Inspiration & Motivation

Daily quotes & reminders for those who need them! We are spiritual warriors for Christ and we are sicking together to do God’s will. United we are stronger! Let’s do this ❤️
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Let Go & Let God!
Post narcissistic abuse we learn to turn it all over to God. When we do that, He will take care of everything. “When God Speaks” playlist with inspirational and encouraging videos available!
Silencing the Abusers!
As we armor up daily with the word of God, the foolish abusers are silenced. When it used to be the other way around with abusers silencing their victims. But when God awakened us, everything changed. The last shall be first and the first shall be last!
Keep Going!
When walking with Christ, we do not give up nor give in. For we will reap what we sow in spirit! Remember, everything is on God’s time, not ours. Trials and tribulations shall soon pass, in Jesus’s name, amen.
Inspirational Prayer
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit abide in you. The Godhead. No matter what the enemy throws out way, we will overcome with the Godhead. Amen.
A Pure Heart
God looks for the pure heart, not what is on the outside of man. God is watching for repentance and righteousness. Any wickedness, such as high mindedness and arrogance will be judged by God. One must be aware of such wickedness, and to be aware, we must read the word of God daily.
Peace is Within!
Because God is a spirit in us, peace is also within us. Once we find it, we learn to protect it by not letting all the “external” distractions disrupt the peace. We learn that not everyone nor everything can have access to us. Lov and light, always ✨💞🙏
God Will Make A Way!
No man can stop what God has planned for us. When it seems like there is no way because of resistance, God helps us find a way around that resistance, turning negatives into positives!
Keep the Faith!
God is with us always. After all, He is a spirit in us. Through thick and thin, God will never leave us nor foraske us. Let us keep on keeping on! In Jesus’s name, amen.
On God’s Time!
We often try to rush things and learn we cannot get ahead of God. He is a way maker even when there seems to be no way. Trust God! He’s got this.