Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Obnoxious"
The meaning of "Obnoxious" in various phrases and sentences
What does obnoxious mean?
The word "Obnoxious" means extremely unpleasant.
If you describe someone using the word obnoxious. It means that you think they are very unpleasant.
If you describe someone using the word obnoxious. It means that you think they are very unpleasant.
What does obnoxious mean?
it basically means behaving in a rude way
What does obnoxious mean?
Very annoying
What does obnoxious mean?
"He acts like he is the only one there."
Example sentences using "Obnoxious"
Please show me example sentences with obnoxious.
"the amount of perfume she had on was obnoxious"
"his comments about my perfume were obnoxious"
obnoxious → ridiculously annoying
"his comments about my perfume were obnoxious"
obnoxious → ridiculously annoying
Please show me example sentences with obnoxious.
Obnoxious basically means ‘extremely unpleasant’ and ‘annoying’. You can replace annoying with obnoxious if you want to make the meaning stronger.
The cat was/is obnoxious.
The microwave made an obnoxious beeping sound after the timer.
The obnoxious man came up to me.
The smell that came through was extremely obnoxious.
He found her behavior to be obnoxious.
“I think alarm clocks are obnoxious.”
“Can you stop being so obnoxious?”
“She’s so obnoxious.”
“Everyone who came is obnoxious in my opinion.”
“Sam is always obnoxious to me.”
The cat was/is obnoxious.
The microwave made an obnoxious beeping sound after the timer.
The obnoxious man came up to me.
The smell that came through was extremely obnoxious.
He found her behavior to be obnoxious.
“I think alarm clocks are obnoxious.”
“Can you stop being so obnoxious?”
“She’s so obnoxious.”
“Everyone who came is obnoxious in my opinion.”
“Sam is always obnoxious to me.”
Please show me example sentences with obnoxious .
@CaliShark Obnoxious can be similar to unpleasant or terrible.
“His loud screaming was obnoxious.”
“She has an obnoxious habit of whistling during class.”
“The school bathroom smelled obnoxious.”
“His loud screaming was obnoxious.”
“She has an obnoxious habit of whistling during class.”
“The school bathroom smelled obnoxious.”
Please show me example sentences with obnoxious .
The sound of your lawnmower is really obnoxious. Do you really need to be mowing your lawn at 5am on a Sunday?
He has a really obnoxious personality. He always thinks that he knows everything, even when he doesn't.
Please stop being so obnoxious.
He has a really obnoxious personality. He always thinks that he knows everything, even when he doesn't.
Please stop being so obnoxious.
Please show me example sentences with obnoxious.
That boy was obnoxious
Synonyms of "Obnoxious" and their differences
What is the difference between obnoxious and nasty and disgusting ?
Obnoxious tends to refer to personality. Often it is used when someone is full of themselves, won’t be told anything, unpleasant in their interactions with other people.
Nasty is fairly flexible in use. It can be personality, a bad taste or smell, an unpleasant sight, a bad situation.
Disgusting is used for unpleasant things that almost could cause you to feel nauseous, whether that be a terrible smell (maybe of a dead animal) or a horrible act that a person commits (like pedophilia). That is the style of feeling attached, but it doesn’t have to be that extreme. It could be used to express your displeasure at having mud on your clothes. It is used in very different levels of seriousness.
Nasty is fairly flexible in use. It can be personality, a bad taste or smell, an unpleasant sight, a bad situation.
Disgusting is used for unpleasant things that almost could cause you to feel nauseous, whether that be a terrible smell (maybe of a dead animal) or a horrible act that a person commits (like pedophilia). That is the style of feeling attached, but it doesn’t have to be that extreme. It could be used to express your displeasure at having mud on your clothes. It is used in very different levels of seriousness.
What is the difference between obnoxious and annoying ?
obnoxious is like snobby and rude, or stuck up and rude. Where annoying is more just bothersome.
“He obnoxiously showed his 100% paper to the class”
“He poked and prodded to annoy me”
obnoxious is like snobby and rude, or stuck up and rude. Where annoying is more just bothersome.
“He obnoxiously showed his 100% paper to the class”
“He poked and prodded to annoy me”
What is the difference between obnoxious and unpleasant and disgusting ?
obnoxious would be like have a fly buzz around your head. unpleasant would be like smelling something horrible.
What is the difference between obnoxious and annoying ?
obnoxious is more obvious while annoying can be subtle.
What is the difference between obnoxious and mischievous ?
@hirofumi: obnoxious is pretty negative. usually used for very bad character as a person which leads to bad behaviour.
mischievous has a bit of a playful meaning. even though they are also behaving badly, it's not as bad as obnoxious people, and it's usually because they are too playful that they cause inconvenience.
mischievous has a bit of a playful meaning. even though they are also behaving badly, it's not as bad as obnoxious people, and it's usually because they are too playful that they cause inconvenience.
Translations of "Obnoxious"
How do you say this in English (US)? obnoxious
... It's already in English though?
How do you say this in English (US)? obnoxious
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How do you say this in English (US)? obnoxious
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Other questions about "Obnoxious"
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obnoxious Does this sound natural?
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