Beauty and Health

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El Mejor Colágeno Natural que elimina ARRUGAS y Manchas de la PIEL
El Mejor Colágeno Natural que elimina ARRUGAS y Manchas de la PIEL
Aceites que están listos para pelear contra las arrugas
Aceites que están listos para pelear contra las arrugas
4.2M views · 121K likes | #AceiteDeCoco #CoconutOil #CocoLovers #AceiteNatural #CuidadoDeLaPiel #CabelloSano #RutinaDeBelleza #BellezaNatural #Hidratación #RecetasSaludables... | By Salud Al Día | Tell him that there are four exams one, two, three, and four that are the most important in fact there are two of them that doctors are not asking for them and it would be up to you to ask your doctor to make the four most important are the most important precisely because they are the best indicators of how your health is your metabolism and how your life progression will be your possibility of you having a happy life in complete health No? Eh the four really are the first thing I'm going to say is pay no attention to cholesterol the truth is that cholesterol has no importance the pharmaceutical industry has not tried to sell the idea that high cholesterol is deadly has never been able to try that and to top it off there are already studies that show that you have seen it in other episodes of metabolism TV that the higher you have the cholesterol eh the people that more ah eh last are the people that higher have the cholesterol in reverse of what they tell us the people who last the least are those who have it lower cholesterol so worry about the cholesterol that that is not and obviously the gestatin that are the drugs that give that do a lot of damage now eh there is a hay of the four main exams that determine your health and your possibility that you suffer from health conditions or are not these four very important one this is really important triglycerides What does triglycerides mean? Triglycerides are fats that are floating in your blood this is dangerous eh in fact traditional medicine accepts as good as one hundred fifty eh but it's not good if you want to have real health triglycerides is important that they are in a hundred or less if while lower this below a hundred better because that is fat less fat that is floating in your blood the fat should not be floating in your blood because that same that covers the arteries so this is important and this always order the doctors the another exam is important is glucose in fasting but glucose in fast you have to know how to interpret most doctors I have talked many do not know how to interpret eh glucose in Fasting is this glucose that you take when you tell him to go to the analysis of laboratory you spend at night sleeping in the morning nor breakfast and arrives in fasting to the laboratory when you do that test there that is reflecting what is the glucose level that is the blood sugar that is without you having breakfast or eaten anything that level truth truth should be and is what reflects clinical studies eighty-five grams per deciliter or less i.e. the lower this number can be seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty-five less you are on the safe side there not there will be rare diseases nor cardiovascular problems and none of that so that is an indicator eh the one of glucose in fasting now there are two tests that usually doctors do not ask for and you should ask for it first because they are vital is one because they are very economical if you are going to make a test tell doctor to do me this other test and is that you must always test your vitamin D vitamin D is more important anticancer that exists this is super anticancer vitamin C levels traditional medicine accepts good up to thirty thirty that does not work if you want to protect yourself from cancer you your vitamin D levels should be between fifty and sixty nanograms per millilitre in fact if you have cancer you would have to carry them up to seventy ah up to sexty but fifty sixty is the protective level at that level of vitamin D eh you are of cancer now eh the other you do not ask is never very economical and is very important is the level of insulin in fasting think eh medicine always used to measure glucose and they forget to measure insulin eh but basically the truly healthy level is three to five from three to five eh of insulin in fasting eh the higher the insulin the more cancer will be known that insulin is cancer promoter promoter promoter insulin is a anabolic anabolic hormone means it grows the cell makes them grow from one to two from two to four from four to eight and so insulin promotes cell division eh and basically the more insulin the body has the more cancer will there are yes that more obesity more cancer eh so levels of truly healthy insulin is from three to five if you want life and want to have four parameters that you can measure for sure that you will be in good health or that a be loved your going to have good health these are the four main parameters ok triglycerides in one hundred or less glucose in fasting eighty five or less vitamin D of fifty sixty chicken insulin from three to five these are the four major laboratory exams that you you have to keep in mind to protect your health and that of your loved ones. And I comment on this because the truth always triumphs.
4.2M views · 121K likes | #AceiteDeCoco #CoconutOil #CocoLovers #AceiteNatural #CuidadoDeLaPiel #CabelloSano #RutinaDeBelleza #BellezaNatural #Hidratación #RecetasSaludables... | By Salud Al Día | Tell him that there are four exams one, two, three, and four that are the most important in fact there are two of them that doctors are not asking for them and it would be up to you to ask your doctor to make the four most important are the most important precisely because they are the best indicators of how your health is your metabolism and how your life progression will be your possibility of you having a happy life in complete health No? Eh the four really are the first thing I'm going to say is pay no attention to cholesterol the truth is that cholesterol has no importance the pharmaceutical
9.8K reactions · 467 shares | Que tal les parece este tips comente y me ayudan mucho con un me gusta. #makeup #makeuptutorial #maqiillaje #makeuptutorial | Maquillaje profesional
9.8K reactions · 467 shares | Que tal les parece este tips comente y me ayudan mucho con un me gusta. #makeup #makeuptutorial #maqiillaje #makeuptutorial | Maquillaje profesional
547K views · 98K reactions | Ropa negra 🖤. Deja tu petición para estas navidades 🥰👇🏼 #maquillajepararopanegra | Gerys
547K views · 98K reactions | Ropa negra 🖤. Deja tu petición para estas navidades 🥰👇🏼 #maquillajepararopanegra | Gerys
7.2M views · 150K reactions | YA NO TE DELINEES ASÍ ❌🐼 te enseño la manera correcta para que aprendas a delinearte en 5 min ✅ #maquillajeprofesional #maquillajefacil #delineado #maquillajedeojos | msteffanybeauty
7.2M views · 150K reactions | YA NO TE DELINEES ASÍ ❌🐼 te enseño la manera correcta para que aprendas a delinearte en 5 min ✅ #maquillajeprofesional #maquillajefacil #delineado #maquillajedeojos | msteffanybeauty
1.7M views · 25K reactions | tina_beautyx on Reels
1.7M views · 25K reactions | tina_beautyx on Reels
986K views · 16K reactions | Retin-a o tretinoina | By dra.liliayunuen | Facebook
986K views · 16K reactions | Retin-a o tretinoina | By dra.liliayunuen | Facebook
1.3K reactions · 93 shares | No dejes de usar crema de ojos #belleza #mujer #salud #yamilaguerra @highlight | By Yamila Guerra | Facebook
1.3K reactions · 93 shares | No dejes de usar crema de ojos #belleza #mujer #salud #yamilaguerra @highlight | By Yamila Guerra | Facebook
1.3K reactions · 93 shares | No dejes de usar crema de ojos #belleza #mujer #salud #yamilaguerra @highlight | By Yamila Guerra | Facebook
1.3K reactions · 93 shares | No dejes de usar crema de ojos #belleza #mujer #salud #yamilaguerra @highlight | By Yamila Guerra | Facebook
849K views · 146K reactions | Comenta SHOP abajo para recibir un mensaje directo con el enlace para comprar esta publicación en mi LTK ⬇ | Gerys
849K views · 146K reactions | Comenta SHOP abajo para recibir un mensaje directo con el enlace para comprar esta publicación en mi LTK ⬇ | Gerys
851K views · 19K reactions | No necesitas muchos suplementos (de hecho, no hay mucha evidencia científica que respalde la mayoría de ellos), pero si tuvieras que elegir 3, elegiría estos.Espero que esto ayude.Dra.Nuria Canizalez #dranuriacanizalez | DraNuria Canizalez
851K views · 19K reactions | No necesitas muchos suplementos (de hecho, no hay mucha evidencia científica que respalde la mayoría de ellos), pero si tuvieras que elegir 3, elegiría estos.Espero que esto ayude.Dra.Nuria Canizalez #dranuriacanizalez | DraNuria Canizalez
8.8K views · 28K reactions | No compres cremas caras #cubansinger #cubandancer #reelsinstagram #trending #viral #love #instagood #tiktok #cubanband #latinmusic #india #fyp #reel #instadaily #castingdirector #havananights #cantante #cubana #actriz#reelsvideo #like #foryou #music #instagramreels #yamilaguerra #explore  #cubanactress #latinband | Yamila Guerra | Cuban singer actress dancer Cuban Latin Band
8.8K views · 28K reactions | No compres cremas caras #cubansinger #cubandancer #reelsinstagram #trending #viral #love #instagood #tiktok #cubanband #latinmusic #india #fyp #reel #instadaily #castingdirector #havananights #cantante #cubana #actriz#reelsvideo #like #foryou #music #instagramreels #yamilaguerra #explore #cubanactress #latinband | Yamila Guerra | Cuban singer actress dancer Cuban Latin Band
3.8M views · 47K reactions | Botox para la piel es el mejor 🥰rejuvenece tu rostro de inmediato tienes que probarlo el resultado te encantará ✅ #salud #reelsfacebook #recetas #reelsvideos #botox #skincare #videoviral #BellezaNatural #reelfb #belleza #botoxfacial #joven #tutorial #botoxface #facebookreel #reelsviral #piel #facial #Nivea #CREMA #vitaminaE #videotutorial #saludybienestar #beautytips #tips #beauty #tipsdebelleza #TipsDeSalud #consejos #virals | Angiebeauty03
3.8M views · 47K reactions | Botox para la piel es el mejor 🥰rejuvenece tu rostro de inmediato tienes que probarlo el resultado te encantará ✅ #salud #reelsfacebook #recetas #reelsvideos #botox #skincare #videoviral #BellezaNatural #reelfb #belleza #botoxfacial #joven #tutorial #botoxface #facebookreel #reelsviral #piel #facial #Nivea #CREMA #vitaminaE #videotutorial #saludybienestar #beautytips #tips #beauty #tipsdebelleza #TipsDeSalud #consejos #virals | Angiebeauty03