Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Drawn"
The meaning of "Drawn" in various phrases and sentences
What does Drawn out mean?
generally it means... made longer. extended. (in a bad way)
The meeting was supposed to go from 2pm to 3pm. It was so long and DRAWN OUT, though! people kept talking. We didn't finish until 3:30.
The meeting was supposed to go from 2pm to 3pm. It was so long and DRAWN OUT, though! people kept talking. We didn't finish until 3:30.
What does Drawn out mean?
drawn out in most cases would mean overly long, such as “The speech was so drawn out and long that it made half of the audience fall asleep”
What does Drawn to you mean?
It means "attracted to you". Drawn to means "attracted to". It implies that the person or thing wants to get closer to the object/person in question.
For example:
He was drawn to the painting on the wall.
It is saying that he likes the painting on the wall.
For example:
He was drawn to the painting on the wall.
It is saying that he likes the painting on the wall.
Other questions about "Drawn"
Please show me how to pronounce Drawn.
Drawn by me
Is it correct?
Is it correct?
@ thank you
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