Medieval/Rennaissance Spanish Costume

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Tomb of Queen Elisende, 1322-1327, Monestir de Pedralbes, Barcelona. Note the loose hair.
Digitale Bibliothek - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
Kostüme der Männer und Frauen in Augsburg und Nürnberg, Deutschland, Europa, Orient und Afrika - 1570-1600 ca. Costumi di uomini e donne di Spagna
Digitale Bibliothek - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
Costumi di uomini e donne di Spagna 4th quarter 16th c Kostüme der Männer und Frauen in Augsburg und Nürnberg, Deutschland, Europa, Orient und Afrika - BSB Cod.icon. 341, Augsburg, 4. Viertel 16. Jh. [BSB-Hss Cod.icon. 341]
Extant partlet (gorguera) First half of the 16th century Instituto Valencia de Don Juan from the Haptic Historian
245723777_d90df2be87 by martelvonc, via Flickr
COFIA DE TRANZADO o simplemente tranzado (2b)
Capillejo o cofia de red tranzado. H.1480-9, Nacimiento de San Juan, Domingo Ram, retablo de San Juan, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York (detalle)
Castel San Pietro, Chiesa Rossa, Mendrisiotto, Canto
Castel San Pietro, Chiesa Rossa, Mendrisiotto, Canto, renzo dionigi. Church and murals completed in 1345.
The woman in this image is wearing a Chopine, which is an Italian platform shoe that was popular in Renaissance period.
Extant details - Acessories, Birrete
Birrete of Fernando de la Cerda (1252-1275), silk embroidered by gold and silver, convent Las Huelgas, near Burgos