Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding Tips to make postpartum, new mom life, and breast feeding easier and more simple! Breast milk storage, pumping, and work/life balance included. breastfeeding newborns, breastfeeding for beginners, breastfeeding to build supply, breastfeeding latch support, tandem nursing, tandem breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, exclusively breastfed, combination feeding
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Emotions, Boobs, and Magic. A Breastfeeding Story.
Ashley�s journey is one that is common to many breastfeeding moms with some ups and downs, funny moments, and lots of sweet memories!
A Guide to Tandem Nursing
When my second daughter was born, I found myself in a place I had never dreamed I would be! First, breastfeeding while pregnant. And then, nursing two babies at once! tandem nursing, tandem breastfeeding, nursing while pregnant, nursing a newborn and a toddler, breastfeeding a newborn and toddler, nursing 2 kids, breastfeeding 2 kids, nursing tandem, breastfeeding blog, breastfeeding tips, breastfeeding tips for tandem nursing
Lactation Cookie Recipe — Milk + Honey
You can make your own delicious lactation cookies from home! A tried and true recipe, these cookies are vegan, gluten-free, and super yummy! Other substitutions are indicated, too. ENJOY!
Milk + Honey — Amanda's Breastfeeding Story: Adjusting When Things Don’t Go “As Planned”
This week’s story comes from Amanda. After a “perfect” pregnancy and going into labor on her due date, she ended up with an emergency cesarean section that threw a kink in her breastfeeding plans. Throw in some other complications that came up and she had to learn how to feed her baby in her not-so-perfectly planned way.
Milk + Honey — Macy's Breastfeeding Journey with D-MER
D-MER is something many people don't know about. Read here about Macy's journey breastfeeding her son and how she discovered she had D-MER.
Katie's Breastfeeding Story
This week’s story comes from Katie. She had a tough beginning and had to work hard with a lactation consultant, but she pushed through to have a sweet experience with her son.
Sara's Breastfeeding Journey & Milk Protein Intolerance
Our story this week comes from Sara. Sara discovered that her daughter had a milk protein intolerance and shares how she had to not only make adjustments to her diet, but how it had an impact on her breastfeeding journey.
A Breastfeeding Story from an Oversupplier
Our story this week comes from Dana. She shares her journey as an oversupplier with breastfeeding. While many moms might be envious of her milk supply, Dana shares first hand about how such a �blessing� can also come with its fair share of tro
Lyndsay's Difficult Pregnancy and Beautiful Breastfeeding Story
This week, our story comes from Lyndsay. She experienced many difficult obstacles during her pregnancy which had her worried about breastfeeding and what it would look like. In the end, she overcame a difficult road that lead to a beautiful breastfeeding journey!
Milk + Honey — Jackie's Story
Jackie's Breastfeeding Story
Breinne's Story - Finding the "Sterling" Silver Lining
This week�s story comes from Breinne. She shares how her world was turned upside down so quickly, facing unimaginiable circumstances. Be sure to grab a box of tissues.
Milk + Honey — What To Do When Your Child Isn't Feeling Well
What do you when your child inevitably gets sick? Here are the best tips and tricks to help your kids feel better while they’re under the weather and get back to themselves fast! #milkandhoneyblog #milkandhoney #sickkid #sickchild, what to do when your ch
Breastfeeding in the NICU - Kelsee's Story
Our story this week comes from Kelsee. She always knew she would breastfeed, but after some unexpected events, that wouldn�t prove to be easy. Yet Kelsee pushed on and worked hard to provide for her daughter as best as she could!
Share Your Breastfeeding Story!
We would love to hear your story! Whether it was short or long, easy or difficult, your story could help another mom know that they aren't alone in this journey! #breastfeeding #breastfeedingstories #breastfeedingjourney #milkandhoney #milkandhoneyjewelry
Milk + Honey — Barrett's Story
Our story this week comes from Katy. Katy’s story is heartwrenching, and you may want to make sure you have a box of tissues nearby. We are grateful to her for her vulnarability in sharing her story with us. #milkandhoneyblog