Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Whistleblower"
The meaning of "Whistleblower" in various phrases and sentences
What does whistleblower mean?
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What does whistleblower mean?
is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is illegal
What does whistleblowers are here. mean?
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Synonyms of "Whistleblower" and their differences
What is the difference between whistleblower and informat ?
Un informant spiffera i segreti ad uno in particolare, tipo una spia.
Un whistleblower fa sapere a tutti
Un whistleblower fa sapere a tutti
What is the difference between whistleblower and rat and snitch ?
A whistleblower is someone who informs/exposes wrongdoing at a corporate or government level (for example, police officers reporting gross misconduct within the police force). The terms 'rat' and 'snitch' are colloquial derogatory terms (so could be used for whistleblowers too) and usually refer to those who 'snitch' on criminals to police or other authority.
What is the difference between whistleblower and snitch and squealer ?
A Whistle blower is someone who 'blows the whistle' on unethical or dubious practises carried out in a workplace or corporate environment. They might report it a media organisation. A snitch/squealer is someone it tells on their friends or classmates it workmates. It also has the connotation of maybe Mafia or gang related activity e.g he snitched on the mob to the police, although this is somewhat old fashioned now.
Translations of "Whistleblower"
How do you say this in English (US)? whistleblower
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Other questions about "Whistleblower"
Please show me how to pronounce whistleblower.
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Please show me how to pronounce whistleblower.
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