Back to School

Back to school ideas and activities for launching a new school year! #backtoschool #backtoschoolactivities #teachertrap
1,163 Pins
Back to School Classroom Procedures Lapbook
Teach your classroom procedures and expectations with this engaging back to school project! Students create a lapbook that includes important routines, the daily schedule, how to make friends, and more!
Class Jobs
Class jobs can be a powerful way to build community, student ownership, and responsibility. With Classroom Crews, students work in teams to take on meaningful class jobs! #classroomjobs #classjobs #firstgrade #secondgrade #thirdgrade #fourthgrade #fifthgrade #teachertrap
No More Messy Student Desks – Teacher Trap
Help your students get organized! Clean desks, organized supplies, and routines that keep it that way! Easy tips for making sure you never have to deal with messy student desks again! #studentdesks #classroomsupplies #classroomorganization #classroomtips #teachertrap
Quick Classroom Management Strategies
These quick and simple classroom management strategies can help you redirect students and prevent behavior issues with ease! #behaviormanagement #classroommanagement #classroommanagementstrategies #studentbehavior #teachingtips #teachertrap
New Homeschooler Survival Guide
With schools shut down due to Covid19, many parents are navigating homeschool without any training or support. Here are 10 essential tips for new homeschool parents trying to manage distance learning for the first time! #homeschool #teachingathome #distancelearning #homeschoolparent #homeschoolmom #elementary #teachertrap
Word Problems Made Easy
An honest blog post about what happened when I tried (and then ditched) my Behavior Clip Chart. #classroommanagement #studentbehavior #behaviorcolorcharts #behaviorclipcharts #managingstudentbehavior #teachertrap
Sharing Student Progress With Parents
Parent conferences are the perfect time to help parents understand how their child is performing at school. Learn simple strategies for helping them make sense of the grades and data so that parents can support their child at home! #studentprogress #parentconferences #parentcommunication #reportcards #teachertrap
Outlaw "I'm Done" in Your Classroom!
Tired of fast-finishers and messy student work? Teach your students to use their time wisely and outlaw the words "I'm done" forever! #fastfinishers #classroomamangementstrategies #teachertrap
Quick Classroom Management Strategies
These quick and simple classroom management strategies can help you redirect students and prevent behavior issues with ease! #behaviormanagement #classroommanagement #classroommanagementstrategies #studentbehavior #teachingtips #teachertrap
Word Problems Made Easy
An honest blog post about what happened when I tried (and then ditched) my Behavior Clip Chart. #classroommanagement #studentbehavior #behaviorcolorcharts #behaviorclipcharts #managingstudentbehavior #teachertrap