king lewis and some other

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  • [icon-name] face very happy [bold-text] C is for: [text] cannoli
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  • fifa: football unites the world

    literally everybody during the world cup:


    i want a poll of what sports people on f1blr do/did. not for any reason just because it's neat and i love doing sports and i also love watching sports.

    f1blr ppl who started watching f1 when you were a kid, reblog in the tags with who was your favourite on the grid as a kid and who is your favourite on the current grid

    max literally saying in front of cameras he knew he would crash into lewis, that it wouldn’t matter to him bc RB “were slow anyway”, and that he knew it would cost lewis the race win

    that cunt is so unbelievably rattled by lewis that he STILL this late into a season he’s already won wants to crash him out on purpose.

    i’ve never seen a man-child so vile and unskilled and unsportsmanlike. he should be banned from racing forever

    “sex scenes have no narrative purpose” is such a funny take on so many levels. people will really believe that the whole human experience is valuable to portray artistically except sex, which of course has never held emotional weight or significance for anybody

    “what’s the purpose of sex scenes in media??” well you see sometimes people have sex. sometimes it can be important even

    yeah ok but i dont wanna watch straight sex scene number 1231234837582 in the middle of some movie thats clearly not fucking high art or anything, like please, tell me how the sex scene made jason X a deeper movie ill wait

    you genuinely think that “the sex scene in Jason X, the movie about jason from Friday the 13th killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to this point? like genuinely? genuinely? like you think that’s the kind of sex scene I was talking about in the original post? you think when I’m talking about the artistic merit of sex scenes in movies you think I’m talking about the bit with the dominatrix in Jason X (2001) dir. James Isaac, the movie where Jason from Friday the 13th gets put in cryosleep and wakes up in the future on a spaceship where he starts killing people in outer space? you genuinely think this is the kind of movie and scene I’m referring to when I’m arguing for the potential artistic value of a type of scene? Jason X? Jason X? the one with Jason on a spaceship? you think that “well Jason X, the movie about Jason on a spaceship killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to my point? Jason X? Jason X? J