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Ellan Rhode

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State of Rhode Island
Brattagh Ellan Rhode Seal steat Ellan Rhode
Brattagh Seal
Far-ennym: The Ocean State, Little Rhody
Jarroo-raa: Hope
Caslys çheerey taishbyney Ellan Rhode
Caslys çheerey taishbyney Ellan Rhode
Çhengey oikoil Veg
Preeu-valley Providence
Balley smoo Providence
Eaghtyr  'Sy 50-oo ynnyd
 - Yn clane 3,144 km²
 - Lheead 60 km
 - Liurid 77 km
 - % ushtey 32.4
 - Dowan-lheead 41° 09' N gys 42° 01' N
 - Dowan-liurid 71° 07' W gys 71° 53' W
Earroo yn phobble  'Sy 43-oo ynnyd
 - Yn clane 1,056,426 (ool. 2016)
 - Glooaght 336/km²
'Sy 2-oo ynnyd
 - Boayl s'yrjey Jerimoth Hill
247 m
 - Mean-yrjid 60 m
 - Boayl s'inshley Y Keayn Sheear
0 m
Entreilys gys
yn Unnaneys 
29 Boaldyn, 1790 (13-oo)
Kiannoort Lincoln Chafee (I)
Lhiass-chiannoort Elizabeth H. Roberts (D)
Shannadeyryn Jack Reed (D)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
Cur magh Quaiylagh Rolley
Traa ynnydagh Hiar: UTC-5/-4
Aagherridyn RI US-RI
Ynnyd-eggey www.ri.gov

She steat ayns ny Steatyn Unnaneysit eh Steat Ellan Rhode (Baarle: State of Rhode Island) ny Ellan Rhode dy cadjin (Baarle: Rhode Island). Ta'n steat soit ayns Sostyn Noa ayns shiar hwoaie ny çheerey as t'eh çhemmit liorish Connecticut da'n sheear as liorish Massachusetts da'n twoaie as y shiar. Ta joarey mooiragh echey lesh York Noa ayns y sheear yiass. She Providence y preeu-valley as y balley smoo.