Papers by Euis Puspita Dewi

Tourism and Sustainable Development Review
Outdoor tourism is becoming a trend and is increasingly in demand during the pandemic. This touri... more Outdoor tourism is becoming a trend and is increasingly in demand during the pandemic. This tourism is considered the safest and most comfortable choice after two years of the community being limited in all their activities. This article aims to observe what forms of outdoor tourism are and how these tours are a solution to maintaining health and supporting community welfare. Through a qualitative approach with a case study method, it can be found forms and ways in which outdoor tourism in Sentul, Bogor can provide solutions for the health and well-being of the community. The interview method with the Sentul Community Local Guide manager was also carried out to extract data on all outdoor tourism activities in Sentul. The result of this research is a shift in the tendency of public interest in tourism from the form of mass tourism to tourism that is private or small groups. Outdoor tourism that uses the concept of Community Based Development (CBT) is a solution to maintaining health...

I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal
Kejadian Gempa pada tanggal 21 November 2022 telah menelan korban jiwa dan kerusakan infrastruktu... more Kejadian Gempa pada tanggal 21 November 2022 telah menelan korban jiwa dan kerusakan infrastruktur di Cianjur dan sekitarnya. Dari hasil observasi infrastruktur yang hancur adalah bangunan dengan konstruksi yang tidak benar. MCK adalah salah satu fasilitas yang penting untuk kegiatan sehari-hari. Tim pengabdi telah melaksanakan pembangunan kembali MCK komunal yang memadai dan sehat untuk dapat membantu recovery masyarakat Cianjur. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini selain menyediakan fasilitas MCK yang memadai juga memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat cara menggunakan MCK yang benar. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu persiapan (observasi dan wawancara), pelaksanaan (desain dan pelkasanaan pembangunan), dan evaluasi (monitoring, evaluasi dan rencana kedepan). Tim Dosen PkM dari UPI YAI Jakarta dibantu beberapa mahasiswa telah membangun dan merenovasi 3 titik MCK yang layak pakai dan nyaman digunakan, berada di Desa Nagrak, Cianjur. Adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membantu ko...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh hubungan antara motivasi dan sikap wi... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh hubungan antara motivasi dan sikap wisatawan terhadap minat kunjungan ulang wisatawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisa deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah non-probability sampling dengan metode accidental sampling. Angket pada penelitian ini menggunakan skala likert yang memiliki 23 butir pernyataan valid. Reliabilitas instrumen diuji menggunakan Cronbach’s Alpha dan seluruh variabel memiliki nilai reliabilitas >0,6. Hasil analisis regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif dari motivasi wisatawan terhadap minat kunjungan ulang ke Curug Leuwi Hejo.

Engineering Heritage Journal
Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, is constantly improving its infrastructure. Besides being fill... more Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, is constantly improving its infrastructure. Besides being filled with buildings, Jakarta is now very colorful with roads and various modes of transportation. The highway is a city facility that serves as the development’s orientation. Whereas in its history, Batavia, as the forerunner of Jakarta, was once a canal city. Canals were an important part of city life in the 17th century, functioning as a source of transportation, pleasure, defense, and water supply, among other things. The Batavia canal city, on the other hand, is no longer visible. Jakarta is today a congested city with clogged roads. The purpose of this study is to describe Batavia’s transformation during the colonial period and identify the factors that influenced it. A historical-postcolonial approach was employed in conjunction with the descriptive qualitative method. Data was acquired through critical discourse analysis by tracking historical data from archives in the form of maps,...

Kawasan Lebak Bulus merupakan kawasan yang memiliki peran penting dalam pergerakanmasyarakat, ber... more Kawasan Lebak Bulus merupakan kawasan yang memiliki peran penting dalam pergerakanmasyarakat, berbagai moda transportasi khususnya stasiun kereta api cepat dan halte busway sangat penting.Penempatan moda transportasi yang kurang efisien sering menimbulkan masalah kemacetan. Pendekatankonsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) khususnya dengan penerapan beberapa prinsip TOD dinilaidapat meningkatkan kawasan tersebut. Hal ini juga di dukung dengan dokumen perencanaan yangmenyatakan bahwa kawasan Lebak Bulus merupakan kawasan yang di rencanakan dan dikembangkanberdasarkan standar TOD. Stasiun Lebak Bulus merupakan stasiun layang pertama di ujung selatan Jakartayang memiliki desain yang dekat dengan elemen alam dengan nuansa warna didominasi hijau dan gradasinya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prinsip-prinsip TOD seperti apa yang cocok diimplementasikan dikawasan tersebut. Dengan dilakukannya observasi lapangan dan analisis penelitian berdasarkan padapanduan nilai TOD standar I...

Kerusakan lingkungan merupakan masalah global saat ini. Meningkatkan penggunan energi untukmening... more Kerusakan lingkungan merupakan masalah global saat ini. Meningkatkan penggunan energi untukmeningkatkan taraf hidup menjadikan suatu kewaspadaan yang akan membahayakan lingkungan alam dalamskala global. Tanpa kontrol termal yang baik, kondisi ruangan dapat berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatandan produktivitas pengguna bangunan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka diperlukan pendekatanarsitektural yang dapat mengoptimalkan potensi iklim di suatu wilayah. Hal ini juga dilandasi gunameminimalisir dampak buruk terhadap iklim dan alam tersebut. Dalam bukunya yang bertajuk Design WithClimate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism, Victor Olgyay (1983) mengungkapkanterdapat tiga poin penting yang saling terkait dalam membentuk keseimbangan antara iklim dan lingkunganbinaan selama proses mendesain, diantaranya ialah pertimbangan iklim di suatu wilayah, aspek biologis(tingkat kenyamanan manusia), dan solusi pengaplikasian teknologi dan elemen arsitektural. Pendekatanyang te...

Minimnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang Teknologi, Aplikasi Komputer dan Android untuk bersain... more Minimnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang Teknologi, Aplikasi Komputer dan Android untuk bersaing dalam dunia bisnis di era digital dikalangan petani, peternak dan pelaku UMKM Desa,di Desa Pringkasap Kecamatan Pabuaran Kabupaten Subang - Jawa Barat, Indonesia, telah menarik perhatian dosen-dosen Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI untuk melakukan penyuluhandengan tema Pengenalan Teknologi, Aplikasi Komputer dan Android untuk Pemasaran Hasil Peternakan, Perikanan dan UMKM Desa. Dengan tujuan agar produk yang dihasilkan mampuberkembang dan bersaing di pasar lokal, Nasional, maupun Internasional. Para peserta diberikan pengetahuan, motivasi dan peragaan untuk menggunakan teknologi komputer aplikasi smartphonedengan teknologi Android. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa penyuluhan kepada 29 petani, peternak dan pelaku UMKM. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang Teknologi, Aplikasi Ko...

International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
From the colonial period to the Covid-19 pandemic, coffee cafes in Jakarta have seen significant ... more From the colonial period to the Covid-19 pandemic, coffee cafes in Jakarta have seen significant changes. Coffee shops as public places must adjust to the pandemic situation by reducing their operating activity to prevent the virus from spreading. This adaption process then prompts coffee industry participants to come up with ways to keep coffee consumption habits consistent, such as employing outdoor spaces that are similar to rural aspects in urban settings. This study will examine the transition of coffee shops in the new normal era of the Covid-19 pandemic, building on prior research on the meaning of traditional-modern coffee shops and the performance of interior design in coffee shops. In addition, this research aims at the meaning of open space and how it relates to consumption patterns. The research method used is a literature review with in-depth analysis in order to solve issues that are related to the subject. The findings reveal that the current open space trend is a neg...

Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
A b s t r a c tThe purpose of this study is to investigate people's preferences for the use o... more A b s t r a c tThe purpose of this study is to investigate people's preferences for the use of sharia concepts in the provision of sharia hotel services. When not all of the sharia criteria are met, the community's preferences become extremely significant in determining the priorities that sharia hotel managers can satisfy in offering amenities that meet the sharia idea. This study used a quantitative descriptive method, using online surveys distributed to 109 community respondents in Indonesia. Respondents were chosen using convenience sampling and given a questionnaire with closed questions based on five sharia hotel facility requirements. This research resulted three major priorities selected by the respondents: 1) the selection of guests who come to stay and restrictions on visiting guests, 2) the provision of facilities for worship and purification as well as providing a religious atmosphere, 3) arrangement of male and female visitors in supporting facilities such as en...

International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities
Rapid technology advancements, particularly social media Instagram, have brought people’s daily l... more Rapid technology advancements, particularly social media Instagram, have brought people’s daily lives and urban environments into the domain of visual culture. Instagram’s young users are presently sharing motivational quotes adopted in activities and work with the use of a skyscraper as a background. The trend of encouraging quotes and skyscaraper photographs exemplifies the community’s orientation, which refers to a lifestyle or a typical phenomenon of Indonesian urban culture. This article intends to investigate the image of society by using Instagram to post encouraging phrases and patterns of space production-consumption using images of buildings taken by young people. The method of social semiotics was employed in this article with qualitative approach. Guy Debord’s Spectacle of Society (1967) theory and the postmodernist perspective are also discussed. Instagram creates a dichotomy with its picture of modern society and stunning metropolitan areas. Consumption and self-commod...

The purpose of this research is to apply the concept of Deconstruction Architecture to the design... more The purpose of this research is to apply the concept of Deconstruction Architecture to the designof the Cinema Complex in Garut Regency. The Cinema Complex is a cinema building which isalso facilitated by other functions, so that it is accommodating to conditions that are facingrecovery towards the Covid 19 Pandemic. The world of entertainment and the community is anecessity to overcome boredom, which during the pandemic imposed restrictions on mostactivities. In Garut Regency, the existence of the Cinema Complex is something new. With the highpotential of young people, a different and up-to-date Cinema Complex design is needed. Therefore,the Deconstruction approach is very suitable to be applied in the design of the building form.Through this approach, it is expected to produce a Cinema Complex building that can become acity icon and provide passion for the community after the pandemic.

Tujuan dari penelitian tentang ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai kondisikompetensi te... more Tujuan dari penelitian tentang ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai kondisikompetensi tenaga kerja konstruksi saat ini, untuk mendukung kebijakan Pemerintah membantuKonsultan Pengawas khususnya sebagai pengguna jasa pengawasan konstruksi. Pemetaankompenasi ini nantinya digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pembekalan ataupendalaman kompetensi kepada tenaga konstruksi bidang pengawasan untuk meningkatkankeahliaannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui penyebaran kuesioner berupa soal dalambentuk pertanyaan terbuka (esai) dan pilihan ganda, 70% materi teknis dan 30% materiadministratif. Hasil dari pengujian ini, sebagian besar materi test sudah dapat dijawab denganBenar (64%), namun ada beberapa soal mewakili beberapa kompetensi memiliki tingkatpenyerapan 0% yaitu kompetensi 1 tentang Daftar simak resiko kerja, Komptensi 2 tentangpenyusunan bidang-bidang pengawasan dan Kompetensi 3 tentang biaya dan nilai kontrak,Kompetensi 4 tentang kesesuaian hasil pekerjaan pada ban...

Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements
Background: PT. Yoy International Management is a sharia-based hotel development and management c... more Background: PT. Yoy International Management is a sharia-based hotel development and management company that formed in October 2020. It was born during the Covid-19 pandemic that hit almost all sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry in the world. PT. Yoy Management take a role in the recovery period and enable the tourism, hospitality and MSME sectors to support tourism by carrying out the sharia concept (trust, transparency, accountability). Objective: To empower MSMEs so that their products or services can be accessed in the Smart Tourism application. Methods: The method used to carry out learning in the form of sharing, focus group discussions and consultation with MSME actors and providing facilities for products and services in smart tourism applications. Sharing session approach as many as 6 activities for 2 months. MSME actors can enter products and services offered to tourists through the Sharia-based Smart Tourism Information System managed by PT. Yoy Management. T...
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pendampingan bagi MitraMasyarakat, be... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pendampingan bagi MitraMasyarakat, bernama KUBE (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) dan berlokasi di KelurahanPaseban RW 02 dalam menata ulang ruang usaha yang produktif, aman, dan sehat.Kegiatan pendampingan ini dilakukan dalam rangka menjawab permasalahan yangdihadapi mitra sebagai penghuni sekaligus penyelenggara usaha di hunian padat yangmeliputi: 1) Keterbatasan luas ruang dan tingginya kerapatan antar bangunan; 2)Rendahnya kualitas ruang; 3) Minimnya fasilitas umum dalam mendukung usaha.Pelaksanaan pendampingan terdiri dari tahapan: 1) wawancara dan observasi kebutuhanmitra, 2) sosialisasi, konsultasi desain pada ruang usaha yang memenuhi syarat usaha dariDinas Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) Kelurahan Paseban. 3) pembuatan modeldesain ruang usaha yang produktif dan memenuhi syarat keamanan, kenyamanan sertakesehatan
ewujudkan rumah dan lingkungan tetap sehat ini diadakan karena kehadiran beberapa usahaIMKM di hu... more ewujudkan rumah dan lingkungan tetap sehat ini diadakan karena kehadiran beberapa usahaIMKM di hunian padat di kelurahan Paseban Jakarta Pusat. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini diadakanuntuk memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di hunian Paseban yang sekaligussebagai mitra. Setelah dilakukan observasi, wawancara dan penelitian, maka permasalahan yangterjadi adalah: 1. Kepadatan penduduk dan bangunan yang semakin meningkat 2. Semakinmaraknya rumah dengan bisnis usaha 3. Minimnya kesadaran kualitas hunian sehat. 4. Minimnyasarana dan prasarana yang ada di wilayah mitra. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilakukan secara virtualdan dengan penyebaran brosur kepada masyarakat Paseban khususnya dan masyarakat hunianpadat pada umumnya. Kegiatan ini dilakukan demi terwujudnya sustainibilitas hunian padat yangberfungsi juga sebagai penumbuhan UMKMagar tetap sehat dan nyaman

This study aims to analyze the placement of culinary business spaces in residential homes indense... more This study aims to analyze the placement of culinary business spaces in residential homes indense residential areas with various problems related to comfort, safety and health. The object ofthe study was a residential house in a dense residential RW 02 Paseban Village, Central Jakarta.The problems that exist in the object of this study consist of limited land, the quality of space relatedto lighting and airing, layout irregularities, the threat of fire hazards and the lack of facilities. Themethod used is a qualitative method through observation and interviews with residents of theresidence and participants of the Joint Business Group (KUBE), which is chaired by Mrs. RW 02in Paseban Village. The results of this study, the terrace is the most appropriate area used as abusiness space. This area is calculated to meet the required lighting standards, air space and spaceneeded as a business space in a dense residential house. Terrace as a business space is arrangedto meet layout standard...

Energy efficiency is one of the aspects that must be achieved in making Green Building. Double Sk... more Energy efficiency is one of the aspects that must be achieved in making Green Building. Double SkinFacade (DSF) is one of the advanced facade technologies that can be used to improve thermal comfort.Geographically, the territory of Indonesia is located between 2 oceans namely India and the Pacific and 2continents namely Asia and Australia, this can make it clear that Indonesia has a humid tropical climate.UMN buildings have implemented Double Skin Facade using a buffer system. DSF applied to UMN buildingscan reduce temperatures according to the level of thermal comfort standards, with an average temperatureof 25.7 ° C. The purpose of this study is to prove that double skin facade technology can be applied to buildingsin the tropics. The method used in this research is direct observation at UMN. The measurement is done with2 points (inside and outside the building). The results showed that the use of DSF affects energy efficiencyand thermal comfort factor, with 6 mm ACP material can ...

The recommendation the government to residents are, school and do other activities athome (work /... more The recommendation the government to residents are, school and do other activities athome (work / school from home) has caused high frequency in settlement or housesactivities. An increase in the frequency of activities with different kinds of the nature andtype of activity in dwelling in the pandemic that has caused many changes of the meaningsand functions of occupancy rooms. Occupancy very important besides serves as theresidence also serves to do all activities due to exertion out occupancy is not currentlyallows. This report is in order to know how far the meaning change and functions of spaceon occupancy so that this research result can be used as a reference to the designers indesigning home lives in accordance with the needs now. Methods used is the explorationand identification and grouping the activities that occurs in some dwelling houses, spacesthen identification used for the activities of usually accomplished outdoors, diketahui mixing and will be of various types...

Kegiatan ini berisi pendampingan dalam proses perizinan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah bagimasyar... more Kegiatan ini berisi pendampingan dalam proses perizinan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah bagimasyarakat di Kelurahan Paseban, khususnya di wilayah hunian padat. Sebagai wilayah yang terletak di pusatJakarta, masayarak di hunian padat tersebut memiliki potensi besar untuk melakukan usaha, baik di rumahtinggal maupun di area non permanen seperti warung, kios, tenda dan sebagainya, karena letaknya yangberdekatan dengan dengan area perkantoran dan perdagangan, juga pemerintahan. Namun, area ini sekaligusmemiliki banyak keterbatasan dan permasalahan. Selain permasalahan terkait kondisi fisiknya,masyarakatnyapun terbilang masih sangat membutuhkan arahan dalam berwirausaha. Tingkat ekonomi,sosial dan pendidikan yang masih rendah mengakibatkan fasilitas yang diberikan pemerintah belum optimalterserap. Padahal, prizinan usaha merupakan salah satu syarat yang diatur oleh Pemda DKI bagi masyarakatyang ingin melakukan usaha. Pemda DKI telah membuka ruang bagi masyarakat yang ingin melakukanproses...

The KUBE business (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) that will be researched is the IKM of Mrs. Yani'sc... more The KUBE business (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) that will be researched is the IKM of Mrs. Yani'sculinary food and beverage business, which exist in densely populated area, Paseban, Central Jakarta. The location of this culinary business is very strategic, close to the center of trade, offices and government. However, as a place of business that integrates with a house that has a low area, it is necessary to organize an efficient and effective business space layout in its business activities. With the layout analysis approach used, namely: Activity Relationship Chart (ARC), Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD), Activity Template Block Diagram (ATBD), then this research will design the layout of food and beverage culinary business to increase efficiency and effectiveness in their business.Usaha KUBE (kelompok usaha bersama) yang akan diteliti adalah IKM usaha kulinermakanan dan minuman Ibu Yani yang berada di hunian padat, Paseban, Jakarta Pusat. Lokasi usaha kuliner ini sangat strateg...
Papers by Euis Puspita Dewi