Dream Meanings

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What Does a Demon Mean in a Dream?
Dreaming about demons is usually quite scary! However, the good news is, more often than not it’s not the devil coming after you in your dream. But what does it mean when you dream about the devil? Read on to find out.
Can Deceased Loved Ones Really Communicate Through Dreams?
When your loved ones visit you in your dreams, they send you their energy as sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions. And in your open state of sleep, you are able to see it through your dreams.
33 Ways to Develop Your Intuition
Like most people, it probably surprises you to know that this skill is something that you can develop. It is not like one of those things where you have to be gifted naturally. Intuition is used by most of us daily. It’s just that we are not always aware we are actually applying it.
Peacock Dream Meaning
Peacocks are definitely among the most extravagant-looking birds on the Earth. Their beautiful iridescent blue-green colored feathers spread out in a train make them look out of this world. That’s why it’s not surprising that these birds appear as sacred in different cultures and religions.
Here are Some of the Common Color Symbols and Their Meanings
Black is the darkest of colors and while it can be associated with depression, sadness, and loneliness, the meanings are more complex and diverse. Yes, you might be feeling anger towards others, but if you are wearing black clothes as you might in a work situation, it can mean that it is time to become more serious about your goals within your career. If you dream of blackened windows in a church, it tells you that you should be aware that trouble is coming your way.
What Does It Mean to Dream About Missing a Flight
Dreaming about missing a flight can be quite uncomfortable. Usually, we don’t feel very good after such dreams. Instead, they make us feel anxious and nervous; like we are missing something. Even worse, such dreams can often be repetitive. So what’s the catch? How should we interpret such dreams? Today; we try to get to the bottom of this issue.
Insects Dream Symbol Meaning
Insects are everywhere around us, and often, they appear in our dreams, too. There are countless dream scenarios regarding insects, and just as many meanings. Dream interpretation depends on many factors, including what kind of insect it was, what was the dream location, what were you doing, and how you felt during that. In this article, we’ll cover some common symbols and scenarios regarding insects in dreams.
How to Remember Your Dreams
Perhaps you are interested in knowing what your dreams mean, but you are having trouble remembering them. However, all is not lost. There are things you can do to help yourself remember your dreams. Dreams can help you to work out what is going on in your life. Here we will give you 10 tips which will help you to remember your dreams. They are all relatively easy to do, and in addition to you remembering your dreams, you will probably get a better night’s sleep.
What It Means to Dream About Mountains
Have you experienced dreaming about a mountain? In this article, we will take a closer look at what your dream may mean to your waking life. There is not a single continent in this world where mountains do not exist. These natural, timeless creations are massive and sustain all sorts of terrains and climates. Hence, the flora and fauna you can find here greatly differ.
What Does It Mean to Dream About a Teacher?
The teacher in your dream is any type of individual who is there to teach you a lesson or provide you with information or some kind of wisdom and insight about a certain situation. There are situations in life when you will encounter rivals or stiff competition. We usually see teachers as authority figures, which may mean. Dreaming about a teacher can symbolize several different things, and understanding these allows you to become a better interpreter of your dreams.
What Does It Mean to Dream of a Platypus?
Dreams about these extraordinary animals advocate individuality and boldness. These animals appearing in our dreams are usually a good omen, and can be seen as a motivational force. Here are a few common meanings of dreams about platypuses.
What Wisdom Does the Mockingbird Tell Us in Dreams or As a Spirit Animal?
The mockingbird is a very interesting type of bird. From the outside, a mockingbird does look special at all. It is a grey, humble-looking bird. But, mockingbirds have a knack at imitating every sound they hear. In cities, they even tend to pick up on random urban sounds, like car alarms. But what does it mean when you dream about a mockingbird? What about when it appears as a spirit animal? Today, we talk about the symbolism of mockingbirds.
Ice Dream Meaning
Ice comes in many different varieties such as a frozen pond, an icy street, an icicle, or even an ice sculpture. So what does it mean if you dream about ice? Because there are so many different ways we can encounter ice, the meanings are varied and in this article, we will look at some of them.
Aquarium Dream Meaning
If you dream about a fish tank it can mean that your feelings are repressed. You could feel as if you are trapped just like the fish in the tank. If you are watching the fish in your dream, you need to unwind as you have been stressed. If you see yourself inside a fish tank, it can mean that you feel as if you are on display. This can be either positive or negative depending on how you feel about having everyone looking at you.
Platypus Dream & Spirit Animal Meaning
If you wonder what 30 million years of physical separation from the rest of the world can do to a continent’s flora and fauna, look at Australia. More than 80% of animals and plants endemic to this continent are found nowhere else on this planet. One of these animals is the platypus. It’s a mammal like no other. In fact, dreams about platypuses are quite symbolic. In this article, we’ll give you a detailed interpretation of platypus symbolism.