Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Patch"
The meaning of "Patch" in various phrases and sentences
What does patch yourself up alright mean?
to give basic medical treatment to someone who is injured.. Considering it's a game.. Use medicine xD
What does a patch of scarlet swam past mean?
“A patch of scarlet” is using words to show you how Harry only saw a bunch of color pass him. Harry is also having trouble seeing. It’s like when you take a photo but the camera didn’t focus, all you see is a blob of color, instead of a thing. Fawkes is the patch of scarlet.
“Swam past” is talking about how Fawkes moves. The bird moved in a flowing, watery way, like a swimmer, or a fish. Harry lost blood, and he was falling unconscious, so when Fawkes landed by him, all he saw was some color flowing around him.
“Swam past” is talking about how Fawkes moves. The bird moved in a flowing, watery way, like a swimmer, or a fish. Harry lost blood, and he was falling unconscious, so when Fawkes landed by him, all he saw was some color flowing around him.
What does patch mean?
A patch in this context is an area, usually a small area of land.
"This is a nice patch of land."
"There's a patch of dirt over there"
"This is a nice patch of land."
"There's a patch of dirt over there"
What does patch up mean?
@revinneil In that case, it would be a frozen area of ice. They call it a patch because it is a small area.
A patch can mean a small area as well. Like a patch of pumpkins is a small area where there are many pumpkins.
Does that make sense?
A patch can mean a small area as well. Like a patch of pumpkins is a small area where there are many pumpkins.
Does that make sense?
What does you get ugly patches all over the lower eyelids. mean?
yes, I believe so. However, I have never heard anyone say "ugly patches."
Example sentences using "Patch"
Please show me example sentences with go through a rough patch .
He went through a rough patch earlier this year.
Please show me example sentences with patch up .
Patch up your wound.
Please show me example sentences with patch up.
I wasn't able to patch up with my friend; I don't think we'll meet again.
I patched things up with my girlfriend, and now we're back together!
The nurse patched up my injured leg.
I patched things up with my girlfriend, and now we're back together!
The nurse patched up my injured leg.
Please show me example sentences with to patch up.
1) I patched up that hole in your jacket.
2) Your wound is all patched up now.
3) Do you want me to patch that up for you?
2) Your wound is all patched up now.
3) Do you want me to patch that up for you?
Please show me example sentences with patch.
I need to patch a hole in the wall.
He wears a patch over his right eye.
I hope we can patch things up. = mend/fix our relationship
I need to patch a hole in my tire.
He’s out working in the vegetable patch.
Can you sew this patch onto my jacket?
He wears a patch over his right eye.
I hope we can patch things up. = mend/fix our relationship
I need to patch a hole in my tire.
He’s out working in the vegetable patch.
Can you sew this patch onto my jacket?
Synonyms of "Patch" and their differences
What is the difference between patch up and fix ?
well, really the difference is very mimimal. they can be viewed as synonyms, but under some context to fix has a more solid meaning. to patch up could be to fix permanently or just a temporary fix. In conversation though either is fine to use. great question!
What is the difference between patch up a house and renovate a house ?
The difference between patch up and renovate is patch up deals with a small problem while renovate is to fix everything to the point of building a new house
What is the difference between patches of sunlight and sunlight spot and flecks of sunlight ?
Patches of sunlight usually refers to larger spots of sunlight. You could see this on an open field, due to the shadows of clouds.
Spot and flecks of sunlight are smaller and are usually called "dappled light." You would see this on the forest ground, for example, due to the shadows of leaves.
Spot and flecks of sunlight are smaller and are usually called "dappled light." You would see this on the forest ground, for example, due to the shadows of leaves.
What is the difference between patch up and heal ?
Patch up is just a cute way of saying "to fix/heal"
Translations of "Patch"
How do you say this in English (UK)? There are still some few patches of snow here, but I think they'll all gone within a couple of days.
thank you!
Yes, I didn't notice I missed "be"
Yes, I didn't notice I missed "be"
How do you say this in English (US)? There is wet patch on the floor! Does this sound natural)
There is *a* wet patch on the floor!
How do you say this in English (US)? ( what does that mean) So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf
In what context was it used?
How do you say this in English (US)? What does patch things up mean? For example : Mary is patching things up for Sarah.
It would be "patching things up with Sarah." It means to make ammends, fix things between the two.
How do you say this in English (US)? patch?
Other questions about "Patch"
What is the meaning of this word?
What is the meaning of this word?
区域 An area. I planted potatoes in that patch of ground.
パッチ A piece of material for mending clothes. I used a patch to mend the rip in my jeans.
こじつけ的な接続 From the above, I think, a join of two or more things that is temporary or unorthodox. I patched the output from his headset into the camera so that he could make vlogs with his headset on.
パッチワークの一部 A part of a patchwork quilt, wherein several areas or pieces of material do not mend but form a new piece of material by being joined together.
パッチテストのパッチ A sort of mini poultice for applying drugs to the skin such as a nicotine patch or alcohol tolerance test patch.
期間 場 An interval (from "area") of time with, I think, a negative connotation. I am going through a bad patch. I find it difficult to get up in the mornings and can't get to sleep at night.
取り繕う A verb meaning mend, by (re)joining things, or people. I patched things up with my friend by apologizing and inviting him out for a drink.
There are probably more meanings but the above, off the top of my head.
パッチ A piece of material for mending clothes. I used a patch to mend the rip in my jeans.
こじつけ的な接続 From the above, I think, a join of two or more things that is temporary or unorthodox. I patched the output from his headset into the camera so that he could make vlogs with his headset on.
パッチワークの一部 A part of a patchwork quilt, wherein several areas or pieces of material do not mend but form a new piece of material by being joined together.
パッチテストのパッチ A sort of mini poultice for applying drugs to the skin such as a nicotine patch or alcohol tolerance test patch.
期間 場 An interval (from "area") of time with, I think, a negative connotation. I am going through a bad patch. I find it difficult to get up in the mornings and can't get to sleep at night.
取り繕う A verb meaning mend, by (re)joining things, or people. I patched things up with my friend by apologizing and inviting him out for a drink.
There are probably more meanings but the above, off the top of my head.
What does "rough patch" mean in the following sentence?
Going through a rough patch at the moment but it's going to be okay
Going through a rough patch at the moment but it's going to be okay
Synonymous to "a hard time"/"a rough time"
This patch shop is popular among at Okinawa of stay soldiers.
Soldiers add himself favourite design patch to their uniform.
Does this sound natural?
Soldiers add himself favourite design patch to their uniform.
Does this sound natural?
This patch shop is popular among soldiers staying in Okinawa (or "soldiers that stay in Okinawa").
Soldiers (or they) add their favorite design patches to their uniforms.
Soldiers (or they) add their favorite design patches to their uniforms.
After having had gone through a bad patch, i finally bounced back. Does this sound natural?
After having gone through a bad patch, I finally bounced back. :)
What does "not a patch on" in 1320 mean?
A patch is sewn onto clothes to repair them.
So, you're not as good as Connie Prince.
You're not even as good as the jacket that Connie Prince wears.
Not only that...
You're not even as good as the patch sewn onto the old jacket that Connie Prince wears.
it's saying you are not even remotely as good as someone.
So, you're not as good as Connie Prince.
You're not even as good as the jacket that Connie Prince wears.
Not only that...
You're not even as good as the patch sewn onto the old jacket that Connie Prince wears.
it's saying you are not even remotely as good as someone.
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