Baseball - Hitting

203 Pins
132K views · 1K reactions | A drill from my latest YouTube video “hitting drill to get into correct launch position and to fire hips first” I love to do this drill because it helps us feel where we need to be before firing the hips. So for those of you who step and bring the hands in at the same time or who step and immediately open up, this is for you. #softball #baseball #tannertees #hitting #hittingdrills | MegRem Softball
129K views · 1K reactions | A drill from my latest YouTube video “hitting drill to get into correct launch position and to fire hips first” I love to do this drill because it helps us feel where we need to be before firing the hips. So for those of you who step and bring the hands in at the same time or who step and immediately open up, this is for you. #softball #baseball #tannertees #hitting #hittingdrills | MegRem Softball
13K views · 398 reactions | Rollovers: explained 🤨 #baseball #hitting #baseballboys #hittingdrills | Coach Murph
13K views · 398 reactions | Rollovers: explained 🤨 #baseball #hitting #baseballboys #hittingdrills | Coach Murph
4K views · 449 reactions | My guys know what im gonna say here too📈 Feels are free. Alrhough this isnt really feel this is more passing on the real but hey well let it rock🕺 Super cool🧨💥 #SweetSpotHitting #Hitting #Swings #Training #MLB #Baseball #Batting #Practice | JP Vail
4K views · 449 reactions | My guys know what im gonna say here too📈 Feels are free. Alrhough this isnt really feel this is more passing on the real but hey well let it rock🕺 Super cool🧨💥 #SweetSpotHitting #Hitting #Swings #Training #MLB #Baseball #Batting #Practice | JP Vail
446 reactions · 15 shares | 9-year-old Rowan Sexton is in the house, and he has made massive improvements, getting bigger, stronger, and better in the last two years of working with us! Here are some of his Gswing improvements that allowed him to gain over 25 MPH in exit velocity, 100+ feet in distance, and consistency: 1. Before: We see Rowan was not standing in an athletic hitting position and was not using his legs at all. Now: We see he is standing in an athletic hitting position and has a good gather, engaging his legs to get into a strong hitting position. 2. Before: We see Rowan was disconnecting and not rotating in his swing. Now: We see he is rotating in his swing, staying connected, and making good, strong contact. 3. Before: When Rowan got to extension, he was not creating money gap and was popping up, not in a powerful position. Now: We see Rowan has great extension, creating money gap staying grounded in his legs, and maintaining good posture.#gswing #hittingdrills #baseballdad #hittingmechanics | GradumGswing
446 reactions · 15 shares | 9-year-old Rowan Sexton is in the house, and he has made massive improvements, getting bigger, stronger, and better in the last two years of working with us! Here are some of his Gswing improvements that allowed him to gain over 25 MPH in exit velocity, 100+ feet in distance, and consistency: 1. Before: We see Rowan was not standing in an athletic hitting position and was not using his legs at all. Now: We see he is standing in an athletic hitting position and has a good gather, engaging his legs to get into a strong hitting position. 2. Before: We see Rowan was disconnecting and not rotating in his swing. Now: We see he is rotating in his swing, staying connected, and making good, strong contact. 3. Before: When Rowan got to extension, he was not creating mo
155K views · 994 reactions | 【ヘッドを効かせる腹圧ドリル】 こんにちは! 近森雄太です⚾️ 今回はヘッドを効かせるために必要な感覚です。 このドリルでは、 ▪️腹圧でバットを止める ▪️左半身の踏み込み、ブレーキ ▪️ボールへのバットの入れ方 が大切になってきます。 手首への負担が怖いので、小さい子は プラスチックバット、軽いバットで ぜひ取り組んでみてください。 かなりおすすめのドリルです⚾️ #野球少年 #少年野球 #野球塾 #草野球 #野球少年の父 | 近森雄太 / 野球指導者 / Amazing埼玉校
155K views · 994 reactions | 【ヘッドを効かせる腹圧ドリル】 こんにちは! 近森雄太です⚾️ 今回はヘッドを効かせるために必要な感覚です。 このドリルでは、 ▪️腹圧でバットを止める ▪️左半身の踏み込み、ブレーキ ▪️ボールへのバットの入れ方 が大切になってきます。 手首への負担が怖いので、小さい子は プラスチックバット、軽いバットで ぜひ取り組んでみてください。 かなりおすすめのドリルです⚾️ #野球少年 #少年野球 #野球塾 #草野球 #野球少年の父 | 近森雄太 / 野球指導者 / Amazing埼玉校
4.9K views · 19 reactions | #baseball 重力と重心を利用しよう👇 他の投稿も参考にどうぞ👉@jacksbeer1207 色々と水バットなら解明出来そうです😌 バットは地面と平行の重心なら力が分散します。 肩と平行ならヘッドに重心が集中します。 グリップは上、ヘッドは下。 イメージとは違うリアルを感じて下さい😊 水バット先行予約受付中です。 プロフィール欄のURLからでもDMでも大丈夫です😌 #野球 #少年野球 #HittingDrill #Hitting #hittingdrillitem | 福原芳之
4.9K views · 19 reactions | #baseball 重力と重心を利用しよう👇 他の投稿も参考にどうぞ👉@jacksbeer1207 色々と水バットなら解明出来そうです😌 バットは地面と平行の重心なら力が分散します。 肩と平行ならヘッドに重心が集中します。 グリップは上、ヘッドは下。 イメージとは違うリアルを感じて下さい😊 水バット先行予約受付中です。 プロフィール欄のURLからでもDMでも大丈夫です😌 #野球 #少年野球 #HittingDrill #Hitting #hittingdrillitem | 福原芳之
1.5K views · 335 reactions | Short to the ball, LONG through the zone... Yes, you can do both! Want to gain 5 MPH of EV before your season? Shoot me a DM - #BaseballTraining #ExitVelo #HittingTips #CollegeBaseball #HitBombs #short | Chris Sparber | Founder & CEO Of Sparber University
1.5K views · 335 reactions | Short to the ball, LONG through the zone... Yes, you can do both! Want to gain 5 MPH of EV before your season? Shoot me a DM - #BaseballTraining #ExitVelo #HittingTips #CollegeBaseball #HitBombs #short | Chris Sparber | Founder & CEO Of Sparber University
3K views · 287 reactions | Palm down and up has truly been a game changer for must of my ball players when they begin to understand the importants of having their hands in this position allowing them to extend through and hit the ball up and get the back spin we want the ball to have coming off the bat. #hittinggoals #hittingdrills #hittingbombs | H.A.W.K. Baseball Academy
3K views · 287 reactions | Palm down and up has truly been a game changer for must of my ball players when they begin to understand the importants of having their hands in this position allowing them to extend through and hit the ball up and get the back spin we want the ball to have coming off the bat. #hittinggoals #hittingdrills #hittingbombs | H.A.W.K. Baseball Academy
23K views · 172 reactions | ❇️ Slow Motion Demo 🤙🏼 • Outside pitches: Stop your hips earlier, catch it in front of able • Inside pitches: Stop your hips later, catch it deeper if able • @tannertees all day long 💪🏼 #hitting #baseballdad #baseballmom #softballgirls #softballmom #littleleague #probaseball #battingcage | The Hitter’s Lab
23K views · 172 reactions | ❇️ Slow Motion Demo 🤙🏼 • Outside pitches: Stop your hips earlier, catch it in front of able • Inside pitches: Stop your hips later, catch it deeper if able • @tannertees all day long 💪🏼 #hitting #baseballdad #baseballmom #softballgirls #softballmom #littleleague #probaseball #battingcage | The Hitter’s Lab
111K views · 6.6K reactions | How to hit the INSIDE and OUTSIDE pitch. Thank you @hangloosesports for creating the coolest batting tee ever. Carolina boys representing! | James Lowe
111K views · 6.6K reactions | How to hit the INSIDE and OUTSIDE pitch. Thank you @hangloosesports for creating the coolest batting tee ever. Carolina boys representing! | James Lowe
85K views · 626 reactions | How to hit the INSIDE and OUTSIDE pitch. Thank you Hang Loose Sports for creating the coolest batting tee ever. Carolina boys representing! | Coach Ballgame
85K views · 626 reactions | How to hit the INSIDE and OUTSIDE pitch. Thank you Hang Loose Sports for creating the coolest batting tee ever. Carolina boys representing! | Coach Ballgame
2K views · 34 reactions | This drill is excellent for helping players stay through the ball, as it encourages them to remain fully extended. By focusing on extension, players can achieve cleaner, more powerful contact every time. Give it a try—you’ll see the difference! #baseball #littleleague #homerun #travelball #summercamp #fun #baseballseason #littleleaguebaseball #softball #mlb #speedball #legendsbaseball #sports | Legends Baseball & Softball Camps
2K views · 34 reactions | This drill is excellent for helping players stay through the ball, as it encourages them to remain fully extended. By focusing on extension, players can achieve cleaner, more powerful contact every time. Give it a try—you’ll see the difference! #baseball #littleleague #homerun #travelball #summercamp #fun #baseballseason #littleleaguebaseball #softball #mlb #speedball #legendsbaseball #sports | Legends Baseball & Softball Camps
1.3K views · 5K reactions | ¿Qué opinan de esta forma de agarrar el bat.? Jasonkinchen @seguidores @fans destacados Softbol Chiapas Softbol Tuxtleco Parque Recreativo y... | By Softbol Chiapas | Facebook
1.3K views · 5K reactions | ¿Qué opinan de esta forma de agarrar el bat.? Jasonkinchen @seguidores @fans destacados Softbol Chiapas Softbol Tuxtleco Parque Recreativo y... | By Softbol Chiapas | Facebook
11K views · 112 reactions | #Baseball この練習は分かりやすい👇 他の投稿も参考にどうぞ👉@jacksbeer1207 家にあるバットケースを振るのは とても練習になりました! バットよりも視覚的に分かりやすい! 最終的に思いっきり振っても 飛んでいかない!それがパームアップ! 強く握らなくても飛んでいかない! それが身体を使って振れる『オートスイング』 #野球 #少年野球 #HittingDrill #Hitting | 福原芳之
11K views · 112 reactions | #Baseball この練習は分かりやすい👇 他の投稿も参考にどうぞ👉@jacksbeer1207 家にあるバットケースを振るのは とても練習になりました! バットよりも視覚的に分かりやすい! 最終的に思いっきり振っても 飛んでいかない!それがパームアップ! 強く握らなくても飛んでいかない! それが身体を使って振れる『オートスイング』 #野球 #少年野球 #HittingDrill #Hitting | 福原芳之
10K views · 284 reactions | 他の投稿はこちら → @yuya_beisbol #野球 #野球塾 #少年野球 #学童野球 #野球少年 #バッティング #バッティング練習 #cricket | YUYA TSURUTA | HITTING COACH⚾︎ . /
10K views · 284 reactions | 他の投稿はこちら → @yuya_beisbol #野球 #野球塾 #少年野球 #学童野球 #野球少年 #バッティング #バッティング練習 #cricket | YUYA TSURUTA | HITTING COACH⚾︎ . /