November "My favorite time of the year"

Fall foot ware, entertainment serving items, autumn quotes change of season
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This little guy is thankful no turkeys were harmed in this post.
SK Simple Solutions hope you have a wonderful Holiday.
Set your best table
Traditional ,modern, or unique your table setting isnt just about the food, its also about visual appeal while enjoying a meal with family and friends.
Lets get personal
No matter your age taking the extra time to write a card is something very special. Let SK Simple Solutions help you organize your office, kitchen , or she space.We can help !
Its on COVID way
Be safe and think of alternative shopping strategies this Holiday season, at the end of the day the gift that keeps on giving isnt bought from a store. SK Simple Solutions can help with your clutting no matter the season.
My cup is full of Gratitude.
A cup of kindness, look through your cupboard of once sherished cups. Put a handwritten note,and few hugs wrapped in chocolate leave it at the neighbors door (not in the heat) tell them how terrific it is that the two of you call the same street home. Step 7 REPURPOSE in our 12 step program SK Simple Solutions can help !
Look Impossible Look again
You can have a before and after.SK Simple Solutions can help.
Look impossible, Look again
You can do this. SK Simple Solutions can help make your vision a reality.
Bring on Winters planting
I'm ready to turn over soil and put in some winter crops. I've got plans to add more color to my landscape. But first I need to call or email for a quote, a plan and support on how to declutter my garden storage space.
Make sure your home is full of color its easy and so much fun. De clutter is the first step to enjoying the season with a happy heart. SKsimple Solutions can help..
What do I do with the once loved but not forgotten?
The hope chest my dad brought back from over seas, My small collection of vintage watches my niece always loved.. Repurpose,Reuse or gift it away this Holiday season. SKSimpleSolutions can help .
Get prepared for the new found Treasures.
And find a home for the other items long forgotten!
TreeKeeper Adjustable Ornament Storage Case
TreeKeeper Adjustable Ornament Storage Case : Target