Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Authorize"
The meaning of "Authorize" in various phrases and sentences
What does authorize mean?
To give permission to do something
Examples: the government authorized the construction of new houses
Hope this helps 🫶🏻
Examples: the government authorized the construction of new houses
Hope this helps 🫶🏻
What does I'm not authorized to do it mean?
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What does authorize mean?
authorization is a permission to get into something or even do something with a condensed of a secondary part
Example sentences using "Authorize"
Please show me example sentences with "to authorize" .
- "The judge agreed to authorize two visits per week."
- "This is an authorized biography."
- "The judge agreed to authorize two visits per week."
- "This is an authorized biography."
Please show me example sentences with authorize.
'can you authorise my passport for me?'
'I can't authorise that'
'I will authorise approval'
'you're not authorised to drive that car'
'I can't authorise that'
'I will authorise approval'
'you're not authorised to drive that car'
Please show me example sentences with authorize/be authorized .
@asakowa: "Only authorized personnel beyond this point."
"Are you authorized to go back stage?"
"Are you authorized to go back stage?"
Synonyms of "Authorize" and their differences
What is the difference between authorize and empower ?
Authorize - Accept / Consent / Give Permission
Empower - Help increase the value or worth of someone or something / Support
Empower - Help increase the value or worth of someone or something / Support
What is the difference between authorize and delegate ?
As verbs the difference between authorize and delegate is that authorize is to grant (someone) power or authority (to do something specific) while delegate is to authorize someone to be a delegate.
As a noun delegate is a person authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy.
As verbs the difference between authorize and delegate is that authorize is to grant (someone) power or authority (to do something specific) while delegate is to authorize someone to be a delegate.
As a noun delegate is a person authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy.
What is the difference between authorize and allow and permit ?
They're practically synonyms.
But I believe that "permit" isn't used in US.
But I believe that "permit" isn't used in US.
What is the difference between authorize and delegate ?
delegate is letting someone else do a task you are doing, authorizing means you give the permission to someone to have access to something
Translations of "Authorize"
How do you say this in English (US)? authorizing
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Other questions about "Authorize"
Please show me how to pronounce authorize .
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Please show me how to pronounce authorize,authorizes,authorizing and authorized (but so slowly please).
can you pronounce by separate autho and rize and again but together please I will appreciate it if u do that please
authorize Does this sound natural?
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