Egyptian garden

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Tomb-chapel of Nebamun Thebes, Egypt Late 18th Dynasty, around 1350 BC (location Room 61 Bristish Museum)
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Ancient Egyptian Papyrus | Amarna art: a kingfisher amid papyrus plants | Egypt ancient and mo...
Ancient Egyptian Tomb Art detail, Nebamun hunting in the marshes, showing reeds, birds and a feral cat, painting from the tomb-chapel of Nebamun, accountant in the Temple of Amun (Karnak), circa 1350 BC, Ancient Egypt, panel in the British Museum, London WC1.
Hatshepsut-Temple Es gehörte zum Auftrag der Expedition, aus Punt pflanzfähige Bäume mit Ballen oder in Töpfen mitzubringen für die Tempelanlagen des Amun.
Reconstruction of original colours of a fragment of a polychrome tomb-painting representing the pool in Nebamun's estate garden: date-palms, sycomores and mandrakes hedge the pool which teems with fish and fowl; the goddess of the sycomore, surrounded by her produce, is shown in the top right-hand corner.