Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tune"
The meaning of "Tune" in various phrases and sentences
What does I've got this annoying tune on the brain. mean?
it means you probably have heard some music or tune which you didn't even like but now you can't even forget it
What does (in tune with/out of tune with) mean?
It means to be either aware or unaware of something. It can also mean the pitch is not synced.
What does To sing out of tune mean?
sing in a completely different tune than the real singer, basically it does not sound good
What does to be in tune mean?
@Eduardoakaedu: To be in tune means to be in sync. For example, to be in tune with someone - you know what they're about to say, or they can look at you and you know what they're thinking.
What does tuning and puttering mean?
Tune a musical instrument or engine is to slightly change to improve.
Putter- to do a small repair project and move to another one and then another one....
Putter- to do a small repair project and move to another one and then another one....
Example sentences using "Tune"
Please show me example sentences with tune (sb/sth) out.
Ok ‘tune out’ means ignore [I don’t have the context to know what words the “sb” & “sth” stand for]
Please show me example sentences with Where can be used and what means "carry a tune", give some examples please .
It means the person is tone deaf or cant sing
"He can't carry a tune" - means "He cant sing"
"If you want to be in the band, you've got to be able to carry a tune" - means "if you want to be in the band, you've got to be able to sing"
"He can't carry a tune" - means "He cant sing"
"If you want to be in the band, you've got to be able to carry a tune" - means "if you want to be in the band, you've got to be able to sing"
Please show me example sentences with to the tune of.
The city had to pay victims of an apartment fire to the tune of fifty thousand dollars.
Please show me example sentences with In tune with .
The native Americans were very in tune with their surroundings.
A football player must be in tune with their surroundings.
A football player must be in tune with their surroundings.
Synonyms of "Tune" and their differences
What is the difference between tune and tone ?
Tune refers to melody.
Tone usually means how pitched or heavy a sound is.
Tone usually means how pitched or heavy a sound is.
What is the difference between tuned out and find out ?
ㅎㅎ 아직 부족한 점이 많지만 그렇게 말을 해주셔서 너무 감사합니다~
일단 tune off같은 표현은 영어에 아예 없고 turn off는 있어요. turn off라면 "끄다"라는 뜻인데 예를 들어서 Turn off the light (불을 끄다)이나 The music was turned off (음악이 꺼져있었다) 이런 식으로 쓸 수 있고요.
Turned out는 여러가지 해석을 할 수 있지만 간단하게 설명한다면 "되다"라는 뜻이에요.
예를 들면:
A: How did things turn out? (일은 어떻게 됐어요?)
B: Everything turned out fine. (다 괜찮게 됐어요.)
근데 또 다른 뜻을 가지고 있어요. 이거는 아까 설명했던 "find out"랑 조금 비슷하긴 하지만 완전 똑 같은 표현은 아니죠. 이 turned out는 아마 -군/군요/구나 문법이랑 좀 비슷하게 생각하시면 좋을 것 같아요.
I found out that she had a boyfriend는 "그 여자는 남자친구가 있었다는 걸 알게 됐다"라고 해석 할 수 있다면
It turns out that she had a boyfriend는 "그 여자는 남자친구가 있었군"으로 해석 할 수 있어요.
차이는 뭔지 설명한다면 "turn out" 사용할 때는 "find out"보다는 조금 더 놀랍게 들릴 수 있고 "find out" 사용할 때는 제가 어떤 힘이나 제 노력으로 그 정보를 알아냈다는 느낌을 주는 표현이에요. "turn out"는 제가 찾아서 알게된 것은 아니고 그 정보를 어떻게 얻었는지 알 수가 없다는 표현이에요.
이거는 왜냐면 문장 만들 때 find out는 사람인 주어가 있어야 되는데 (ex. She found out, He found out, I found out, 등등) turn out는 거의 항상 "it"을 주어로 쓰게 돼요 (it turns out). Turn out는 원래의 뜻은 된다는 거잖아요. 그래서 "it turns out..."을 쓸 땐 "상황이 그렇게 되었다"라는 뜻으로 들려요.
혹시 아직도 잘 모르신다면 그냥 말씀 주세요~
일단 tune off같은 표현은 영어에 아예 없고 turn off는 있어요. turn off라면 "끄다"라는 뜻인데 예를 들어서 Turn off the light (불을 끄다)이나 The music was turned off (음악이 꺼져있었다) 이런 식으로 쓸 수 있고요.
Turned out는 여러가지 해석을 할 수 있지만 간단하게 설명한다면 "되다"라는 뜻이에요.
예를 들면:
A: How did things turn out? (일은 어떻게 됐어요?)
B: Everything turned out fine. (다 괜찮게 됐어요.)
근데 또 다른 뜻을 가지고 있어요. 이거는 아까 설명했던 "find out"랑 조금 비슷하긴 하지만 완전 똑 같은 표현은 아니죠. 이 turned out는 아마 -군/군요/구나 문법이랑 좀 비슷하게 생각하시면 좋을 것 같아요.
I found out that she had a boyfriend는 "그 여자는 남자친구가 있었다는 걸 알게 됐다"라고 해석 할 수 있다면
It turns out that she had a boyfriend는 "그 여자는 남자친구가 있었군"으로 해석 할 수 있어요.
차이는 뭔지 설명한다면 "turn out" 사용할 때는 "find out"보다는 조금 더 놀랍게 들릴 수 있고 "find out" 사용할 때는 제가 어떤 힘이나 제 노력으로 그 정보를 알아냈다는 느낌을 주는 표현이에요. "turn out"는 제가 찾아서 알게된 것은 아니고 그 정보를 어떻게 얻었는지 알 수가 없다는 표현이에요.
이거는 왜냐면 문장 만들 때 find out는 사람인 주어가 있어야 되는데 (ex. She found out, He found out, I found out, 등등) turn out는 거의 항상 "it"을 주어로 쓰게 돼요 (it turns out). Turn out는 원래의 뜻은 된다는 거잖아요. 그래서 "it turns out..."을 쓸 땐 "상황이 그렇게 되었다"라는 뜻으로 들려요.
혹시 아직도 잘 모르신다면 그냥 말씀 주세요~
What is the difference between tune as old as song and song as old as rhyme ?
these are mostly stated for poetic effect I assume, they’re not common phrases.
The first one is basically a song that’s as old as the concept of a song
The second one is a song that’s as old as the concept of rhyming
So essentially the topic is a very old song
The first one is basically a song that’s as old as the concept of a song
The second one is a song that’s as old as the concept of rhyming
So essentially the topic is a very old song
What is the difference between tune and music ?
Tune is the melody or the notes within the music. The main notes. Not the background chords or beat.
What is the difference between tune and music ?
a tune can be a slang word for a song (not too common though) or it’s the act of making parts of an instrument be the desired pitch. (Tuning a guitar or piano etc.) Music is a concept, it’s a set of sounds that someone uses to express an idea and instruments are often used.
Translations of "Tune"
How do you say this in English (UK)? tune meri yaad aati h kbi
do you miss me ever ?
do you miss me ever ?
How do you say this in English (US)? a little tune
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How do you say this in English (UK)? tune muje humesa spot kiya thanku yr
you always sported me thanks you
How do you say this in English (UK)? tune us din kya kaha tha bta??
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How do you say this in English (UK)? tune mera dil dukhaya he
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Other questions about "Tune"
Please show me how to pronounce "tune".
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This tune sounds sooo familiar to me I just can't recall exactly what it is.
Can anyone recognize it
Can anyone recognize it
Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden perhaps?
I actually had to ask my mother help me with this one, because I knew the song, but not the title or who it was by 😂
I actually had to ask my mother help me with this one, because I knew the song, but not the title or who it was by 😂
What does "tune it out" (last line) mean?
Ocasio-Cortez made headlines this week when a reporter from the Washington Examiner, a right-leaning newspaper, appeared to question her claims of financial struggles in a tweet stating that her "jacket and coat don't look like a girl who struggles."
"If I walked into Congress wearing a sack, they would laugh & take a picture of my backside," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response. "If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside."
"Dark hates light - that's why you tune it out. Shine bright & keep it pushing."
Ocasio-Cortez made headlines this week when a reporter from the Washington Examiner, a right-leaning newspaper, appeared to question her claims of financial struggles in a tweet stating that her "jacket and coat don't look like a girl who struggles."
"If I walked into Congress wearing a sack, they would laugh & take a picture of my backside," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response. "If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside."
"Dark hates light - that's why you tune it out. Shine bright & keep it pushing."
Tune it out means to ignore it, pretend it isn’t there!
For example: “Dark hates light - that’s why you ignore it.” or “I don’t like this song so I’m gonna tune it out by thinking about something else.”
It can also be used when someones mind wanders.
For example: a teacher is speaking, but you are looking out the window and not paying attention so you can not even hear what the teacher is saying. This is “tuning out”
For example: “Dark hates light - that’s why you ignore it.” or “I don’t like this song so I’m gonna tune it out by thinking about something else.”
It can also be used when someones mind wanders.
For example: a teacher is speaking, but you are looking out the window and not paying attention so you can not even hear what the teacher is saying. This is “tuning out”
I think you have changed your tune. Have you changed your mind on him? Does this sound natural?
A more natural way would be "Have you changed your mind about him? You seem to have changed your tune." They both sort of mean the same thing, "changed your tune" is more slang and means you went from "He's so kind!" to "He's mean!"
I wish I could play the tune of Chopin with piano. Does this sound natural?
I wish I could play Chopin's music on the piano.
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