Chicken coop ideas

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What NOT to Feed Chickens | The Prairie Homestead
Chickens are wonderful at cleaning up kitchen scraps, but there are a few things that may make your flock sick.
Decorating Advice
Chicken Coop Plans - by Lisa Steele of Fresh Eggs Daily for Better Homes & Gardens - Download plans to build a chicken coop.
Why to Raise Dairy Cows or Goats – Mother Earth News
Hey loft with opening above each stall for easy hay distribution
What You Need to Know Before Buying Chicks
Poop trays make for easy cleanup. "This is the way my husband built our hen coop. It is the greatest. I just pull them out and sweep the chicken poop into a big tub and it is ready to be added to composting. Absolutely love it! Clean-up is a breeze."
The Evolution of the Farm-Part 1
I like this idea for a tall deer-proof fence that doesn't obscure sight lines. Brava!
L101 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - Chicken Coop Design - How To Build An Insulated Chicken Coop
Backyard Chicken Coop Plans
The Vintage Bag Lady
Really digging this... Can build a shed, use one half for chicken coop like this one and then make rabbit hutches on the other side. Nice.