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One Giant Block Makes a Stunning Quilt - Quilting Digest
One Giant Block Makes a Stunning Quilt - Quilting Digest
Create a 3D Bow Tie Quilt Block | National Quilters Circle
Create a 3D Bow Tie Quilt Block | National Quilters Circle
3 dimensional bows quilt detail. Via internet archive wayback machine.
50K views · 1K reactions | Don't forget to share this so it will save to your profile :) Come sew this easy beginner sewing project with me• Let me teach you how to sew like my... | By Hometown Quilt Company, LLC | Let's go make this American flag quilt block go in between our patriotic pieces but first, don't forget to share this so it'll be on your profile when you're looking for it later. Five blue strips, two and a half inches wide, eight inches long. Two red, two white, eight and a fourth inches long, two and a half inches wide, eight and a fourth inches long. Too red, too white. Too red, too white. Two and a half inches wide, 18 inches long. And they're going to go down here at the bottom, okay? So, the first thing we're going to do Just like that. And this is going to be our flag that's going to go in between each one of our patriotic blocks. First thing we're going to do is sew all of these together. I've already sewn mine together before I realize I needed to wait. So forgive me for this but there's five of these eight inches long. Two and a half inches wide. I'm going to sew these four together. I'm going to put pretty side to pretty side. Sew here. Open up. Pretty side to pretty side. So there. Open up. Pretty side to pretty side. Sew there. Open up. Just like that. Quarter inch seam, back stitch when you stop, and when you start. Follow the edge of your fabric with the edge of your presser foot. Do not look at your needle while you're sewing. Easy peasy. The patriotic blocks that you're watching me make are on 18 by 18 inch squares. This flag block ends up being a little bit shorter than 18 inches so I'm going to add a piece of fabric to the top and to the bottom. I've sewn all of these. Now I'm going to do the same to these four. Pretty side to pretty side. I'm going to sew it quarter inch seam. Open it up. Add the next one. Pretty side to pretty side. Quarter inch seam until I have these four sewn together. So you can do this one of two ways. You can sew your flag block and then add a 1 1/ 2 by 18 inch strip to the top and to the bottom or you could make your quilt blocks 18 inches by 16 inches which is the finished length of this flag block. Sewn all of my pieces. These, these, and these. I'm going to go iron mine. You go iron yours. I'll be right back. I'm back. Okay. So now, I'm going to sew my blue pieces. This is important. I want them to go up and down. My red and white pieces are going to go to the side. I'm going to lay those pretty side to pretty side and I'm going to sew down this side. Quarter-inch seam, back stitch when you start and when you stop because my grandma said so. And even when I don't say because my grandma said so, just know I hear her in my mind telling me. Oh my goodness. Y'all look how pretty this is. Okay now we're going to sew this one to this one. Just like this. I made this from a patriotic jelly roll and Missouri Star Quilt Company has some great options. That's it. Oh my goodness. Here's our flag block to go in our patriotic quilt. My name is Tammy. I'm your favorite sewing teacher and I would love for you to come sew with me.
2.2K views · 109 reactions | Don't forget to share this so it will save to your profile :) Come sew this easy beginner sewing project with me• Let me teach you how to sew like my... | By Hometown Quilt Company, LLC | Let's go make this American flag quilt block go in between our patriotic pieces but first, don't forget to share this so it'll be on your profile when you're looking for it later. Five blue strips, two and a half inches wide, eight inches long. Two red, two white, eight and a fourth inches long, two and a half inches wide, eight and a fourth inches long. Too red, too white. Too red, too white. Two and a half inches wide, 18 inches long. And they're going to go down here at the bottom, okay? So, the first thing we're going to do Just like that. And this is going to be our flag
Perfect Machine Binding Tutorial for Quilts | Lella Boutique
Perfect Machine Binding Tutorial for Quilts | Lella Boutique
Baby, pet quilts made too order lizzy_1964@me.com for info or check out my Etsy store CraftHillArtisans