Interesting foods I've eaten

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Sunday Snapshots: My First Pitaya, aka Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit by @SpicieFoodie - loved the dragon fruit in Thailand... kind of a mild flavor similar to kiwi with the seeds
Philippine Fruits
Langka or Jackfruit - enormous and prickly on the outside, it looks somewhat like durian (though jackfruit is usually even larger). The seeds or pits, which are round and dark like chesnuts. The fleshy part (the "bulb") can be eaten as is, or cut up and cooked. When unripe (green), it is remarkably similar in texture to chicken, making jackfruit an excellent vegetarian substitute for meat. In fact, canned jackfruit (in brine) is sometimes referred to as "vegetable meat".
Pomelo (Suha)
Pomelo... ah, this citrus fruit is the best of both worlds and seems to combine grapefruit and an orange and creates the best citrus fruit ever for breakfast... or whenever... Loved it
Kasoy / Cashew Nuts, Part II - Market Manila
Cashew - in Brazil they make a drink from the cashew fruit. Now you see why cashews are more expensive... only 1 nut per fruit!
Sayote - this is an interesting vegetable named differently in various countries... In Papua New Guinea we ate it roasted in the underground muu muu... but they said that it takes on flavors of whatever it is cooked with and therefore could put one apple with these in a pie!
14 Weird (But Super Healthy) Foods You Should Be Eating
BLOOD PUDDING Made from the dried blood of pigs or cows, this UK-popular dish tastes like sausage. Blood pudding contains “heam,” the type of iron absorbed most readily by the body, making it a strong defense against anemia.
14 Weird (But Super Healthy) Foods You Should Be Eating
LIVER: Loaded with vitamins A and B, this delicacy has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches, which, as those who suffer from them know, is worth slurping down this odd dish for.