Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Us"

Example sentences using "Us"

Q: Please show me example sentences with i heard that in US you need to give tips to most of the staff whose in the service industry. do I have to give tips when i am taking out food? or even the hotel front when checking out?.
A: These are the usual people you will interact with on a trip to the US. Some expect tips and some do not.

- a porter (someone who carries your bags for you at the airport or the hotel): $1 or $2 per bag
- the driver of a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel: $1, plus another $1/bag if they help you with your bags
- taxi drivers: 10% to 15%
- the hotel employees that do check-in and check-out: no tip
- the hotel concierge (the hotel employee who helps you with problems like making reservations at a restaurant): $10 per request
- hotel housekeeping (the people who clean your hotel room): $2 or $3 per night
- restaurant waiters and bartenders: 15% to 20% of the total bill
- servers at buffet restaurants: 10% of the total bill
- people who deliver food to you: 10% of the total bill
- picking up food from a restaurant: $1
- cashiers at fast food restaurants: no tip
- cashiers at other kinds of stores: no tip
- baristas (people who make coffee drinks): $1, or the coins left over (for example, if you pay for a $2.50 coffee with a $5 bill, keep the $1 bills and leave a tip of 50 cents)

Some restaurants will assume that international tourists do not know how to leave a tip, so they will automatically add a "gratuity charge" to the bill. Make sure to check to see if this charge is on your bill before you leave a tip.

If the service you get is very poor, leave a smaller tip. If the service was very good, or they did something helpful that they did not need to do for you, leave a larger tip.

If you are unhappy with the food in a restaurant, ask to talk to the manager. The food isn't the waiter's fault, so it is not fair to leave the waiter a smaller tip because of it.

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