Papers by Abdoul Ahad Moustapha Lo
Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qatar University, 2025
أهداف البحث: يهدف البحث إلى اكتشاف مدى حضور التكامل المعرفي عند القرضاوي، من خلال استعراض ملامح ا... more أهداف البحث: يهدف البحث إلى اكتشاف مدى حضور التكامل المعرفي عند القرضاوي، من خلال استعراض ملامح التكامل في فكره، ودراسة أثره في بناء الفقه على مستوى التصورات والترجيحات.
منهج الدراسة: يعتمد البحث – بشكل أساسي– على المنهج الاستقرائي في رصد المعاني التي تشهد لحضور فكرة التكامل المعرفي في شخصية القرضاوي، وفي استقراء النماذج التطبيقية لها في تراثه الفقهي.
النتائج: توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التكامل المعرفي كان حاضرا –إلى حد كبير – في فكره، سواء على المستوى الداخلي، أم على المستوى الخارجي، كما توصلت إلى أن للتكامل أثرا عنده في تصور الحقائق بشواهد كثيرة، وله أيضا أثره في ترجيحاته من حيث اختياره الأقوال َ التي وافقت المعطيات العلمية في مسائل عديدة. ومع ذلك، فيلاحظ أنه في بعض التطبيقات لم يكن منسجما مع مبادئه في التكامل.
أصالة البحث: تظهر القيمة العلمية للبحث في اكتشافه مبدأ التكامل المعرفي في فكر القرضاوي، وأثره في صناعته الفقهية، من حيث التصورات والترجيحات، مع إبراز جوانب الإبداع والقصور في نموذجه.
Objectives: This article seeks to reveal the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought by exploring its defining features and assessing its influence on the evolution of jurisprudence, particularly regarding his ideas and preferences. Methodology: This study primarily employs an inductive approach to tracing elements reflecting the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's personality and investigating practical examples of this integration in his jurisprudential legacy. Results: This study's outcome is that knowledge integration was significantly evident in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought, both in word and deed. It also finds that integration informed his understanding of the facts, evidenced by numerous examples, and had an impact on his preferences, as seen in his selection of views aligning with scientific data on various issues. Nevertheless, in some cases, his approach did not fully align with his principles of integration. Originality: This article's scholarly value lies in uncovering the principle of knowledge integration within al-Qaraḍāwī's thought and examining its influence on his jurisprudential practices, particularly in his ideas and preferences. It also sheds light on both the innovative aspects and limitations of his model.
تميز القرن التاسع عشر الميلادي بغلبة العقل المادي والغزو الفكري في البلاد المسلمة، وكان الشيخ أحم... more تميز القرن التاسع عشر الميلادي بغلبة العقل المادي والغزو الفكري في البلاد المسلمة، وكان الشيخ أحمد بمب امباكي (ت1927م) واحدا من أفذاذ هذا القرن الذين جعلوا حركتهم الإصلاحية نابعة من التربية الروحية، كنوع من مواجهة الفكر المادي والاشتغال بواجب المرحلة. وهدفت الدراسة إلى اكتشاف مكانة التربية الروحية في مشروعه الإصلاحي، والأسس الروحية اعتمدها، وآثارها على مجتمعه. وتبنت المنهجَ الاستقرائي في رصد الأسس وتطبيقاتها، والمنهجَ الوصفي التحليلي في وصف مشروعه وتحليل النصوص ودراسة الأحداث. توصل البحث إلى نتائج أبرزها: أن الأسس الروحية التي ركّز عليها تتمثل في العلم النافعِ المسدّد بخشية الله الذي وظّفه لمحاربة الجهل، والعملِ الصالح الذي يمثل ثلاثة مفاهيم عنده، أولها: العبادةُ بأداء الفرائض والنوافل والأوراد، وثانيها: الخدمةُ بطلب مرضاة الله في نفع الآخر، وثالثها: كسبُ الحلال الذي ربطه بالعبادة واستثمره للتحرر من الضغط الأجنبي وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي. وتتمثل أيضا في الأدبِ الذي جعله وسيلة لإشاعة مكارم الأخلاق بين الناس؛ بوضع القواعد التي تضبط سلوك الأفراد وتحدّد الحقوق والواجبات، كما تتجلى في التسامحِ الذي استخدمه لمحاربة التعصب بأشكاله والمحافظة على وحدة المجتمع. وتوصل البحث أيضا إلى أن هذه الأسس حققت نجاحا كبيرا؛ إّذ تولد منها رفع المستوى المعرفي في مجتمعه، وإصلاح الأوضاع الدينية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في بلده. مما يدل على أن هذا النموذج يمكن الاستفادة منه في تصدى تحديات المادية الحديثة وسلبياتها، وتحقيق النهوض الإسلامي.
Astrolabe: A CIS Student Research Journal. volume 2022, Issue 4. HAMAD BIN KHALIFA UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2022
The Ottoman collection, or more precisely, unifying the Quran dialect and reciting method
during ... more The Ottoman collection, or more precisely, unifying the Quran dialect and reciting method
during the rule of the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, is considered one of the most important
stages in the history of the Holy Book. This great and critical event in the fate of the Quran
comprised many matters: the compiling of the memorized versus and the preserved
manuscripts, the focus on the last verse following Quraysh dialect (where Mohammad was
from), then the burning of some copies contained variations in the reciting method. This
study focused on the reality of the incident of burning these Quran copies (to prevent
future conflicts/confusion) during the compiling process of its verses. It is an issue that
may seem simple, but it carries multiple connotations and has a significant impact on the
history of the Holy Quran. This research used the induction approach in tracing the Islamic
narrations of the burning incident from the circumstances and the ways in which it
occurred, then the descriptive-analytical approach to analyze the contents of the cited
narrations and texts, in addition to the historical method by examining how that event is
narrated in old texts to observe the history and development of ideas. The study also
attempted to reveal some of the effects that the burning incident has left on the Quranic
text, on jurisprudential heritage, and on Islamic-political thought in general.
Astrolabe: A CIS Student Research Journal. volume 2021, Issue 3. HAMAD BIN KHALIFA UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2021
This paper aims to explore the nature of tolerance as presented in the Noble Qur'an, by examining... more This paper aims to explore the nature of tolerance as presented in the Noble Qur'an, by examining its verses that reflect its vision of tolerance and its mechanisms for consolidating it, and emphasizing the advantages of tolerance according to Quranic diplomacy compared to other references.
The study concluded that tolerance according to the Qur'an perspective is based on three pillars: first, leniency in personal rights by putting the interest of others above personal interest, secondly, respecting and recognizing the other person by delivering good to him, and thirdly, refraining from reacting to wrong behavior that comes from a person because of foolishness and ignorance. To consolidate this, the Qur'an sets many rules, including the elimination of class differences, the legitimacy of dialogue, the value of patience and forgiveness, and counsel. The study finds that the characteristics of Quranic tolerance are due to the nature of its view and attitude toward difference, which is the origin of intolerance and extremism. The Qur'an views difference positively as an opportunity for acquaintance, solidarity and cooperation. Tolerance is a great form of worship due to its association with patience, which is one of the greatest acts of worship. In addition to what it contains of divine wisdom, reflected in its being part of the cosmic verses, as the difference itself attests to the oneness of God. The study also believes that the human ummah is able to benefit from the Quranic tolerance based on achieving coexistence between societies and preserving the human commonality to solve global conflicts, while avoiding some of the negative perspectives resulting from the influence of Western ideologies in the humanitarian fields.
Books by Abdoul Ahad Moustapha Lo
Ibn Khaldon for Humanities and Social Studies Center, 2025
Papers by Abdoul Ahad Moustapha Lo
منهج الدراسة: يعتمد البحث – بشكل أساسي– على المنهج الاستقرائي في رصد المعاني التي تشهد لحضور فكرة التكامل المعرفي في شخصية القرضاوي، وفي استقراء النماذج التطبيقية لها في تراثه الفقهي.
النتائج: توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التكامل المعرفي كان حاضرا –إلى حد كبير – في فكره، سواء على المستوى الداخلي، أم على المستوى الخارجي، كما توصلت إلى أن للتكامل أثرا عنده في تصور الحقائق بشواهد كثيرة، وله أيضا أثره في ترجيحاته من حيث اختياره الأقوال َ التي وافقت المعطيات العلمية في مسائل عديدة. ومع ذلك، فيلاحظ أنه في بعض التطبيقات لم يكن منسجما مع مبادئه في التكامل.
أصالة البحث: تظهر القيمة العلمية للبحث في اكتشافه مبدأ التكامل المعرفي في فكر القرضاوي، وأثره في صناعته الفقهية، من حيث التصورات والترجيحات، مع إبراز جوانب الإبداع والقصور في نموذجه.
Objectives: This article seeks to reveal the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought by exploring its defining features and assessing its influence on the evolution of jurisprudence, particularly regarding his ideas and preferences. Methodology: This study primarily employs an inductive approach to tracing elements reflecting the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's personality and investigating practical examples of this integration in his jurisprudential legacy. Results: This study's outcome is that knowledge integration was significantly evident in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought, both in word and deed. It also finds that integration informed his understanding of the facts, evidenced by numerous examples, and had an impact on his preferences, as seen in his selection of views aligning with scientific data on various issues. Nevertheless, in some cases, his approach did not fully align with his principles of integration. Originality: This article's scholarly value lies in uncovering the principle of knowledge integration within al-Qaraḍāwī's thought and examining its influence on his jurisprudential practices, particularly in his ideas and preferences. It also sheds light on both the innovative aspects and limitations of his model.
during the rule of the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, is considered one of the most important
stages in the history of the Holy Book. This great and critical event in the fate of the Quran
comprised many matters: the compiling of the memorized versus and the preserved
manuscripts, the focus on the last verse following Quraysh dialect (where Mohammad was
from), then the burning of some copies contained variations in the reciting method. This
study focused on the reality of the incident of burning these Quran copies (to prevent
future conflicts/confusion) during the compiling process of its verses. It is an issue that
may seem simple, but it carries multiple connotations and has a significant impact on the
history of the Holy Quran. This research used the induction approach in tracing the Islamic
narrations of the burning incident from the circumstances and the ways in which it
occurred, then the descriptive-analytical approach to analyze the contents of the cited
narrations and texts, in addition to the historical method by examining how that event is
narrated in old texts to observe the history and development of ideas. The study also
attempted to reveal some of the effects that the burning incident has left on the Quranic
text, on jurisprudential heritage, and on Islamic-political thought in general.
The study concluded that tolerance according to the Qur'an perspective is based on three pillars: first, leniency in personal rights by putting the interest of others above personal interest, secondly, respecting and recognizing the other person by delivering good to him, and thirdly, refraining from reacting to wrong behavior that comes from a person because of foolishness and ignorance. To consolidate this, the Qur'an sets many rules, including the elimination of class differences, the legitimacy of dialogue, the value of patience and forgiveness, and counsel. The study finds that the characteristics of Quranic tolerance are due to the nature of its view and attitude toward difference, which is the origin of intolerance and extremism. The Qur'an views difference positively as an opportunity for acquaintance, solidarity and cooperation. Tolerance is a great form of worship due to its association with patience, which is one of the greatest acts of worship. In addition to what it contains of divine wisdom, reflected in its being part of the cosmic verses, as the difference itself attests to the oneness of God. The study also believes that the human ummah is able to benefit from the Quranic tolerance based on achieving coexistence between societies and preserving the human commonality to solve global conflicts, while avoiding some of the negative perspectives resulting from the influence of Western ideologies in the humanitarian fields.
Books by Abdoul Ahad Moustapha Lo
منهج الدراسة: يعتمد البحث – بشكل أساسي– على المنهج الاستقرائي في رصد المعاني التي تشهد لحضور فكرة التكامل المعرفي في شخصية القرضاوي، وفي استقراء النماذج التطبيقية لها في تراثه الفقهي.
النتائج: توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التكامل المعرفي كان حاضرا –إلى حد كبير – في فكره، سواء على المستوى الداخلي، أم على المستوى الخارجي، كما توصلت إلى أن للتكامل أثرا عنده في تصور الحقائق بشواهد كثيرة، وله أيضا أثره في ترجيحاته من حيث اختياره الأقوال َ التي وافقت المعطيات العلمية في مسائل عديدة. ومع ذلك، فيلاحظ أنه في بعض التطبيقات لم يكن منسجما مع مبادئه في التكامل.
أصالة البحث: تظهر القيمة العلمية للبحث في اكتشافه مبدأ التكامل المعرفي في فكر القرضاوي، وأثره في صناعته الفقهية، من حيث التصورات والترجيحات، مع إبراز جوانب الإبداع والقصور في نموذجه.
Objectives: This article seeks to reveal the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought by exploring its defining features and assessing its influence on the evolution of jurisprudence, particularly regarding his ideas and preferences. Methodology: This study primarily employs an inductive approach to tracing elements reflecting the presence of knowledge integration in al-Qaraḍāwī's personality and investigating practical examples of this integration in his jurisprudential legacy. Results: This study's outcome is that knowledge integration was significantly evident in al-Qaraḍāwī's thought, both in word and deed. It also finds that integration informed his understanding of the facts, evidenced by numerous examples, and had an impact on his preferences, as seen in his selection of views aligning with scientific data on various issues. Nevertheless, in some cases, his approach did not fully align with his principles of integration. Originality: This article's scholarly value lies in uncovering the principle of knowledge integration within al-Qaraḍāwī's thought and examining its influence on his jurisprudential practices, particularly in his ideas and preferences. It also sheds light on both the innovative aspects and limitations of his model.
during the rule of the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, is considered one of the most important
stages in the history of the Holy Book. This great and critical event in the fate of the Quran
comprised many matters: the compiling of the memorized versus and the preserved
manuscripts, the focus on the last verse following Quraysh dialect (where Mohammad was
from), then the burning of some copies contained variations in the reciting method. This
study focused on the reality of the incident of burning these Quran copies (to prevent
future conflicts/confusion) during the compiling process of its verses. It is an issue that
may seem simple, but it carries multiple connotations and has a significant impact on the
history of the Holy Quran. This research used the induction approach in tracing the Islamic
narrations of the burning incident from the circumstances and the ways in which it
occurred, then the descriptive-analytical approach to analyze the contents of the cited
narrations and texts, in addition to the historical method by examining how that event is
narrated in old texts to observe the history and development of ideas. The study also
attempted to reveal some of the effects that the burning incident has left on the Quranic
text, on jurisprudential heritage, and on Islamic-political thought in general.
The study concluded that tolerance according to the Qur'an perspective is based on three pillars: first, leniency in personal rights by putting the interest of others above personal interest, secondly, respecting and recognizing the other person by delivering good to him, and thirdly, refraining from reacting to wrong behavior that comes from a person because of foolishness and ignorance. To consolidate this, the Qur'an sets many rules, including the elimination of class differences, the legitimacy of dialogue, the value of patience and forgiveness, and counsel. The study finds that the characteristics of Quranic tolerance are due to the nature of its view and attitude toward difference, which is the origin of intolerance and extremism. The Qur'an views difference positively as an opportunity for acquaintance, solidarity and cooperation. Tolerance is a great form of worship due to its association with patience, which is one of the greatest acts of worship. In addition to what it contains of divine wisdom, reflected in its being part of the cosmic verses, as the difference itself attests to the oneness of God. The study also believes that the human ummah is able to benefit from the Quranic tolerance based on achieving coexistence between societies and preserving the human commonality to solve global conflicts, while avoiding some of the negative perspectives resulting from the influence of Western ideologies in the humanitarian fields.