Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Increase"
The meaning of "Increase" in various phrases and sentences
What does There was a substantial increase in the percentage of families with only one child,while that of families with more children saw a slight decrease. Here,what's the meaning of "that of"? mean?
“That of” refers back to “percentage.”
“There was a substantial increase in the percentage of families with only one child, while the percentage of families with more children saw a slight decrease.”
“That of” is used to compared two things without using the same word twice.
The population of the U.S. is 328 million while the population of Canada is 37 million.
➡️ The population of the U.S. is 328 million while that of Canada is 37 million.
The politician tried to boost his own reputation and destroy his opponent’s reputation.
➡️ The politician tried to boost his own reputation and destroy that of his opponent.
“There was a substantial increase in the percentage of families with only one child, while the percentage of families with more children saw a slight decrease.”
“That of” is used to compared two things without using the same word twice.
The population of the U.S. is 328 million while the population of Canada is 37 million.
➡️ The population of the U.S. is 328 million while that of Canada is 37 million.
The politician tried to boost his own reputation and destroy his opponent’s reputation.
➡️ The politician tried to boost his own reputation and destroy that of his opponent.
What does increase by fifth of original mean?
It means "add 1/5 of the original number."
What does increase by mean?
增长!! 我会说中文🇨🇳!
What does increase 148 by 234 mean?
It is the long way of saying 148+234
What does Together with the big increases in the ownership of washing machines and refrigerators, they are evidence of both rising standards and the trend of lifestyles based on comfort and convenience. mean?
It implies that the quality of living is improving because people are able to buy or are buying more convenience appliances for example they can wash their cloths with a machine rather than hand washing them.
Example sentences using "Increase"
Please show me example sentences with increase.
“Increase” can also be a noun.
Hospitals are facing an increase of COVID cases.
The promotion came with an increase in pay.
Hospitals are facing an increase of COVID cases.
The promotion came with an increase in pay.
Please show me example sentences with increase and improve .
"I will increase the number of books I sell"
"I will improve my book sales"
These two sentences mean the same thing.
"They will increase the price of gas soon."
"I want to improve my test scores"
increase is for number. improve is for quality.
"I will improve my book sales"
These two sentences mean the same thing.
"They will increase the price of gas soon."
"I want to improve my test scores"
increase is for number. improve is for quality.
Please show me example sentences with increase.
Mom, can you increase my allowance? (verb use)
Mom, can I get an increase in my allowance? (noun use)
Profits will increase next year. (verb use)
There will be an increase in profits next year. (noun use)
Mom, can I get an increase in my allowance? (noun use)
Profits will increase next year. (verb use)
There will be an increase in profits next year. (noun use)
Please show me example sentences with an increase in.
We have had an increase in sales.
There has been an increase in attendance.
There has been an increase in attendance.
Synonyms of "Increase" and their differences
What is the difference between increase in and increase of ?
when you use increase in it has to be increase in something some quantity that can be measured. And you are highlighting the object in which increase has been observed. for example increase in taxes. on the other hand increase of represents the amount of increase for example increase of 10%
What is the difference between increase and enhance ?
"Increase" raises the size or amount of something
"Enhance" increases the quality of something
"Enhance" increases the quality of something
What is the difference between Along with the increase in unemployment, and With the increase in unemployment, ?
"Along with the increase in unemployment" suggests that the next sentence will be about another trend... like maybe, "Along with the increase in unemployment, there has been an increase in poverty."
"With the increase in unemployment" suggests that the next sentence will be about a result, for example:
"With the increase in unemployment, college students are now finding it hard to pay for their student loans."
"With the increase in unemployment" suggests that the next sentence will be about a result, for example:
"With the increase in unemployment, college students are now finding it hard to pay for their student loans."
What is the difference between increase and ratchet up ?
same thing, ratchet up is more slangy
What is the difference between improve, increase, promote and enhance ?
Improve是改善 比如改善生活
Increase是增长 像人口增长
Promote是促进 像促进经济增长
Enhance和improve很像 差不多
Increase是增长 像人口增长
Promote是促进 像促进经济增长
Enhance和improve很像 差不多
Translations of "Increase"
How do you say this in English (US)? a huge increase
Can I cancel the "a" in sentence? I think increase is a noncontable. why need a?
Can I cancel the "a" in sentence? I think increase is a noncontable. why need a?
One way to think about it: the amount of increase may be noncountable, but increases and decreases in general are countable. Consider "Our supply of corn showed a huge increase but our supply of wheat decreased" or "The stock's value underwent two huge increases this year, one in January and one in August"--you can count how many increases and decreases happen in those sentences.
How do you say this in English (US)? increase
How do you say this in English (UK)? I need increase up to first level. I'm very enthusiastic and motivated to learning this new languaje. Simply, Iwill need a lot of help with English. However, I will give everything to learn it.
I need to advance to first level. I'm enthusiastic and motivated for learning this new language. Simply, I will need a lot of help with English. I will give everything to learn it.
How do you say this in English (US)? increase
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How do you say this in English (US)? owing to the rapid increase happening in social economy in China,all the walks of life are on the upswing accordingly
Due to the rapid increase in socio-economics in China, all walks of life are progressing.
Other questions about "Increase"
Speeding increases the probablity that I'm involved in a traffic accident. Does this sound natural?
It sounds more natural to say: If I speed, it will increase the probability that I will be involved in a traffic accident.
An increase in the rate of people visiting other countries is considered to be a climb in the possibility of conflict due to cultural differences. Does this sound natural?
That's actually really good. Well done 👍
Please show me how to pronounce increase.
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increase your voice so that i can hear you Does this sound natural?
“Could you speak a little louder so I can hear you?” Would sound more natural.
This moth/species increase their numbers these 2 or 3 years in this area. Their life span is about one week. (Explaining about a certain moth) Does this sound natural?
"This moth species has increased their numbers in this area these past 2 to 3 years." The rest sounds good!
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