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Q: Please let me know if there are any errors. (Grammatical errors, unnatural expression, ect...)

Many liquid bottles used in everyday life waste about 11 to 16% of their contents due to structural limitations. This leads to waste of resources and environmental pollution. To solve this problem, the purpose of this study is to design a liquid bottle that can minimize the remaining amount of contents in the bottle. The new bottle uses an ‘extrusion method’ that pushes the contents through air injection instead of the conventional method; air-inhalation, and the bottom of the bottle is inclined so that the remains are gathered in one place before discharging. As a result of experiments through the simplified model, the volume of the residue after applying the new method was reduced by about 96.54% compared to before application. This is 0.35% of the total standard volume, and it can be expected to save 1.98 bottles per 10 bottles compared to the conventional method.

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