Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Template"
The meaning of "Template" in various phrases and sentences
What does template mean?
a template is an example to follow, or a framework that is set up for you to complete.
“If you want to write a letter, there is a template in this file with all the correct formatting”
“Her work provided a template for the whole team”
“Insert the steel template into the machine and it will cut ten aluminium copies”
“If you want to write a letter, there is a template in this file with all the correct formatting”
“Her work provided a template for the whole team”
“Insert the steel template into the machine and it will cut ten aluminium copies”
What does tried-and-true template mean?
it means: something that always works/ something that has been tried and works therefore is true to its use.
So the template is one that serves its purpose
So the template is one that serves its purpose
What does I often see a template in tweets and YouTube comments like this:
No one:
**(usually person’s name or something): ~
What does this meme mean?? Can anyone explain to me..:(( mean?
No one:
**(usually person’s name or something): ~
What does this meme mean?? Can anyone explain to me..:(( mean?
😂😂😂 ahhhhh it’s hard to explain..
It basically wants to emphasize that a certain situation is funny. Here is a situation
No one:
This meme template means “moms always do this, moms always say this, moms always act this way.”
The template means “nobody asks (someone) to say this, but they always say this”
It basically wants to emphasize that a certain situation is funny. Here is a situation
No one:
This meme template means “moms always do this, moms always say this, moms always act this way.”
The template means “nobody asks (someone) to say this, but they always say this”
What does 'template' mean?
patron, más o menos
hacemos un "template" para hacer muchas copias de algo
la usamos en el campo de construcción, y figurativamente también
"we hope that this historic agreement will be a template for many more agreements with other countries"
no vamos a usarlo otra vez directamente pero esperamos que podamos usar las mismas ideas otras veces en el futuro.
hacemos un "template" para hacer muchas copias de algo
la usamos en el campo de construcción, y figurativamente también
"we hope that this historic agreement will be a template for many more agreements with other countries"
no vamos a usarlo otra vez directamente pero esperamos que podamos usar las mismas ideas otras veces en el futuro.
Synonyms of "Template" and their differences
What is the difference between template and pattern ?
a template is something that is or will be pre-established. it is a set procedure or guideline, that will ensure something can be done or created the same way multiple times
"we will pour liquid metal into this template, so it will cool into the proper shape."
"i'm not good with computers, so i will fill in an online template rather than creating a file myself"
a pattern is anything that the brain sees repetition or meaningful shapes in. you can see a pattern in the grass, a pattern in the lines on your hand, a pattern in someone's behavior, a pattern in the weather, etc. any time your brain picks out a sense of repetition, it can be described as a pattern.
"we will pour liquid metal into this template, so it will cool into the proper shape."
"i'm not good with computers, so i will fill in an online template rather than creating a file myself"
a pattern is anything that the brain sees repetition or meaningful shapes in. you can see a pattern in the grass, a pattern in the lines on your hand, a pattern in someone's behavior, a pattern in the weather, etc. any time your brain picks out a sense of repetition, it can be described as a pattern.
What is the difference between template and framework ?
Template = an example you follow or copy
I need to write a memo to the company director, but I've never written one. Do you have a template I can follow?
Sure, just copy this template, and make sure to change the date and signature block.
I'm not very creative, so I followed a template in order to build this paper airplane. It's like origami!
"Framework" literally refers to the wood that "frames"/holds together a house or building. When you're talking about plans, ideas, or projects, you can talk about its structure as the "framework."
The framework of the story is very simple and straightforward - boy meets girl, girl breaks his heart - but it's a wonderful book because the author tells the story with so much emotion and insight into the human experience.
I need to write a memo to the company director, but I've never written one. Do you have a template I can follow?
Sure, just copy this template, and make sure to change the date and signature block.
I'm not very creative, so I followed a template in order to build this paper airplane. It's like origami!
"Framework" literally refers to the wood that "frames"/holds together a house or building. When you're talking about plans, ideas, or projects, you can talk about its structure as the "framework."
The framework of the story is very simple and straightforward - boy meets girl, girl breaks his heart - but it's a wonderful book because the author tells the story with so much emotion and insight into the human experience.
What is the difference between template and pattern ?
A template is made out of a hard material so that someone can re-use that exact same shape again. A pattern is just the shape of an object or design that is repeated.
What is the difference between template and format ?
A format is a description of layout.
A template is a sample layout where bits and pieces need to be filled in to produce the final product.
A template is a sample layout where bits and pieces need to be filled in to produce the final product.
Translations of "Template"
How do you say this in English (US)? template
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How do you say this in English (US)? template
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How do you say this in English (US)? (I can only use this template...) What does “the bottom line of (something)” mean?
The bottom line of something just means the end of something.
How do you say this in English (UK)? (please ignore template)[[[What’s the difference between “I think I want to go to London.” and “I want to go to London.” ?]]]
‘I want to go to London’ is definite, there is no doubt that this person wants to go to London.
‘I think I want to go to London’ sounds more doubtful, as if the speaker is not sure yet.
‘I think I want to go to London’ sounds more doubtful, as if the speaker is not sure yet.
How do you say this in English (US)? template
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Other questions about "Template"
Thank you for sending me the template email. This is very helpful. The template email's subject was not written. I will send it as "Regarding your article on ABC website". Does this sound natural?
× Thank you for sending me the template email.
✓ Thank you for sending me the template email,
× This is very helpful.
✓ it is very helpful.
× The template email's subject was not written.
✓ However, there is no subject included in the email, so
× I will send it as "Regarding your article on ABC website".
✓ I will send it as "Regarding your article on the ABC website".
You can join the first and second sentence with a comma instead of having it as two separate sentences.
Also, it sounds more natural to join the second and third sentences.
As you mentioned “template email” in the first sentence, you don’t need to mention it again to make it sound natural.
✓ Thank you for sending me the template email,
× This is very helpful.
✓ it is very helpful.
× The template email's subject was not written.
✓ However, there is no subject included in the email, so
× I will send it as "Regarding your article on ABC website".
✓ I will send it as "Regarding your article on the ABC website".
You can join the first and second sentence with a comma instead of having it as two separate sentences.
Also, it sounds more natural to join the second and third sentences.
As you mentioned “template email” in the first sentence, you don’t need to mention it again to make it sound natural.
Please show me how to pronounce template.
You're using a wrong template. For that question, you should use "How do you say this?" template. Does this sound natural?
You're using the wrong template. (a --> the)
I would like you to show me some templates that you use when you search something about language on the internet.
I google words/phrases/sentences that I don’t know. Here are templates that I always use to search them.
X meaning
What is X
X used in a sentence
Sometimes I can’t find information that I exactly want to know because of that poor variety.😢
I don’t want to ask stupid questions anymore here(HiNative). So someone help me, please.
I google words/phrases/sentences that I don’t know. Here are templates that I always use to search them.
X meaning
What is X
X used in a sentence
Sometimes I can’t find information that I exactly want to know because of that poor variety.😢
I don’t want to ask stupid questions anymore here(HiNative). So someone help me, please.
Have you tried this:
You can type your X in the search box.
You can type your X in the search box.
Please show me how to pronounce (sorry that I used this template question). Which words should I use in this case: I decided to learn some words but I felt embarrassed when I say (them/it) cuz I (think/thought) I couldn't say it right..
them; because words is in plural form
thought; because embarrassed/felt is in the past tense.
thought; because embarrassed/felt is in the past tense.
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