Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Flounder"
The meaning of "Flounder" in various phrases and sentences
What does floundering mean?
When you have difficulties doing something.
When you have difficulties doing something.
What does flounder mean?
Noun: liguado. I ordered flounder at the restaurant.
Verb: chafurdar. I am floundering in my English class. It is very hard.
Verb: chafurdar. I am floundering in my English class. It is very hard.
What does flounder
Es un pez
Example sentences using "Flounder"
Please show me example sentences with flounder.
He caught a flounder when he went fishing last weekend.
The man couldn't piece together his argument and started to flounder under the pressure of his angry wife.
The man couldn't piece together his argument and started to flounder under the pressure of his angry wife.
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