Sewing hacks

203 Pins
Weaver’s Knot Tutorial
If you’re looking for a secure way to join two pieces of yarn, try a weaver’s knot. It’s an alternative to a Magic Knot, and works just as well! #BernatYarn #Yarnspirations #WeaversKnot #CrochetTip #CrochetTutorial #HowToCrochet #LearnToCrochet
This may contain: someone is knitting something on the table with scissors and yarn in front of them that reads, magic knot how to join yarn when knitting or crocheting
The magic knot #fabric #yarn #sewing #quilting #pattern #knitting #crochet
This may contain: someone is cutting through the side of a pair of jeans with their fingers and thumbnails
Hand sewing
#sewing #sewingforbeginners
This may contain: someone is sewing on a pink shirt with an orange stitcher and needle in front of the machine
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This may contain: someone is working on the sewing machine with yellow tape
Pratik dikiş fikirleri
How to sew straight - top sewing tips to help you stitch like a pro
In this video sewing tutorial on topstitching you will learn how to sew straight using special sewing machine presser feet like Edge Guide foot or Blind Stitch foot. You will like these sewing tips if you like to sew DIY clothes or like quilting. Very interesting sewing ideas you can use right away. Good for beginners and advanced sewers. #howtosew #sewingideas #sewingtools #sewingtips #sewingtutorials