States. But do not fear bec…