story sack ideas

A Braille Letter Song by Queensland Department of Education – Paths to Literacy
Container for story box Talking book power point If you give a mouse a cookie
Story Baskets & Props - Stimulating Learning
Ideas for story baskets or props for popular stories in the Early Years - from Rachel
Retell Literacy Center: 20 Famous Story Retelling Ideas and Printables – KindergartenWorks
How to create a retell literacy center in kindergarten. Plus a list of 20 famous stories and retell props (with printables) to complete this center.
Room on the Broom Story Sack
Play & Learn Everyday: Room on the Broom Story Sack
The appeal of Treasure Baskets
The appeal of Treasure Baskets - Bring stories to life with a story basket such as this one. Include items from the story for children to interact with and hold. Include textured items and for this one you could even include edible items for children to taste along with The Very Hungry Caterpillar!