Small office

Create a small office space. Instead of a desk use a shelf, or 2 drawers. In one draw a guitar pedal board and plugs for pedal board and ipad/phones, laptop. The other draw an organiser for pens etc (maybe using a cutlery divider). Cupboard draw high up with printer. Shelving. Magnetic chalk board ideas: Either divided into calendar (or have a separate year planner) or Ikea magnetic pots full of guitar pics, paperclips, staples, screws etc. Magnets on the bottom of hole punches and staples so they don't get lost. Wall mounted guitar stands with easy access to bass and guitar. Access to a speaker or guitar amp for phone music or plugging bass into.
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Clever storage idea with multiple potential uses at front or back door: mail, keys, famous "stuff not to forget on the way out", gloves, soft hats, scarves, and so on. With a mirror above the shelf to check your self on the way out this is perfect for small spaces.(The vertical shelves are wooden office file storage, watch for them at garage sales!)
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Have a desk that it's a kitchen drawer and have a pedal board in it with the jack lead coming out the back, hidden bass setup. Second draw with kitchen utensils organiser for office supplies