Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Revoke"
The meaning of "Revoke" in various phrases and sentences
What does revoked mean?
Taken away
I had my license revoked.
Do you have a sentence?
I had my license revoked.
Do you have a sentence?
What does revoke mean?
To officially cancel.
What does revoke mean?
It means to take something away or put an end to something
Example sentences using "Revoke"
Please show me example sentences with revokes.
The judge revokes access for the father to see his child.
Please show me example sentences with revoke.
"I will revoke your privileges!" (I will take away your privileges. People say this when they punish someone. Example: Having a curfew)
"His license was revoked." (He did something wrong, and the government took his license away.)
"Revoke" = "take away," but more formal.
"His license was revoked." (He did something wrong, and the government took his license away.)
"Revoke" = "take away," but more formal.
Please show me example sentences with revoked.
His car license was revoked.
The judge revoked his work permit.
The judge revoked his work permit.
Synonyms of "Revoke" and their differences
What is the difference between revoke and cancel ?
- Please cancel my phone plan from now on.
- I had to cancel my plans for lunch. I wasn't feeling well.
- My favorite TV show was canceled! They won't be making any more episodes.
- The judge revoked his previous decision to send that guy to jail.
- The old speed-limit law has been revoked! We can now drive 65 miles per hour on the freeway!
- I had to cancel my plans for lunch. I wasn't feeling well.
- My favorite TV show was canceled! They won't be making any more episodes.
- The judge revoked his previous decision to send that guy to jail.
- The old speed-limit law has been revoked! We can now drive 65 miles per hour on the freeway!
What is the difference between revoke and cancel ?
Revoke means to take away something from someone who had a right or claim to it.
I revoke your license to practice medicine.
Cancel is to remove or stop a preexisting thing.
The meeting was cancelled.
I cancelled the order.
The concert was cancelled.
I revoke your license to practice medicine.
Cancel is to remove or stop a preexisting thing.
The meeting was cancelled.
I cancelled the order.
The concert was cancelled.
What is the difference between revoke rescind cancel and withdraw ?
“The cop revoked my license for too many misdemeanors.”
Rescind most often refers to a law or agreement.
“I would like to cancel my subscription because it’s too expensive.”
“I had to withdraw my hand quickly because the pan was too hot / I would like to withdraw the money from my account.”
“The cop revoked my license for too many misdemeanors.”
Rescind most often refers to a law or agreement.
“I would like to cancel my subscription because it’s too expensive.”
“I had to withdraw my hand quickly because the pan was too hot / I would like to withdraw the money from my account.”
What is the difference between revoke and cancel ?
revoke means to pull or take back something, like someone's access or rights to use something. Cancelling is when plans or production on something ends prematurely, or before being finished. These overlap a little bit, but in some contexts it wouldn't make sense to use the words interchangeably.
"When I was fired from my job, they revoked access from my work email."
"I had to cancel my meeting, because my internet was down."
"When I was fired from my job, they revoked access from my work email."
"I had to cancel my meeting, because my internet was down."
What is the difference between revoke and invalidate ?
Revoke means to take away something
Invalidated means the object no longer works, is no longer useful, etc.
Invalidated means the object no longer works, is no longer useful, etc.
Translations of "Revoke"
How do you say this in English (US)? revoke
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