Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Oscillate"
Example sentences using "Oscillate"
Please show me example sentences with oscillating, defunct.
The needle on the dial was oscillating between full and empty.
The wires carry an oscillating current.
I used to work for a company which is now defunct.
The wires carry an oscillating current.
I used to work for a company which is now defunct.
Synonyms of "Oscillate" and their differences
What is the difference between oscillate and hesitate ?
They are two completely different words. To oscillate means to move back and forth at a regular interval. Like an oscillating fan.
To hesitate means to delay. "I approached the door slowly and hesitated before entering."
To hesitate means to delay. "I approached the door slowly and hesitated before entering."
What is the difference between to oscillate and to hesitate and to fluctuate and to vacillate ?
The words 'hesitate' and 'fluctuate' are more common.
In natural usage, people use the word 'hesitate' to indicate when someone is reluctant.
He hesitated at the stop sign, since he couldn't see around the corner.
Unsure of what to say, she hesitated as she considered how to answer.
In natural usage, people use the word 'fluctuate' to indicate when something changes in value.
The Russian ruble has fluctuated in value over the past week.
There have been fluctuations in the water level of the Volga River.
The words 'oscillate' and 'vacillate' are less common.
The word oscillate is similar to fluctuate, except with oscillate it means the value changes in a very accurate way. This is usually a word used with technical matters.
The electrical current is oscillating at 50hz
The word vacillate is similar to oscillate, except it refers to *decisions*. So a person swings between a fixed set of choices.
In looking at the two meals, he vacillated over which one to choose.
Although his girlfriend wanted to go out, he vacillated over whether to go with her or stay inside.
In natural usage, people use the word 'hesitate' to indicate when someone is reluctant.
He hesitated at the stop sign, since he couldn't see around the corner.
Unsure of what to say, she hesitated as she considered how to answer.
In natural usage, people use the word 'fluctuate' to indicate when something changes in value.
The Russian ruble has fluctuated in value over the past week.
There have been fluctuations in the water level of the Volga River.
The words 'oscillate' and 'vacillate' are less common.
The word oscillate is similar to fluctuate, except with oscillate it means the value changes in a very accurate way. This is usually a word used with technical matters.
The electrical current is oscillating at 50hz
The word vacillate is similar to oscillate, except it refers to *decisions*. So a person swings between a fixed set of choices.
In looking at the two meals, he vacillated over which one to choose.
Although his girlfriend wanted to go out, he vacillated over whether to go with her or stay inside.
Translations of "Oscillate"
How do you say this in English (US)? oscillate
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Other questions about "Oscillate"
Please show me how to pronounce oscillating.
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oscillate Does this sound natural?
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oscillating Does this sound natural?
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