BBC Earth on Instagram: "The bill of the keel-billed toucan may appear heavy, but it is actually very lightweight. Their bills consist of hollow bones and a protein called keratin, the same material found in human hair, nails and skin. #EarthCapture by @praveensiddannavar . . . . #BBCEarth #Toucans #KeelBilledToucans #Birds #BirdBills #AmazingAnimals #WildlifePhotography"
Alaska Wildlife Cons. Center on Instagram: "Did you know that moose calves are excellent swimmers? It's true – moose babies can swim up to 10 miles per hour! Their front legs are longer than their back ones, which allows them to pick up speed quickly. . . 📸: courtesy of Adventure for Ava ( . . #funfacts #didyouknow #animalbabies #babyanimal #babyanimals #babyanimalsofinstagram #moose #mooseofinstagram #adorableanimal #animallover #animalrescue #wildliferescue #awcc #akwildlif
BBC Earth on Instagram: "Afternoon naps 😻 Jaguars nap in high tree branches to remain hidden during the daytime where they are perfectly positioned to ambush prey without warning. #EarthCapture by @praveensiddannavar . . . . #BBCEarth #BigCats #Jaguars #Feline #LandMammals #AmazingAnimals #WildlifePhotography"
Singita on Instagram: "In the last 25 years, the world's lion population has declined by half, with less than 25,000 of these magnificent big cats remaining. In the ongoing fight for the survival of this majestic species - a symbol of the African wild, and a barometer of the ecological health of the continent - we take stock of the work being done and what more is needed. The impressive strides being made by conservation organisations like @lionrecovery demonstrate that strategic and coordi