Pose Breakdowns

Learn about all of your favorite yoga poses and proper techniques with our pose breakdowns!
118 Pins
Patitatarasana (Fallen Triangle) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
Patitatarasana (Fallen Triangle) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino ✨ Stack the shoulder over the wrist ✨ Extend the arm upward ✨ Lift the hips ✨ Engage the glutes ✨ Press down into the palm ✨ Lift from the shoulder joint ✨ Activate the core ✨ Both legs are straight 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Purvottanasana (Reverse Plank) Pose Breakdown
Purvottanasana (Reverse Plank) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Tatiana Uprimny ✨ The shoulder blades are down the back ✨ Suck in the lower belly ✨ Tuck the tailbone under ✨ Press the base of the big toes toward each other ✨ Point the feet ✨ Strengthen the legs ✨ Spiral the thighs toward each other 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Modified Cobra Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
✨ Sit on the edge of the chair ✨ Hold the chair back with both hands ✨ Lift through the chest ✨ Open the heart ✨ Keep the feet grounded 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Modified Downward Facing Dog Pose Breakdown
Modified Downward Facing Dog Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino ✨ Knees are hip-width apart ✨ Lift the sits bones ✨ Keep arms straight ✨ Fingertips point forward ✨ Back is straight ✨ Bring the forehead toward the mat 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
OmStars – Online yoga classes for beginners and advanced yogis
Side Plank Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino MacGregor ✨ Stack the feet ✨ Tuck the pelvis ✨ Extend through the crown of the head ✨ Press through the shoulder ✨ Lift your arm upward 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Vrksasana (Tree Pose) Pose Breakdown
Vrksasana (Tree Pose) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Audrey ✨ Sole of foot on inner thigh ✨ Press the thigh into the foot ✨ Hands together in prayer ✨ Activate your core ✨ Lift through the chest ✨ Keep both hips facing forward ✨ Gaze at a single spot 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Bhujapidasana Pose Breakdown
Bhujapidasana Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Eddie (@eddy_m_rivero) ✨ Shoulders strong ✨ Core is tight ✨ Thighs press into the upper arms ✨ Hips are up and back ✨ Engage your pelvic floor ✨ Point the toes ✨ Chest is forward 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Cobra Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino MacGregor
Cobra Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino MacGregor ✨ Lift through your chest ✨ Keep your forearms on the ground ✨ Stack your shoulders over your elbows ✨ Lengthen through your back ✨ Lengthen your neck ✨ Point your feet straight back behind you ✨ Keep your legs straight ✨ Keep your pelvis grounded 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Bridge Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Tatiana Uprimny
Bridge Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Tatiana Uprimny ✨ Keep your neck long ✨ Hold your ankles ✨ Externally rotate your shoulders ✨ Activate your legs ✨ Let your knees spiral in ✨ Engage your core 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Modified Half Moon Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
✨ Your feet are flat on the floor ✨ Your knees are together ✨ Lift through your ribcage ✨ Clasp your hands overhead ✨ Lengthen through the spine ✨ Firm your core ✨ Keep your elbows straight ✨ Bend your torso sideways 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Modified Simple Bridge Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
Modified Simple Bridge Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino ✨ Feet are flat on the ground ✨ Feet are hip-width apart ✨ Hold the sides of the chair ✨ Let the chair support your back ✨ Lengthen through the spine ✨ Allow the back to arch 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Gate Pose (Parighasana) Pose Breakdown
Gate Pose (Parighasana) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino ✨ Square your hips to the front ✨ Bend knee at 90 degree angle ✨ Straighten leg ✨ Reach toward your ankle ✨ Straighten your arm overhead ✨ Lift your ribcage ✨ Lean to the side ✨ Look at your top hand 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Ustrasana (Camel) Pose Breakdown
Ustrasana (Camel) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino (@kinoyoga) ✨ Keep hips over the knees ✨ Lift chest ✨ Let head go back ✨ Strong arms and legs ✨ Press down through feet 💛 Head to the link in bio for our new pose tutorial blog post! #PoseBreakdown #YogaPose #YogaAsana #YogaCommunity #YogaFam #Omstars #OmstarsYoga #YogaPoseTutorial #YogaPoseBreakdown #OmstarsTutorial #OmstarsBlog #PoseOfTheDay #YogaPoseHowTo #YogaForEveryone #NewBlog
Yin Yoga Pigeon Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
Yin Yoga Pigeon Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino ✨ Your back leg is straight behind you ✨ Your front shin is parallel to the top of the map ✨ Relax your torso forward ✨ Rest your head on your arm ✨ Your hips are square to the front of the mat ✨ Relax your entire body ✨ Allow your hips to open 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!
Bhekasana (Frog) Pose Breakdown 💫 ft. Kino
✨ Look towards your nose ✨ Lift through the upper body ✨ Elbows spiral toward each other ✨ Engage your back ✨ Bring your feet to the outside of your hips ✨ Engage your quadriceps ✨ Press your iliac crests into the ground ✨ Lift the chest 💛 Head to our new pose tutorial blog post!