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Great Fake Websites to Help Teach Students About Digital Literacy
An internet search might be a good place to start to find out about something, but we shouldn’t just trust the first website result we find. This is especially true when using the internet for research with students. How can we teach them digital literacy and critical thinking skills we all need to survive in the digital world?
Games to get ESL students speaking English with confidence
Games are a GREAT way to help English Langauge Learners (ELLs) start to produce spoken language and lower their affective filter (basically their nervousness) around speaking and pronunciation. Games work for ALL ages--you just need to select the game that best fits the age and needs of your students. Here are some that you might find useful in your ESL classroom! : )
5 Tips to Help Your ELLs Succeed in Your Content Area Class
Struggling to make content area instruction accessible to your ELLs? Here are five tips to help your beginning ELLs be successful in your content area or ESL classroom. Includes activities for building beginning vocabulary in your ELL newcomers, building academic vocabulary, using visuals, and more!
How to Teach Grammar: A Guide for TEFL Teachers | ESL Speaking
Grammar lessons can be tricky for a variety of reasons. They can be boring. The grammar might be too challenging for the students. The teacher sometimes feels overwhelmed when trying to present and explain all those complex rules.
ESL Pronunciation Games, Activities, Worksheets and Lesson Plans
Are you looking for some of the best ESL pronunciation activities and games for your English learners? Then you’re definitely in the right place. We’re going to give you a quick rundown on some of the best things you can do in class to help your students with English pronunciation. Let’s get to it! Keep on reading for everything you need to know, including our favourite games for ESL pronunciation.
ESL Math Vocabulary That ESL Students Need To Know - Fun to Teach
ESL Teacher tips all about math strategies for ESL math vocabulary for k-5 students who are ELLs in your classroom.