Wikipedia:Kofan al'umma

Sake dubawa tun a 00:15, 19 ga Maris, 2021 daga Sami At Ferḥat (hira | gudummuwa)

Latest comment: shekara da suka gabata 3 by Hamza DK in topic Request for Admin

Covid response project

Dear User Group, My name is Papakow Baiden and I am writing to inform you about a project we are working on here at the Moleskine Foundation. We are gathering a movement of volunteers and professional translators to write the 10 most relevant articles to help spark creative solutions to the pandemic in African languages. So far over 200 volunteers have signed-up to translate the articles into more than 30 languages including Hausa, and our published work has been seen over 30k times. We are in need of experienced wikimedians who can a) help with uploading the articles onto Wikipedia (volunteers are currently collaborating on google docs as they’re new to Wiki) and b) if you see content from our project appear in Hausa, please engage and help improve the article. Many thanks, Papa –Papa Baiden (talk) 21:00, 14 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Admin rights request

Hello All, after my second one-year administrator access expired, I am planning to request to be given administrator access rights again. My Hausa is still far from perfect but I am able to identify vandalism and you can of course check my admin logs: deletions, blocks and protections. For instance, over the coming months I am planning to delete step by step all the automated translations in this category. After that the Hausa Wikipedia will be more or less cleaned of automated translations and will only have legitimate content. Kindly type "Support" below if you support this. Thank you for your trust, na gode sosai, –DonCamillo (talk) 11:22, 30 Mayu 2019 (UTC)Reply

Wikidata Bridge: edit Wikidata’s data from Wikipedia infoboxes

Editing News #1—July 2019

18:32, 23 ga Yuli, 2019 (UTC)

Update on the consultation about office actions

Hello all,

Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.

This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.

For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.

Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.

Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 08:03, 16 ga Augusta, 2019 (UTC)

New tools and IP masking

14:18, 21 ga Augusta, 2019 (UTC)

Admin Request

Hello Fellows, I would like to inform you that I'm requesting Administrator right access again after the expiration of my first Temporary access, in order to keep what I have been doing to improve the project. Seeing that we still don't have local permanent Admins yet.

- - - -

Barkan mu da ƙoƙari, biyo bayan ƙarewar wa'adi na na Temporary Admin, ina mai sanar daku cewa inason a ƙara bani dama cigaba da samun ikon Admin karo na biyu, kasantuwar bamu da wani Admin daga cikin mu, ko a gaba nin yanzu dama ni kadai ne, kuma yakasance da bukatan mu sami Admins ne daga cikin mu ne. Idan ka goyi baya zaku iya Support a ƙasa ta hanyar rubutu kamar haka → '''Support'''~~~~ Nagode.The Living love (talk) 02:23, 16 Satumba 2019 (UTC)Reply


Please sign your support here.
Zaku iya rubuta goyon bayan Ku anan.
Nagode sosai da goyon bayan Ku, an sake bani iko na shekara daya. Thank you so much for all your supports, I have been granted the right for another one year.The Living love (talk) 13
42, 26 Satumba 2019 (UTC)

Yan uwa Wikimedian

Assalamu Alaikum, ina mai farin cikin sanar daku cewa a kullun ina mai kokaren hada kofofi da kuma makuloli a hausa wikipedia, amman kasan cewa ta wanda bai dade ba da farawa ina aika ta korakurai da matsaloli, hakan yana faruwa ne a dalilin kasancewa na sabo da kuma rashin gane wasu abubuwan, amman a kullun ina kara fahimtar kan yanda ake abubuwa, saboda haka ne nake rokon ku Dan Allah in kunga wani kuskure nawa to ku sanar dani, ko ku gyara min, domin inason a min gyara saboda hakan ne zai sa in iya sosai da sosai. Ina bukatar ku naagode. daga naku Anasskoko (talk) 11:21, 20 Satumba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Maraba kuma barka da ƙoƙari sosai, kamar na fahimci kana amfani da translation tool domin fassara muƙala daga turanci zuwa Hausa, wannan abune mai kyau, amma sai dai har yanzu akwai matsaloli da tool ɗin, na rashin fassara yadda yakamata, da zaka riƙa yin proofreading bayan kayi fassaran don gyara wasu kurakurai, domin wasu fassarar da tool ɗin keyi ba'a ganewa. Dafatan zaka duba ka gani. NagodeThe Living love (talk) 13:53, 26 Satumba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Ina kokarin haka, amman zan kara maida hankali sosai Nagode Anasskoko (talk) 10:26, 30 Satumba 2019 (UTC)Reply

The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started

-- Kbrown (WMF) 17:14, 30 Satumba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project

07:18, 16 Oktoba 2019 (UTC)

Beta feature "Reference Previews"

-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 09:47, 23 Oktoba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages

11:12, 29 Oktoba 2019 (UTC)

Wikipedia Watan Asiya 2019


Muna Gaisuwa!

Mungode zaku iya shiga gasar Wikipedia Watan Asiya na 2019 a Wikipedia ta harshen Hausa. Dan samun tsari da yadda zaku shiga, ku duba nan wannan shafi. Dan Neman taimako dangane da gasar ko yin tambayoyi, a same mu a shafi Neman buƙata. Mutanen mu na International Team na nan, zasu taimake ku a koda yaushe kuke neman taimako har a kammala gasar. Mungode da ƙoƙarin Ku na ganin wannan aiki ya samu nasara.

Muna matuƙar godiya,

WAM 2019 International Team

kasance da shafukan mu a      dan samun ƙarin bayanai.

--The Living love (talk) 13:18, 2 Nuwamba, 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hausa ba dabo bace

Ina mai farin cikin sanar da ku cewa; bayan tsawan lokaci nayi tinani akan hanyar da ya kamata mudinga sanar da juna akan Rikir-kitattun kalmomin dake Ruda mu a Hausa Wikipedia a yayin da muke san fassara wata kalma daga Turanci zuwa hausa, sai nagano cewar ya kamata mudinga saka kalmomi masu Sarkakiya a wannan shafin na Kofan al'umma, ta yanda zamu samu fassaran kalmomi da yawa masu Sarkakiya a rubuce, duk lokacin da wani ya gano fassarar wata kalma, sai ya rubuta ta anan, kaga duk wani mai fassara a Hausa Wikipedia zai ringa amfani dasu a yayin da yake kirkiran Makula, hakan zai sa a samu daidaito a tsakanin kowanne Makula. Misalin wata matsala:-Ni ina fassara kalmar Refrence da Diddigin bayanai wasu kuma daga cikin ku suna fassara kalmar da Manazarta ko Anarci, Kunga wannan alama ce dake nuna rashin Daidaito a cikin Harshen Hausa. Saboda haka ina bukatar jin ta bakinku:-

Sai ni, a kullun naku User:Anasskoko 09:34, 9 Nuwamba, 2019 (UTC)Reply

Barka da ƙokari Anasskoko, ina matuƙar jin daɗin yadda kake ƙokarin bada gudunmuwa sosai anan, sai dai dangane da Kalmar "References" da kake ganin ya dace a bata fassara wacce kowa zai riƙa amfani da ita dan samun daidaito, wannan abu ne mai kyau, amma babu makawa fassarar da aka ba References itace "Manazarta", sannan dangane da Kalmar "Sunnah". Idan akace Sunnah ana nufin Akidar mabiya sunnar Annabi(SAW) a duk inda suke a faɗin duniya, ba zaka taɓa jin ankira su da wata suna na daban ba, sai Ahlus-sunnah, wanda sunan akidar itace Sunnah, amma idan kace "Sunna" ba tare da aɗafin h ba, to akwai wannan Kalmar a Hausa, kuma tana da ma'anar ta daban, misali kace, ya sunna shi, wacce ke nufin ya bashi Kuɗi, ko yasa yaji kunya, da dai sauransu. kaga wannan ba ana nufin akidar sunnah bane, kaga domin a bab-banta kowannen su, sai ka rubuta kowace yadda aka santa. Dan koda wani nason yin rubutu akan Kalmar itama ba sai anfara neman hanyar da za'a banbanta su ba.
-Sai kuma wannan, Idan aka ce "Bankuna a Najeriya", ana nufin Bankuna acikin Najeriya, idan aka ce "Bankunan Najeriya ", ana nufin Bankuna mallakin Najeriya. Haka kuma idan aka ce "Jerin Bankuna a Najeriya" ana nufin Jadawali na sunayen Bankuna dake Najeriya, kamar yadda ake rubutawa da turanci da list of Banks in Nigeria, ko List of Governors of Kaduna state da dai sauransu. Yakamata kasan cewa ƙarancin rubutu ba shi bane kyawun aiki, bada cikakkiyar ma'ana da fahimta yadda kowa zai gane, shine mafi muhimmanci, Yakamata muyi taka tsantsan wurin yin rubutu kai tsaye batare da tuntuɓa ba, muyi tambaya duk abunda bamu gane ba, Yafi muyi ta tafiya akan kuskure kafin daga baya mugane duk kuskure muke yi, wanda hakan na iyasa rashin yadda/amincewa ga editor. Nagode, NakaThe Living love (talk) 01:36, 12 Nuwamba, 2019 (UTC)Reply

Nagane kuma nagode Anasskoko (talk) 16:56, 13 Nuwamba, 2019 (UTC)Reply

Which one looks more natural:
  • Jerin harsuna a Najeriya
  • Jerin harsunan Najeriya

Sabon Harshe (talk) 20:08, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Salamu alaikum yan'uwa, barkan mu da war haka.
 ina bukatar ayimin baya ni akan menene Bot   Alamin Tahir (talk) 04:00, 9 Satumba 2020 (UTC)Reply

Admin rights request

Hello everyone/Barka da rana,

I had only temporary admin rights here and lost them a while ago. My Hausa is still very little (kadan-kadan) but I believe I can help here. I have a lot of experience in editing Wikipedia (mostly the French version but also this one with 5000+ edits and 1000+ stubs created). I need admin rights to be able, for instance, to finally clean this category, to update the main page, block vandals who are damaging the project, da dai sauransu. If you agree, kindly sign below and express your support. Nagode sosai, –DonCamillo (talk) 08:06, 17 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

  • Strong Support, Yes! DonCamillo suppose to be granted permanent Administrator as per this project is, he's been supporting each and everyone of us, he is like a guide here specially in areas where we need improvement and I hope if granted the rights would be able to do more of what he's been doing. Regards. The Living love (talk) 13:17, 17 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
  • Strong Support - I strongly agree to grant him the permission, DonCamillo is genarous, honest, and kind, also an expert in editing Wikipedia and other sister projects, if the permission is granted to him, he will work morethan he does, he will develope Hausa wiki with best of his effort. given him permission is part of our success all. Yours Anasskoko (talk) 10:46, 18 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
  • Strong Support - A helpful, amicable user who made my initial experience on Hausa Wikipedia very pleasant. I hope to learn a lot from him in the coming future. He has my full support for adminship. Sabon Harshe (talk) 16:31, 24 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Categorising articles

As you may have noticed, I am on a big drive to categorise articles on Hausa Wikipedia. How can I find uncategorised articles other than repeatedly clicking on "random page"? Sabon Harshe (talk) 16:34, 24 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome to Hausa Wikipedia, I've noticed your effort to the movement we support and I hope you like the place and wanted to stay, here is a link to almost all the important pages you may be wanting SpecialPages.The Living love (talk) 19:17, 24 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the welcome The Living love. I do hope to stay and contribute long-term. I am in the process of starting new articles about the many different languages and peoples of the Middle Belt (Plateau, Kaduna, Bauchi, and surroundings), so it would help if there could be someone who knows how to translate sentences about linguistics from English to Hausa. Sabon Harshe (talk) 21:28, 24 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
What is the state of Hausa Wiktionary now? I want to add word lists and tables of Hausa and other Nigerian languages, some of which may be lengthy. Sabon Harshe (talk) 21:42, 24 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Sentence Translation

Sannu da zuwa User:Sabon Harshe, dangane da maganan dakayi akan fassaran jumloli, zan taimaka maka wajen ganin cewa na fassara maka kalmomin da kake bukata daga Turanci zuwa Hausa. kasan cewana cikakken bahaushe kuma makaranci Hausa a karamin zango. ka sanar dani a duk lokacin da kake da bukatan fassara. Muna maka marhabun lale da zuwa shafin mu na Hausa Wikipedia. Barka!

Welcome User:Sabon Harshe, according to your request on sentence tranlation, I will help with a provision of translation from English to Hausa. I'm a native speaker and I study Hausa at a middle level of education. Notify me whenever you need a tranlation, we welcome you to our page Hausa Wikipedia. Welcome!
Anasskoko (talk) 05:22, 25 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
Na gode sosai! Sabon Harshe (talk) 19:21, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Sentences to translate

Here are some basic sentences that I would like to translate, use, and adapt for more language articles, and of course for Harshen Mumuye.

  1. Mumuye is spoken by 400,000 people. = Mutane 400,000 ne ke magana da Mumuye.
  2. Mumuye had 400,000 speakers in 1993. = Mumuye nada mutane 400,000 masu magana dashi a 1993.
  3. Mumuye belongs to the Adamawa branch of the Niger-Congo language family. = Mumuye na daga cikin gidan harshen Naija-Kongo na Adamawa
  4. It is also called Yoro. = Ana kuma kiran sa da Yoro
  5. Mumuye is spoken in Jalingo town. = Ana magana da Mumuye a garin Jalingo
  6. It is spoken in Kugong village. = Ana magana dashi a Ƙauyen Kugong
  7. It is spoken in Adamawa and Taraba States. = Ana magana dashi a Adamawa da Taraba
  8. In Adamawa state, Mumuye is spoken in Fufore, Ganye, Mayo Belwa, Numan, and Yola LGAs. = A Jihar Adamawa, ana magana da Mumuye a Ƙananan hukumomin Fufore, Ganye, Mayo Belwa, Numan da Yola.
  9. In Taraba state, it is spoken in Bali, Jalingo, Karim Lamido, Yorro, and Zing LGAs. = A Jihar Taraba, ana magana dashi a ƙananan hukumomin Bali, Jalingo, Karim Lamido, Yorro da Zing
  10. Makici was an extinct language. = Makici harshen da ya daina wanzuwa ne
  11. It was spoken in Makici village, Mariga LGA, Niger State. = An taɓa magana dashi a ƙauyen Makici, Ƙaramar hukumar Mariga, Jihar Neja
  12. The Central Chadic languages are a branch of Afroasiatic languages. They are spoken in Chad and Cameroon. = Manyan harsunan Chadic dangi ne na harsunan Afroasiya. Ana magana dasu a Cadi da Kameru

Word and phrases to translate:

  1. Dialect (note that this means language variety, like a subset of a larger language group) =
  2. Branch (or subgroup) = dangi
  3. Language family = Gidan harshe

Gidan harshe

  1. Number of speakers = Adadin masu magana
  2. Location = Wuri
  3. Locations = Wurare
  4. Pronunciation (I have translated this as sauti.) = Furucci ( because sauti is sound)
  5. Proto-language =

Geography stub sentences (User:DonCamillo, who has been creating many geography stubs, might be able to help out.):

  1. Tegina is a town located in Rafi LGA, Niger State. = Tegida gari ne dake ƙaramar hukumar Rafi a Jihar Neja
  2. Makici is a village located in Mariga LGA, Niger State. = Makici ƙauye ne a ƙaramar hukumar Mariga a Jihar Neja
  3. Makici is a village located near Igwama town in Mariga LGA, Niger State. = Makici ƙauye ne dake kusa da garin Igwama a Ƙaramar hukumar Mariga a Jihar Neja

There is an academic journal called Harsunan Nijeriya (Languages of Nigeria) that is published in Kano. There are many terms in linguistics have been used in Hausa linguistics publications and textbooks. We can make a list of Hausa linguistics words if we can find those books.

Sabon Harshe (talk) 19:54, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for the suggestions, it would really help if we can get the published journal, I translated the above sentances and would keep on helping you when you need them. And regarding Hausa wikitionary, We are planning to start a project there, to write 1000key important Hausa language words and their meanings.The Living love (talk) 21:33, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
Thank you, this is very helpful. Sabon Harshe (talk) 05:12, 6 ga Janairu, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Google Translate template

Roughly what proportion of Hausa Wikipedia articles are copied and pasted from Google Translate? We can make a template to tag such articles. Sabon Harshe (talk) 20:10, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

It is difficult to say, a lot of them have been deleted over the years and I believe there are that many left (except this category, I'm currently cleaning it and should be done soon...). But having a tag would be very useful. We also need one for articles when a part of the content is in English.
Could a Hausa native speaker translate these two sentences? I can create these templates very easily. Nagode sosai! –DonCamillo (talk) 06:50, 27 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
"Parts of this article have probably been written using machine translation. Kindly rephrase them or delete them."
"Parts of this article are not written in Hausa. Kindly translate them or delete them."

Articles to translate

We can also translate these English Wikipedia articles of British linguists who have contributed a lot to Hausa linguistics.

Sabon Harshe (talk) 20:31, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Language names

Thanks to User:Abubakar A Gwanki and User:The Living love for their recently article created articles Ut-Ma'in and Shuwa-Zamani‎, both of which are endangered languages of the Hausasphere. I would generally recommend using the Hausa names provided in Harsunan Najeriya#Sunayen harsuna under the Harshe (sunan Hausa) column. For each Wikipedia language edition, it is generally the standard to use the local exonym (name that the majority ethnic group applies to the local people and language) unless it is derogatory. Language names in Hausa can be identified by the -anci suffix, as with Turanci and Latanci. The names used on English Wikipedia are standard ISO 639 standard names that not Hausa locals may not be familiar with. Ultimately, our goal is to make these articles useful to the Hausa community and hopefully attract more contributors.

Similarly, that is why plant names in Hausa rather than the standard scientific names would be more useful on Hausa Wikipedia. Sabon Harshe (talk) 19:30, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Najeriya vs. Nijeriya

Should we decide on whether to use the spelling Najeriya or Nijeriya? We should use whichever one is more commonly used and natural-sounding. Sabon Harshe (talk) 20:02, 26 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

There is no agreement on which form to use, even the most important medias in Hausa don't necessarily use a standardized spelling (BBC uses Najeriya and Nijeriya, for instance...). In general I think it is difficult to choose and different spellings can coexist. Moreover very different spellings are used by people who are also English speakers (in Nigeria) and those who are also French speakers (in Niger, Benin, Cameroun, Chad...). The best way to handle this might be to allow different spellings to coexist, using redirects, mentioning alternative spellings at the beginning of articles... –DonCamillo (talk) 06:42, 27 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply
What DonCamillo said is absolutely correct, both the two are often used interchangeably, Hausa people from kaduna,kano,katsina and bauchi they use Najeriya, hausa people from Niger and sahel region use to say Nijeriya, it is just a Hausa dialect Anasskoko (talk) 13:58, 27 Disamba 2019 (UTC)Reply

Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project


The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.

To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!

-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) 19:01, 22 ga Janairu, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hausa Photographs coverage intake

Hello everyone, I wish to inform you that I start uploading pictures that are relevant to Hausa tradition in various aspect, I tend to realize that many pictures in Hausa Wiki are extremely needed, like Hausa;Cuisine, Dressing, Architecture, Art and Culture, so I struggle up and down with the best of my effort to snap pictures within and around. You can check my contributions in Commons to see if there is any picture which you may desire to include it in Hausa wiki article. Visit my contribution in commons My pictures contribution in Commons. Though the pictures I upload lack some potential qualities due to the device I used, but it can be use for a start. I do hope you will multivate me with piece of advice, guidelines or ask if there is any picture you need within hausa scope and locality that is absent in Commons, which you may desire. please I need to hear from you, dont pass without living a message. Yours Anasskoko (talk) 10:13, 8 ga Faburairu, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Barka da kokari, haka yayi kyau sosai. The Living love (talk) 11:39, 16 ga Faburairu, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages

Sorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.

You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) 14:14, 26 ga Faburairu, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools

19:24, 8 ga Afirilu, 2020 (UTC)

Join us at twitter

Take a look at Hausa Wikimedian Usergroup (@HausaUsergroup): An@ss_koko(magana)(aiki) 17:52, 16 Mayu 2020 (UTC)Reply

Urgent Help

Please help us translate the text (in bold) to your language Join WPWP Campaign to improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win a prize. Thanks for your help. T Cells (talk) 18:54, 7 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Editing news 2020 #2

20:33, 17 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)

Invitation to participate in the upcoming WPWP Campaign

Hello Wikipedians,

This is to invite you to join the WPWP Campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win prizes. The campaign will run from 1st July 2020 to 31st August 2020.

The campaign primarily aims at using images from Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia articles that are lacking images. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.

Please visit the campaign page to learn more about the WPWP Campaign.

With kind regards,

Thank you,

Deborah Schwartz Jacobs, Communities Liaison, On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - 21:32, 18 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)


Does anyone want to help write about dambe (Hausa boxing)? Sabon Harshe (talk) 06:14, 22 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Annual contest Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos

Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP)

This is to invite you to join the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP) campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win prizes. The campaign starts today 1st July 2020 and closes 31st August 2020.

The campaign primarily aims at using images from Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia articles that are lacking images. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.

Please visit the campaign page to learn more about the WPWP Campaign.

With kind regards,

Thank you,

Deborah Schwartz Jacobs, Communities Liaison, On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - 08:24, 1 ga Yuli, 2020 (UTC)

feel free to translate this message to your local language when this helps your community

Feedback on movement names

Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa if necessary. Thank you!

There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.

Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.

Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.

Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 19:44, 2 ga Yuli, 2020 (UTC)

Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.

Editing news 2020 #3

12:55, 9 ga Yuli, 2020 (UTC)

Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia

Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 20:06, 9 ga Yuli, 2020 (UTC) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement Reply

Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis

Max Klemm (WMDE) 09:13, 6 ga Augusta, 2020 (UTC)Reply

Important: maintenance operation on September 1st

Trizek (WMF) (talk) 13:48, 26 ga Augusta, 2020 (UTC)Reply

New Wikipedia Library Collections Now Available (September 2020)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL owl says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing new free, full-access, accounts to reliable sources as part of our research access program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials on the Library Card platform:

Many other partnerships are listed on our partners page, including Adam Matthew, EBSCO, Gale and JSTOR.

A significant portion of our collection now no longer requires individual applications to access! Read more in our recent blog post.

Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 09:49, 3 Satumba 2020 (UTC)

This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

Invitation to participate in the conversation

Wiki of functions naming contest

21:20, 29 Satumba 2020 (UTC)

Admin renew request

Hello! I'm requesting renew of my Admin rights in order to keep what I have been doing to improve the project. I was temporary granted the rights twice. Thank you

- - - -

Barkan mu da ƙoƙari, biyo bayan ƙarewar wa'adin Admin dina, ina mai sanar daku cewa ina neman cigaba da samun ikon Admin don cigaba da kula da kuma inganta manhajar a koda yaushe. Idan ka goyi baya za ku iya goyon baya da rubuta Support ko Oppose idan baku goya baya ba a ƙasa ta hanyar rubutu kamar haka → '''Support'''~~~~ ko '''Oppose'''~~~~ a kasa ta bayar da gajeren bayani dangane da zabin ku. Nagode. Em-mustapha t@lk 16:43, 3 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply


Please sign here.
Zaku iya rubuta goyon bayan Ku anan.

Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric

Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa.

Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.

Thank you! Qgil-WMF (talk) 17:17, 7 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply

Request for admin right

Assalamu alaikum and Hello everyone,

Duba da kuma la'akari danayi da cewar Hausa Wikipedia na bukatar admin masu yawan gaske da zasu taimaka wajen gudanar da al'amuran Hausa Wikipedia a bangarori masu yawa, domin saukake aikace-aikace da kuma nauyi akan wasu daidai kun mutane, da kuma zaburar da saurin girman Hausa Wikipedia, hakan ne yasa nayi nazarin cewar ya kamata in nema kasan cewa daya daga cikin admins a Hausa Wikipedia, domin samun taskar ikon gudanar da wasu aikace-aikace da zasu taimaka ma Hausa Wikipedia domin saurin ci gabanta.

Ra'ayin ku nada matukar muhimmanci a fannin zaban admin, kana da cikakkiyar ikon kada min kuri'a ko kuma manna min raddi, idan kana ganin cewa na cancanta in zama admin zaka iya rantaba min hannu ta hanyar rubuta Support' sai bayani, sai ka saka hannu ~~~~, idan kuma kana ganin cewa ban cancanta ba, shima zaka iya fadan ra'ayinka ta hanyar rubuta Oppose sannan kayi bayani a sarari, kuma ka saka hannu ta hanyar rubuta ~~~~. Ji da kuma fadan ra'ayoyin ku nada matukar muhimmanci a nan.-- An@ss_koko(magana)(aiki) 22:53, 10 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply

Ku saka hannu a nan

  • Support I really support this user for being dedicated in improving Hausa norms and tradition on Hausa wikipedia, I therefore, support him to have responsibility of admin in Hausa wikipedia which will also helps in enhancing the literature of the community, this brings respects to Wikipidia Foundation within and outside the Hausa community. Abubakar Balarabe (talk)

This user has been a nice person of assisting and responding to questions on Wikipedia. He truly shows care about those that ask him question, reviewing notable articles and project base on neutral point. He completely shows the qualities of good leadership. As such, I endorse him to be admin in Hausa Wikipedia.

Important: maintenance operation on October 27

-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 17:10, 21 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply

Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2

22:10, 5 Nuwamba, 2020 (UTC)

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

18:09, 20 Nuwamba, 2020 (UTC)

Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist

2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th

Community Wishlist Survey 2021

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

00:52, 15 Disamba 2020 (UTC)

Join the conversation on the Universal Code of Conduct!

Greetings / Gaisuwa a gare ku!

After about 3 years of rigorous discussions aimed at shaping the Wikimedia 2030 strategy, the Wikimedia community has come up with ten (10) solid recommendations that would guide our actions from now on in this movement. One very important recommendation in the line-up is to “Provide for Safety and Inclusion” and a major action point in this recommendation is to create a universal code of conduct, which would be designed and implemented in conjunction with our communities across the globe.

The universal code of conduct would be a movement-wide policy which seeks to ensure the existence of a universal baseline of acceptable behaviour for everyone participating in our movement, in order to minimize incidents of harassment, bullying, discrimination or even disenfranchisement. This is even more important for much smaller Wikipedia languages like the Hausa Wikipedia, where policies like this do not already exist. A first draft of the Universal Code of Conduct was concluded in October 2020.

As a global movement, we aim to further develop and enforce this very important blueprint through an inclusive process, with respect to local contexts and existing structures. Hence, we would like to invite the Hausa Wikipedia community to discuss the different ways that you think that the Universal Code of Conduct should be implemented on this Wikipedia and across the global movement.

You can share your initial thoughts directly under this message, or on the UCoC meta talk page. You can also reach out to me personally on my talkpage or privately through my e-mail ( For further general information on the universal code of conduct, please also check out our frequently asked questions page.--SOyeyele (WMF) (talk) 12:03, 18 ga Janairu, 2021 (UTC)Reply

Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event


Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa. Thank you!

Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.

ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, 15:15, 27 ga Janairu, 2021 (UTC)

Project Grant Open Call

This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.

For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:

Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.

We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!

Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrants Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:01, 28 ga Janairu, 2021 (UTC)Reply

New Wikipedia Library Collections Available Now (February 2021)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL owl says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing new free, full-access, accounts to reliable sources as part of our research access program. You can sign up to access research materials on the Library Card platform:

  • Taxmann – Taxation and law database
  • PNAS – Official journal of the National Academy of Sciences
  • EBSCO – New Arabic and Spanish language databases added

We have a wide array of other collections available, and a significant number now no longer require individual applications to access! Read more in our blog post.

Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects!

This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

--12:57, 1 ga Faburairu, 2021 (UTC)

Hausa Wikipedia Edit-a-thon a birnin Kano

Muna gabatar ma editocin mu cewa zamu gudanar da Edit-a-thon na Wikipedia a birnin Kano. A wajen zamu gabatar ma da ma halarta taron yadda ake rubutu a Wikipedia da kuma bude shafuka ga sababbin editoci. Shiga nan domin karin bayani. Nagode

- Abubakar A Gwanki (talk) 22:35, 10 ga Faburairu, 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hausa Wikipedia Workshop

I wish to inform u that I will be organizing a workshop on how to edit Wikipedia in Kaduna state. Musa Vacho77 (talk) 23:09, 13 ga Faburairu, 2021 (UTC)Reply

Feminism & Folklore 1 February - 31 March

Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa


You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore writing contest. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia. folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, etc.

You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles centered on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch-hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.

You can also support us in translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.

Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Thank you.

Feminism and Folklore team,

Joy Agyepong (talk) 02:40, 16 ga Faburairu, 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions logo contest

01:47, 2 ga Maris, 2021 (UTC)

Request for Admin

Assalam Alaikum, A matsayi na na daɗaɗɗen edita a Hausa Wikipedia, wanda na yi maƙaloli da gyare-gyare masu yawa. Ina neman goyon bayan ku ƴan'uwa editoci na zama mai gudanarwa a wannan shafin. Domin bunƙasa Hausa Wikipedia. Ta hanyar zama mai gudanarwa ne kaɗai zai bani damar yin wasu muhimman ayyukan kamar goge tarin maƙaloli marasa inganci, sassaita wasu bayanai, tallafawa sabbin editoci da bunƙasa editocin da muke da su.

  • Assalam Alaikum, As the oldest editor of Hausa Wikipedia, I have published many articles and edits. I seek the support of you fellow editors to be the administrator on this site. To promote Hausa Wikipedia. Only by becoming an administrator I will be able to perform other important tasks such as deleting invalid articles, editing some data, supporting new editors and developing existing editors.

Kuma kuna iya saka goyon bayan ku a nan ƙasa ko kuma akasin haka

Na gode - Abubakar A Gwanki (talk) 00:49, 10 ga Maris, 2021 (UTC)Reply

Domin bani goyon baya ko akasin haka kuna iya rubutawa a ƙasa tare da yin Signing.


Domin yin zaɓin ka sai ka saka waɗannan kalmomin kamar haka, domin goyon baya Support ko Oppose idan baku goya baya.

Ga misalin yadda zakuyi zaɓen → '''Support'''~~~~ ko '''Oppose'''~~~~

1Internet 1reference in Hausa Wikipedia

I wish to inform the experience editors in Hausa Wikipedia, I will be organizing a 1 Internet 1reference in Hausa Wikipedia that project will help how to edit Wikipedia in Kaduna state. (Aliyu shaba (talk) 18:13, 15 ga Maris, 2021 (UTC)Reply