Science Projects for Kids

Twinkl provides all sorts of science project ideas for kids! Name your science project: life and nature, seasons, materials, body and health, electricity, force and motion, light and dark, sound and hearing, and earth and space! Simply click download and print the materials for your kids. We make teaching easier for you 😊✨
27 Pins
Push or Pull Sorting Cards
This handy set of Push and Pull Sorting Cards help teach basic forces, allowing your children to decide whether an action uses a push or pull action.
Natural and Man Made Light Source Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity that will get the children thinking about which light source is natural and which is man made - a great way to get the children involved and actively learning!
This may contain: an advertisement for the korean language on a city street with buildings in the back ground
원어민처럼 자연스러운 날씨 영어 표현 3가지 🌦️
새로 날씨 자료를 업데이트하면서 어린이도 바로 쓸 수 있는 영어 표현 3가지 준비해봤습니다! ✅ 가을에 선선하고 바람 부는 날씨 👉 breezy ”It’s really breezy today” 라고 하면 가을에 햇살은 따뜻하고 공기는 시원한 느낌이라고 생각해주시면 됩니다! ✅ 미세먼지 👉 fine dust “조심해, 오늘 밖에 미세먼지 심하대” 라고 말할 땐 “Be careful, it’s really dusty outside” 아니면 “There’s a lot of fine dust today”로 표현해주세요! 🙋🏻‍♀️ 하나더 👉 공기질이 나쁘다 라는 뜻을 강조하고 싶다면 “Don’t forget your mask. The air quality is really poor today” ✅ 장마처럼 비가 많이와 👉 pouring 비가 정말 많이 와! 라는 표현은 흔히 다들 아시는 ”It’s raining” 을 사용할 수도 있지만 ”밖에 비가 진짜 많이 쏟아져“ 라고 강조하고 싶으면 “It is pouring outside” 라고 해서 물병에서 물이 콸콸콸 쏟아지듯이 “pouring” 이라고 표현해주셔도 좋습니다. 이번 영상이 유용했다면 화면 더블클릭해서 좋아요 꾹 눌러주세요! 💗 #무료한글 #무료한글자료 #무료영어자료 #유치원선생님 #초등학교선생님 #엄마표영어 #엄마표영어자료 #엄마표영어표현 #원어민영어표현 #날씨영어 #날씨영어표현 #날씨영어자료 #교육자료 #과외자료 #과외선생님 #과외자료사이트 #한글자료사이트 #영어자료사이트
This may contain: the contents of a korean language book with scissors and cd's on top of it
Phases of the Moon Activity Pack
This may contain: a pair of scissors sitting on top of a piece of paper with pictures of planets
Earth and Solar System Activity Pack
This may contain: there are many magnets on the wall to display things that are in different shapes and sizes
Food Group Sorting Activity
Types Of Forces Display Posters
Display this useful set of beautifully illustrated posters in your classroom to help your KS2 class to understand the different types of forces.
Sound and Hearing Topic Word Cards
This set of Hearing and Sound Word Cards contains 15 individual word cards that can be printed out across four sheets of A4 paper.
Planet Fact Display Posters
Invite young children to learn about the planets (and the Sun) using these Planet Fact Display Pictures as attractive visual resources. Each picture has an attractive image along with some key information about the planet (or the Sun) that’s just right for young children exploring this topic for the first time or for other children who would benefit from an introductory resource.
Magnetism Challenge Cards
This handy pack of challenge cards containing challenges and questions about Magnetism is great for supporting your teaching on magnetic force.
Magnetism Object Sorting Cards
A handy set of sorting cards containing a range of magnetic objects and objects that aren't magnetic!
Light and Dark Fact Cards
These Light and Dark display fact cards are a great way to visualize all the important points about light and dark.
Hen Life Cycle Pack
Use these lovely resources about life cycle of a chicken to teach your students. Posters, word cards, worksheet, and activity packs are ready!
Healthy Eating Sorting Activity
We think getting a healthy, balanced diet is really important. Try using this resource to help your children get familiar with the different food groups and which ones they should eat a lot of, which they should eat some of, and which they should only eat a little of.
Volcano Word Cards
This handy set of word cards feature key vocabulary for learning everything you need to know about volcano!