
820 Pins
How To Grow & Care For A Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
Master rubber plant care with this easy gardening guide! From ficus tree indoor essentials to tips on keeping rubber plant indoor vibrant, this guide covers it all. Perfect for plant care houseplants and achieving your nature-inspired plant goals. Gardening for dummies made simple!
9 Tips to Make Chinese Money Plant Bushy
"Discover the ultimate Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides) care guide! Learn essential tips for thriving Money Plant care, ensuring your Chinese Money Tree stays lush and vibrant. From optimal lighting to watering techniques, this guide covers everything you need for healthy Money Plants. Perfect for beginners and seasoned plant lovers alike, elevate your indoor garden with expert advice on Chinese Money Plant care! 🌿✨ "
How To Air Layer Monstera?
Air layering, a technique that encourages root development on a stem while it’s still attached to the parent plant, has proven to be an exciting journey. This technique offers several advantages in Monstera propagation, including a higher success rate compared to traditional cuttings and the ability to produce larger, more established plants in a shorter period. #AirLayeringMonstera #MonsteraPropagation #MonsteraCare #HouseplantPropagation #MonsteraLovers #IndoorPlantCare #PlantPropagationTips
How To Grow And Care For Philodendron Congo Rojo
Philodendron Rojo Congo is an easy-to-grow, hybrid Philodendron hybrid. This article shares tips on to grow and care for your Congo Rojo.
Philodendron Camposportoanum: Features & Care Guide
This article provides you with information about the Philodendron Camposportoanum: how to take care of it and deal with common problems.
Ellie Bagwell on Instagram: "Easiest way to get rid of mealybugs! HAIRSPRAY!!! When Hairstylist and plant lady collide💁‍♀️🌱 #hairspray #mealybug #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantpests #indoorjungle #Houseplants #indoorgardening"
Learn all about caring for the gorgeous philodendron rojo congo!
Did you add a philodendron rojo congo to your houseplant collection? This stunning upright tropical baby makes a wonderful statement plant in a bright room. Learn all about how to care for it here!
10 Ideal Indoor Plants for North Side of Your Home
Discover the best indoor plants for the north side of your house. These plants thrive in sunrooms, balconies, or gardens facing north. From prayer plants to peace lilies, these air-purifying beauties will enhance your space. Explore trailing varieties, rare finds, and stunning shrubs perfect for creating greenery in your north-facing garden. Learn how to care for prayer plants and make them flourish indoors.
Houseplant Care in Winter
Indoor plants needs during the cold winter months should be different. Learn the essentials to properly care for your houseplants in winter. #houseplants #houseplantcare #gardening #indoorgardening #plantscare #indoorplantscare
14 Non-Toxic Plants for Indoor Spaces
Discover a wide variety of beautiful and non-toxic indoor plants that are safe for your pets and easy to care for. From air purifying plants to low maintenance houseplants, we have a selection of non-toxic pet-friendly succulents that are perfect for your home. Explore our collection of the best indoor plants non toxic to cats and dogs, ensuring a safe environment for your furry friends. Create an inviting space with these indoor plants safe for cats and kids, bringing nature indoors without any
Tips & Tricks To Create The Best Pothos Soil Mix
Check out this article to see what materials are required to create the best pothos soil mix. It all comes down to proper drainage, aeration, and nutrients.