Character Names

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God Name Generator
A God, a Deity, is a divine being that often possesses supernatural powers. There are many religions and pantheons, some forgotten and some new, and it would be nearly impossible to list all of them without failing to mention some of them. Many deities are tied to certain things, abilities, attributes, or characteristics, and often something that humans possess or interact with. Therefore, many Gods have additional names that provide more insight into what they are all about.
Horror Name Generator & Guide
Horror is certainly one of the more popular genres in general, whether it’s a book, a movie, or a game, and good horror stories must have at least one terrifying character that will set the tone and expectations, along with instilling fear wherever they go. A good background and explanation, bolstered by a scary name, will go a long way in creating suspense situations.
Lovecraftian Name Generator & Backstories
Lovecraftian horror is now a staple of many fantasy and weird fiction adventures. The horrific, otherworldly entities one finds in such stories are the source of endless captivation for readers and players alike. Good Lovecraftian names are epitomized by their completely alien nature, they should be terrifying, hard to comprehend, and even harder to pronounce.
Shakespearean Name Generator & Backstories
The influence that Shakespeare had on the English language cannot be overstated, so it’s only natural to reflect that influence in the stories you tell by adhering to his naming conventions. Good Shakespearean names draw from the rich settings he loved to write about: English Medieval history, ancient Rome and Greece, and Renaissance Italy.
Biblical Name Generator
The sheer volume of people’s lives documented in biblical texts is mightily impressive, whether your research into biblical characters comes from faith or an interest in ancient histories. Some biblical names have remained popular to the present day, so much so that we may not immediately recognise their origin. These can be good to use if your story is set in contemporary society but would like a subtle nod to biblical heritage.
Mountain Dwarf Name Generator & Guide
Mountain dwarves about 4’5” tall and usually weigh around 160 pounds. They are strong, tenacious, diligent, and gruff. Dwelling deep inside the mountains, they dig ever-deeper, searching for that great score, that gem cache waiting to be discovered. Mountain dwarves honor family, clan, and tradition. While pushing the mining and the craftsmanship beyond the scope of most other races, they are also well trained in all military aspects from a young age. They prefer strict discipline and tactics.
Hill Dwarf Name Generator & Guide
Hill dwarves have long forgotten their mountain homes, and, in fact, if you asked them they would tell you they always lived “in these hills”. They are usually around 4ft tall and weigh as humans do, making them quite bulky. Opposed to their mountain counterparts, they are much more friendly and open to cooperating with other races. While they still have many craftsmen among their ranks, hill dwarves are also traders and fortune seekers, even ready to find a new home.
Deep Gnome Name Generator & Guide
Deep gnomes, also known as Svirfneblin, are of similar stature to other gnomes, though their skin is gray, while their body is rock hard. Their natural habitat is the dangerous Underdark, deep under the surface and away from prying eyes. They are expert miners and artisans, with a special love for gems. They are perfectionists and always in pursuit of excellence. Svirfneblin are determined, tenacious, diligent, and very industrious and productive creatures.
Rock Gnome Name Generator & Guide
When other races speak of gnomes, they most likely have a rock gnome in mind. They are around 3ft tall and weigh around 40 pounds. The sole purpose of a rock gnome is to fill his day with all sorts of entertainments, having fun as they go. They remind us of human children, with their endless questions and inquisitive nature, often playing pranks on others, running from one thing to another, never actually focusing on one thing unless it was something they really liked.
Forest Gnome Name Generator & Guide
Forest gnomes are very small creatures, even for Gnome standards, as they are around 2’5” tall and weigh around 30 pounds. They are very shy and they keep their forest homes well hidden. So much so, they are repeatedly “discovered” by others. They would like nothing more than to be ignored by other races as they shun away from them. On the other hand, they are very friendly within their own kind, as well with the animals living in the area. They can also communicate with them.
Autognome Name Generator & Backstories
Autognomes are mechanical beings who were made by gnome inventors and tinkerers, often resembling the maker in one way or another, and are used for various purposes such as exploration, rescue, guard duty, and similar objectives. Despite being able to understand and even speak Gnomish, they are easily discernable from true Gnomes even when trying to disguise themselves by adorning different clothes, as even the best-built Autognomes produce mechanical sounds.
Wrestler Name Generator & Backstories
When it comes to wrestlers, the first step one usually takes is to choose the so-called gimmick. This refers to the wrestler’s persona inside the ring, their character and behavior, attire, and any other distinguishable traits that can draw a fan’s interest.
Witch Name Generator & Guide
Probably best known for turning their enemies into toads and flying away on broomsticks, witches vary from wise sages living in the wilderness to unstoppable mages with a thirst for power. A witch’s name can take several forms. It could be the person’s given name, or it might be a chosen name adopted from something magical. Some witches may even take the name of a famous witch who they hope to emulate.
Villain Name Generator & Guide
It has been said that a hero is only as good as their villain. Acting as foils and antagonists, villains—superpowered and otherwise—are a key figure in comics and superhero stories. Villains adopt a name for themselves to help keep their criminal identity separate from their civilian life, but the best villain names are also good marketing. After all, nobody wants to mess with someone with “blood” or “killer” in their name.
Vagabond Name Generator & Backstories
Vagabonds are people without a home who, seemingly wandering wherever fate takes them, are also referred to as wayfarers, vagrants, and even adventurers. Some see them as lost souls, while others envy their freedom from a safe location. They travel the world where they want, or where they are able to at the very least and are usually the type of person who doesn’t mind not having everything they need close by, and the lure for unknown locations and people makes them continue on.