Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Special"

Synonyms of "Special" and their differences

Q: What is the difference between special and specific and particular and peculiar ?
A: *Special: means better, greater, otherwise different from what is usual.

*I want to do something special for Tom’s birthday.
*She has a special ingredient in her sauce recipe.
*I made special point to avoid that store.
*i have been saving this wine for a special occasion.

Specific: means clearly defined or identified.

*It is easier to identify specific breeds if animals.
*We have specific criteria and certain limitations on who we can hire.
* Each person has their own specific code to log on.
*You would not need a specific date or time to attend that event. It is open all day to everyone.

Particular: means a singled out item, individual or group or a detail (of an item, person, aspect of some task).

*The crowd seemed to gather at on particular spot.
*He paid particular attention to the December budget so he could stay on track.
*Mary was a bit particular with who she chose to be a friend with.
*She was particular with which bakery she ordered the cake from.

Peculiar: means strange or odd, unusual.

*My uncle is a peculiar man who wears the same clothes several days a week.
*The medicine made me feel peculiar as though the room was soinning.
*My peculiar sister has sixteen cats.
*We have already spoken about his peculiar beliefs.

Truthfully, because of their definitions, many of these can be used interchangeably.
Someone special might be peculiar. “He only eats in restaurants without table cloths.”
I like a car with that particular ( or specific ) detail ( like keyless entry, a backup camera or a sunroof).

I hope this helps.

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