Papers by Richard Gabriel
Programming comes in many shapes & sizes.
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
I believe there are two things we should consider for inclusion in the working Standard Model of ... more I believe there are two things we should consider for inclusion in the working Standard Model of the Mind — or at least for inclusion in the discussion. One is a place for consciousness, and the other is a set of mechanisms for mood, emotion, and general cognitive influence.
Suppose the entire social and commercial fabric supporting the creation of software is changing-c... more Suppose the entire social and commercial fabric supporting the creation of software is changing-changing by becoming completely a commons and thereby dropping dramatically in cost. How would the world change and how would we recognize the changes? Software would not be continually recreated by different organizations, so the global "efficiency" of software production would increase dramatically; therefore it would be possible to create value without waste, experimentation and risk-taking would become affordable-and probably necessary because firms could not charge for their duplication of infrastructure-, and the size and complexity of built systems would increase dramatically, perhaps beyond human comprehension. As important or more so, the activities of creating software would become the provenance of people, organizations, and disciplines who today are mostly considered consumers of software-there would, in a very real sense, be only a single software system in existence, continually growing; it would be an ecology husbanded along by economists, sociologists, governments, clubs, communities, and herds of disciplines. New business models would be developed, perhaps at an alarming rate. How should we design our research to observe and understand this change? There is some evidence the change is underway, as the result of the adoption of open source by companies who are not merely appreciative receivers of gifts from the evangelizers of open source, but who are clever thieves re-purposing the ideas and making up new ones of their own.
I belong to two writers' communities: the software patterns writers' community which is eagerly c... more I belong to two writers' communities: the software patterns writers' community which is eagerly creating a new-and new type of-literature in the world of computing and software, and the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers alumni, the Wallies. Each of these two communities is generous beyond anything xenia could predict and more than a modest writer like me deserves. If you are a writer, then you know what kind of communities these are, and if you aren't, you can't imagine the warmth, support, and generosity spawned by the work of trying to write what is impossible to write. When I asked these two communities about their thoughts on the writers' workshop, I was flooded. Literally the size of my manuscript nearly doubled in length with the advice and stories I got, and the reminders of what I once knew but had forgotten. I would like to thank them first:
One form of creativity uses defamiliarization, a mechanism that frees the brain from its rational... more One form of creativity uses defamiliarization, a mechanism that frees the brain from its rational shackles and permits the abducing brain to run free. Revision is still required, though.
Ai Magazine, Dec 1, 2012
ave Waltz began his career of creativity and collaboration after completing his dissertation in 1... more ave Waltz began his career of creativity and collaboration after completing his dissertation in 1972 at the Mas-
This is a sort of contemporary science which is more easily understood than the nonsensical poem.... more This is a sort of contemporary science which is more easily understood than the nonsensical poem. Don't you think? Ah, but with training this is quite easily understood. The poem, however-obviously no amount of training, teaching, or learning will bring you to understand it. Some other examples: a visual representation of a source code svn log shows, clearly, the history of the program, whereas the Jackson Pollock painting is clearly less understandable Some mathematicians have computed the fractal dimension of some of Pollock's drip paintings as high as 1.72thickly layered and complex.
Companion to the Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 2015
Social media is where public opinion is happening: where it's born, where it grows / matures, and... more Social media is where public opinion is happening: where it's born, where it grows / matures, and where it dies. In this talk I review techniques and approaches for machine processing of public sentiment on social media: how to analyze and understand it, how to react to it, and how to influence it. The age of artificial intelligence is upon us.
To Jo Lawless, who led me away from the lion Midway on our life's journey, I found myself In dark... more To Jo Lawless, who led me away from the lion Midway on our life's journey, I found myself In dark woods, the right road lost. To tell About those woods is hard-so tangled and rough And savage that thinking of it now, I feel the old fear stirring: death is hardly more bitter.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 8, 1983
builder and inventor, who gave up ambition to concentrate on life� Acknowledgements I belong to t... more builder and inventor, who gave up ambition to concentrate on life� Acknowledgements I belong to two writers ’ communities: the software patterns writers ’ community which is eagerly creating a new—and new type of—literature in the world of computing and software, and the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers alumni, the Wallies. Each of these two communities is generous beyond anything xenia could predict and more than a modest writer like me deserves. If you are a writer, then you know what kind of communities these are, and if you aren’t, you can’t imagine the warmth, support, and generosity spawned by the work of trying to write what is impossible to write. When I asked these two communities about their thoughts on the writers’ workshop, I was flooded. Literally the size of my manuscript nearly doubled in length with the advice and stories I got, and the reminders of what I once knew but had forgotten. I would like to thank them first:
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1989
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1988
Qlisp, a dialect of Common Lisp, has been proposed as a multiprocessing programming language whic... more Qlisp, a dialect of Common Lisp, has been proposed as a multiprocessing programming language which is suitable for studying the styles of parallel programming at the medium-grain level. An initial version of Qlisp has been implemented on a multiprocessor and a number of experiments with it conducted. This paper describes the implementation, reports on some of the experiments, and presents some new constructs that are suggested from programming experience with Qlisp.
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software
Sad Girl of Montréal …in this room there is stillness, and the stillness has gone tense. The room... more Sad Girl of Montréal …in this room there is stillness, and the stillness has gone tense. The room is waiting for something to happen. I could light the fire, but my friend forgot to leave me any logs. I could turn on a lamp, but there is no animal feeling in electricity. I stand up again and walk over to the phonograph and switch it on without changing the record that I played this morning. The music strengthens and moves about, catching the pictures, the books, and the discolored white marble mantelpiece as firelight might have done. Now the place is no longer a cave but a room with walls that listen in peace.-Howard's Apartment "The Long-Winded Lady" Maeve Brennan
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, 2016
on the system more over the next six months, broadening and expanding the template language to gi... more on the system more over the next six months, broadening and expanding the template language to give more control to InkWell, deepening its understanding of language and the music of language, and adding more observations InkWell could make of its drafts and along with them more kinds of revisions. Over those months InkWell produced a lot more haiku, and I selected fourteen of them to add to the above four to test my understanding of the Turing Test using an extreme instance, but I was relying on a hazy memory of it-perhaps my understanding was naïve. Is Turing's essay relevant today? t In October 1950, the British journal Mind published an essay by Alan M. Turing titled, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," in which Turing proposed an operational definition for "intelligence" [2]. This definition would come to be called "the Turing Test." Turing himself called it "the imitation game," in which a questioner separated from two contestants would submit questions to those contestants, read their replies, and ultimately choose one as human and the other as machine. Turing wrote the following: May not machines carry out something which ought to be described as thinking but which is very different from what a man does? This objection is a very strong one, but at least we can say that if, nevertheless, a machine can be constructed to play the imitation game satisfactorily, we need not be troubled by this objection.-Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950 The Turing Test feels like it's at (or near) the heart of the research program called artificial intelligence. These days we're too sophisticated for such a simple test-full imitation still
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per resp... more Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
pieces of literature. A pattern is a configuration or solution to a problem in the design and/or ... more pieces of literature. A pattern is a configuration or solution to a problem in the design and/or implementation of software that is repeatedly found, though almost always in slightly different form depending on the circumstances. A pattern then is not a programming language construct or an idiom, though in some cases it might be possible to generalize a pattern that way. Many software systems are put together from a set of patterns in a structured way. In this case a pattern language might be in play. A pattern language is a set of patterns that can be used with each other in a particular way or set of ways to achieve a larger system. Patterns and pattern languages arise in the world because software designers and implementers tend to solve the same problems in the same ways—sometimes because developers communicate best practices with each other, sometimes because they see each others’ solutions and adapt them and improve on them, and sometimes because the best solutions are (someho...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2015
InkWell is a writer's assistant-a natural language revision program designed to assist creative w... more InkWell is a writer's assistant-a natural language revision program designed to assist creative writers by producing stylistic variations on texts based on craft-based facets of creative writing and by mimicking aspects of specified writers and their personality traits. It is built on top of an optimization process that produces variations on a supplied text, evaluates those variations quantitatively, and selects variations that best satisfy the goals of writing craft and writer mimicry. We describe the design and capabilities of InkWell, and present an early evaluation of its effectiveness and uses with two established literary writers along with an experiment using InkWell to write haiku on its own.
Urban Science, 2019
Beauty. Christopher Alexander’s prolific journey in building, writing, and teaching was fueled by... more Beauty. Christopher Alexander’s prolific journey in building, writing, and teaching was fueled by a relentless search for Beauty and its meaning. While all around him the world was intent on figuring out how to simplify, Alexander came to embrace complexity as the only path to his goal. The Beauty and life of that which he encountered and appreciated—an Indian village, a city, a subway network, an old Turkish carpet, or a campus—lay in its well-ordered complexity. As a designer and maker he found that simplicity came from choosing—at every step—the simplest way to add the necessary complexity. The failure of so much of our modern world, in Alexander’s eyes, was oversimplification, wantonly bulldozing context, misunderstanding the relationships of part and whole, ignoring the required role of time in the shaping of shapes, and ultimately dismissing, like Esau, our birthright of Value in favor of a lentil pottage of mere Fact. Ever elusive, Beauty demands of her suitors a constant ret...
Papers by Richard Gabriel