Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Written"
Other questions about "Written"
What’s written?
What terrible handwriting.
1. This is______
2. Win _____ ss_____ssin
3. Jesus save so look
4. Never be back
1. This is______
2. Win _____ ss_____ssin
3. Jesus save so look
4. Never be back
What’s written?
Edit Sheen
What’s written?
"Wholly brewed", as in completely/entirely brewed.
What’s written?
"He arrives in the kitchen and ___ has his back turned against him. He grabs a plate and gestures for ___ to sit down at the table, where a freshly made omelette, as well as a warm cup of tea is ready.."
What’s written?
eats the last bite, wanting another fluffy omelette. But he would never ask for it, ever.
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