Chinese Garden & Landscape

Maximum joy, minimum fuss: How to create a low-maintenance front garden
Lavender to lead the way!! What a beautiful, Charming, and romantic way to walk to your home, or a friends home!! Be relaxed by the sent and create a air of calm and beauty.
Camellia Japonica 'Mrs Tingley' - Chinese Rose
Camilla Japonica: ideal for planting under pine trees. Acidic soil, part shade…
Chinese magnolia at the Garden of Ninfa in Cisterna di Latina, central Italy
Chinese magnolia at the Garden of Ninfa in Cisterna di Latina, central Italy
RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015 - The Artisan Gardens
RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015 - The Artisan Gardens | Flowerona
Good Feng Shui for Home, Garden Design and Front Yard Landscaping Ideas
Feng Shui for Home, Garden and Front Yard Landscaping Ideas
11 Fragrant Night-Blooming Flowers That Will Make Your Evenings So Much Lovelier
This richly fragrant bulb, Polianthes tuberosa, was a Victorian favorite…
How To Grow And Care For Chinese Snowball Viburnum, Spring's Most Elegant Flowering Shrub
Chinese snowball is one of spring's showiest shrubs. White flower clusters 6 to…
Plum Blossoms
The national flower of the Republic of China is Plum Blossom; known as the…
Sarah Raven - All you need for a beautiful & productive garden
Clematis wilsonii 'Montana' I want to grow this white clematis up and through…
17 Cottage Garden Plants for a Yard Full of Color
Bellflower- best plants for cottage gardens... This tough perennial produces…