*Emotions & Feelings. Reggio

29 Pins
Preschool: All About Me - Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten
This emotions play dough mat is a great way to reinforce emotion vocabulary. Great for tot school, preschool, or even kindergarten!
Feelings Charts and Feeling Faces
I often use feeling faces in my sessions. When I first meet with a client, especially a younger one, I often have them match feeling words to feeling face cards. We then process these feelings by t…
Mental Health Support, Resources & Information
"When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary." Love this quote from Fred Rogers! It's so important to raise kids with emotional intelligence.
Guess the Emotion Game
School Time Snippets: Guess the Emotion Game. Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at pinterest.com/sostherapy/ for therapy resources.
CSEFEL: Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Early Head Start | CSEFEL: Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early ...
Writing Workshop Showing not Telling
write about feeling for daily journaling... how are you feeling today? why? if it's not good, how can you fix it? if it is good, how can you help others feel good too?
Keep Kids Active this Summer with Change4Life and Disney
Disney Inside Out Inspired active emotions game for kids. Learning to identify and label emotions
All About Me Activities, Crafts, and Lessons Plans
All about me mirror craft, rhyme and activity for preschool and kindergarten
The Zones of Regulation In Room 122
" Research has shown that the ability to self-regulate is essential to the development of learning skills and work habits (Baumeister & V...
Feelings and Emotions Unit for Preschool - including activities, book recommendations, and resources! {undergodsmightyhand.com}
Help Students Understand What Sorry Means · Mrs. P's Specialties
Understanding what it means to be sorry can be an abstract concept for students with autism and other related disabilities. Here is an approach with visuals to help break it down and make it meaningful for students.