Meditation bench

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Pi, Meditation Stool, Yoga Seat, Recycled Oak Wine Barrel Staves. - Etsy
Pi meditation stool yoga seat recycled oak wine barrel | Etsy
DIYでキャンプ用ウッドラックとクーラーボックススタンドを作りました | ゆったりOutdoor
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Meditation Stools | Foter
Meditation Stools - Ideas on Foter
Walnut Meditation Bench with knock-down maple tusks
This a handmade meditation bench is made from solid black walnut. If you'd like to store it or travel with it, the legs easily are easily separated and reattached with the maple tusks (wedges) which can easily be knocked in or out using the included handmade wooden mallet. You sit on the sloping seat, with your knees on the floor in front of you (pillow optional), and your feet and ankle directly under the seat. This offers the most comfortable position to meditate. The bench sits off the grou