직지소프트 | 직지폰트 | SM3세고딕
[Fonts in Use: SM세고딕] . <아트・디자인 마켓 《사물, 시간, 마음》> POSTER · 2022 . 디자인: 체조스튜디오 @chejostudio - ‘정성껏 잘 만든 아름답고 유용한 사물’을 한 자리에 모아 알리고 또한 판매로 이어지게 하기 위한 자리인 본 마켓은, 고유한 안목과 관점을 가진 스튜디오 및 브랜드 팀을 초대하여 공예와 디자인, 예술작품을 선보입니다. ​ ✍︎[Fonts in Use]는 오랫동안 꾸준히 사랑받는 직지SM서체가 사용된 국내외 디자이너의 멋진 작업을 소개하고 기록합니다. - #직지폰트 #직지소프트 #그래픽디자인 #타이포그라피 #타이포 #jikjisoft #jikjifont #font #typography #hangul #hangeul #typeface #FontinUse #Typo #smfont #archive #designarchives #전시 #sm세고딕 #SM클래식
24. Sage Green And Taupe Color Palette Color Palette with Ebony (Hex #4F5743) + Reseda Green (Hex #6
24. Sage Green And Taupe Color Palette Color Palette with Ebony (Hex #4F5743) + Reseda Green (Hex #6B7460) + Bone (Hex #DCD1C3) + Beaver (Hex #B29784) + Taupe (Hex #483C32) Color Palette with Hex Codes
Terracotta Colour Combination #Colour Palette 60
Terracotta Colour Combination : A beautiful earthy colour combination of warm and cool tones. Terracotta Colour Combination A beautiful colour palette that inspired by terracotta's wall and green giant leaves. This combination of green leaves again rusty terracotta walls are simply stunning.
Premium Colour Palette Colour Palette With CMYK, RGB & Hex Codes Designer Branding for Small Businesses Dark Green, Orange Brown - Etsy
Neutral colour palette, moss dark green with neutrals, brown with rust orange colour palette, colour palette for wedding, coffee and cream sand, latter colour, brown green.
Green Color Palette | Green Palette Aesthetic | Nature Inspired Palette | Earthy Color Palette
This color palette brings a sense of nature to your design projects. Featuring a rich mix of earthy and vibrant green hues. Use these colors to create a nature inspired brand. This color palette is perfect for a range of design projects, from branding and packaging to web design and social media graphics.
Brown and Green Color Palette | Color Scheme Generator
Brown and Green Color Palette: Lush green leaves with a warm brown underside, creating a rich and natural contrast. The combination of earthy tones evokes a sense of warmth and vitality.
Canva Colour Palette with Hex Codes - Canva Designs
A nature inspired aesthetic colour palette in shades of green with a pop of cream. Type these hex codes into the colour field on Canva to use for your next design. Feature available with Canva Pro. #colorinspiraton #colorschemes #colorpalettes #branding